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I thought this would an awesome thread to discuss the little and often hilarious things that annoy us on neopets. im not talking hot debates like pre vs post conversions or TNT(cough*NCoverlords*cough). Just a fun, inconsequential thread :D :D


ill get the ball rolling -


i think its hilarious when my pet is starving or dying and i go to give her food and she's like 'bleugh get that thing away from me'. my reaction is always "OK THEN STARVE TO DEATH YOU UNGRATEFUL -' :P


oh and when i try for the wheel of excitement avatar and that light faerie says "oh you win a spectacular prize: here's 136np'. patronizing faerie :P


ETA: Just remembered: when my pet is any colour (eg, jelly) and the lab ray changes the colour.... to jelly *facepalm*


I totally agree with the ones you've posted.


For me, I find it funny when my pets like "if you're going to leave me like this then you may aswell paint me grey :(" I'm just sat there like OK YOU UNGRATEFUL TWIT I WILL IF YOU PAY FOR THE PB. :laughingsmiley:


On the note of patronizing faeries, there is also a lot of other patronizing characters around neo! :mellow:

For me, I find it funny when my pets like "if you're going to leave me like this then you may aswell paint me grey :(" I'm just sat there like OK YOU UNGRATEFUL TWIT I WILL IF YOU PAY FOR THE PB. :laughingsmiley:


haha so true! i actually have a pet i want to morph into a grey cybunny and he said that to me last time. i was like uhm-- yeah thats why im playing KQ pft


Biggest pet peeve is when flash shuts down in the middle of my games. Was on the last level of Grand Theft Ummagine when that happened last night. Nearly threw my laptop at the wall, but strongly refrained myself from doing so. :(


It peeves me when sellers on the trading post don't put up what they want for exchange on the wishing list nor don't answer emails inquiring about them - that's very rude!


Also, when an item deflates after I bought it, so no reselling value there.


Joining a guild that's all ready close-knit and feeling left out or ignored.


Holding off from buying a wanted item to only have it inflate by a lot.


Getting unwanted duplicates from the wonderclaw machine.


Believing all my workers in the habitarium have rested only to see one of their bar's not moving and then having to refresh.


Accidentally donating items to the money tree.


On the trading post when people don't post what they are looking for and when you neomail them with an offer they still say I don't know what it is worth. If you don't know what it is worth find out before you start trying to sell.


People who accept an offer on their pet but then backout.


Key Quest quitters.


People that raid my Habi.


People that steal accounts.


People that are intentionally rude on the boards, no it doesn't make you cool no matter what you think.




I hate it when you buy an expensive book, but your pet is like " that is such a boring book" and wont read it

HTS items *mumbles something about zombie flotsam mp*

KQ quitters

laggy games- maybe thats my coimputer though lol


And lovedwallflower.........



I agree with a lot of the above, especially the Wheel of Excitement faerie and when you go to an account where the owner is clearly on a lot and puts a lot of work in but all the pets have sad faces.


My pet peeves include:


When my pet gets sick from one of the dailies and the healing faerie doesn't heal him/her right away. I hate looking at the sad face!!!

When I am running my habitarium and trying to do other stuff on my computer but I can't because habi slows my computer down so much

Forgetting to collect my bank interest before I put nps in or take them out


I am sure there are more...


I used to always hate when my pet wouldn't eat things or read things. Or sometimes if it's sad and I try to play with it or groom it it says it's had enough of that for today or whatever.


I agree with rainshower about the trading post - TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! And of course, everyone is annoyed by Key Quest quitters. I try to remind myself that I've "quit" on others when my computer has crashed and to give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm not a big fan of some of the NC items, either. A few of them really do seem to give buyers an advantage.


I'll probably think of others later...


I JUST started playing Key Quest today, and on my second game (when I was going to win) a person quit.


But I know that pets won't eat anything with the same amount of letters as their name, and once you change your language they'll eat it.

I don't know if it's the same for books though.


Forgetting to collect my bank interest before I put nps in or take them out

Ughh I always do that... :laughingsmiley:



Much like everyone else I also hate KQ quitters and unpriced TP items.



But I know that pets won't eat anything with the same amount of letters as their name, and once you change your language they'll eat it.

I don't know if it's the same for books though.

It's the same for books! :)


I hate it when you buy an expensive book, but your pet is like " that is such a boring book" and wont read it



Just change the language and it will read it..


Drama on the boards :/

And trolls, and wanting to improve highscore on a certain game, but doing so would risk losing the avatar for that game so you don't.


Discovering that Habitarium glitched and has done nothing for the past several hours.

This. Just this.

I usually wake up in the morning eager to collect the 40K or so that has accumulated overnight.

And then there are the days where I find about 2K. :c


like some of you have said that patronizing light faerie on wheel of excitement. NO I DON'T THINK 50NP IS A SPECTACULAR PRIZE, I JUST LOST 450NP. I like to imagine my Xweetok biting her after a bad prize.


I was also really peeved (more at myself) when I was trying for some of the random avvies and I was hitting f5, letting the page load then do it again and it was taking for-ever then my boyfriend said "why don't you just hold down f5 for a couple minutes, the page will reload a bunch before it even loads. Then I got the avatars I wanted in like 3 minutes. GAH!


People who try to hoodwink others with trading, especially NC cause that's real money. When I first started with NC I traded a 750NC MME for something worth 1-2 caps and the other person clearly knew what they were doing.


People who brag about how many avatars/trophies they have when they've obviously been cheating - and just people who cheat and think they can sneak away with it.


When people are nasty to new players.


On the trading post when people don't post what they are looking for and when you neomail them with an offer they still say I don't know what it is worth. If you don't know what it is worth find out before you start trying to sell.


Worse when all they say is that they know what it's worth. Not everyone know the value of everything.


And cashing in a key quest gold key, only to get 4 1np items. That's a slap in the face There should at least always be one negg, codestone or map piece among the prizes, those are always worth something.

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