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Shootings at Batman Film, Denver.


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I'm sure most of you will of seen it too by now, but for anyone who hasn't, take a look.


A 3 month old and a 6 year old amongst those injured.


This is horrific :( for what they are worth my thoughts are with the victims and their families who were just trying to watch a film at the cinema.


What a horrible world we live in.

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I always have to insert some kind of political agenda...don't worry, it has nothing to do with guns.


This case really illuminates the need to be able to text police. Obviously, you wouldn't be able to text 911, but if there was a police cell phone number (that didn't make it onto spam radars at all) then people in emergencies could text the police. That way, they would not have to wait to be able to get through (which I have had to do before, and it caused serious delay in getting treatment to someone because it was busy for ten minutes), and someone also wouldn't have to worry as much about the shooter hearing them.


I don't know if that would have helped in this case, because I (thankfully) was not in this theater. I don't know the situation any more than anyone else who read about it. Perhaps more people could have faked dead and survived, or not gotten hit. Then again, perhaps the people in other theaters called for them. But it can't hurt, right?




Now that I've finished that...


Things like this...I don't even know what to say. I was stunned for some time this morning, and a few minutes ago (three hours after I heard about it) I got tears in my eyes. Every time I hear about something bad, I always want to see how things like this can be prevented or at least improved. (I'm a real life Captain Hindsight.) But the fact is, I can't solve problems like this. No one can. And that is terrifying--these things can happen at any moment.

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I really couldn't believe it when I saw a headline about this. I live in Colorado, so my first thought was to find out where it happened. When I saw Denver, I panicked a bit, considering I have friends and family in Denver. Though none in Aurora, some are close. Aurora is just a little bit more than an hour from me.


I had a friend that used to drive to Denver with his entire family and a bunch of friends for midnight showings of movies like this. (I was invited several times, but never went) The super hero movies were always his favorite. (He had moved back to New Jersey a year or so ago, so I knew there was no chance he was involved, but it just goes to show how easy it is to be involved in something like this, even in a city an hour away.)


Things like this are just terrifying and just make no sense at all. Not that you would really expect this to happen anywhere, at any time, but a shooting at a movie is just baffling.


There's just so much devastation to this situation, and situations like it. Not just the friends and family of those that were killed, but the lives of those that were injured, or just there. (And their family and friends.) So much about their lives just won't be the same. This is something they'll never forget or stop thinking about. It's been 13 years since the Columbine HS shooting, and many people still think of it and remember it as if it happened yesterday.

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The only reason I came to TDN this morning was cause I heard about this and was wondering if you were okay since you're my only Colorado friend.

Snd you scared me cause you werent online, tyvm. Dx

But you're alright so I can neglect TDN for a few more days. -goes back to Neo-

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I read about it in the news - such horrible news .. my heart goes out to the victims and their families


I mean , can you imagine it ? you're going to the movies to watch your favorite super hero , you're buying popcorn for your kids , and then BAM!!! bullets are flying everywhere ...

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This is horrible, and tragic and disgusting. How could someone do something like this to innocent people that presumably did nothing to him? It makes my stomach hurt. Fathers, brothers,sisters, mothers and children were lost. And there was a poor woman there who had survived another attack, just to get killed for nothing weeks later. This is the kind of stuff that terrifies me. It's why I've panicked ever since I was young whenever my parents went somewhere and weren't back to me soon enough. Now-a-days I still panic and worry a ton whenever my father goes somewhere and doesn't get back for a long time and doesn't pick up his phone. My mind instantly races to the worst case scenario and suddenly I'm panicking because I'm not sure if he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time like those poor people. My heart goes out to the injured and the families of people who were lost. There's just nothing that can prepare you for a tragedy like this.

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Turns out he thought he was the Joker and Batman was his mortal enemy.


So weird.


But you have to wonder... why isn't there any security at a movie theater, especially when people are going to be dressed in costume. Heck, I went to a Shrek premiere years ago and people who were wearing Shrek costumes got padded down, just as a precaution. I guess hindsight is 20/20


Turns out he even booby trapped his house?


Just makes my stomach turn.


I'm glad President Obama stopped all political plans today, and Warner Bros stopped all events.

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Well, according to new reports, the gunman actually

BOUGHT a ticket

to the premiere and

sat in the theater for a good 15 minutes

before leaving through the designated exits to the back parking lot.

Upon exiting, James allegedly propped the door open, went to his car, parked it right by the door, grabbed his various weapons and re-entered to cause his destruction.

Obviously, this was a pre-meditated, thought-out plan coming from an obviously deeply disturbed, psychotic individual."

This is now posted on perezhiltons website,

http://perezhilton.com/ if you scroll down the articles there :|

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Prayers for the 71 who were injured and my condolences go out to the families of lost ones :\


So tragic...Batman was just released today and the thought of all those innocent kids being shot down just hurts

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As for the issue with the costume wearing, I just heard on the news all AMC theaters are no longer letting people in wearing costumes. They also said they'd refund money to anyone who's already purchased a ticket for this movie planning to wear a costume if they are upset about that.

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I found out about this when I got to work this morning, seeing as I had no time to check the news when I got up in the morning. This whole thing is such a tragedy. My prayers and thoughts are with all those involved in one way or another. This just goes to show that life is definitely a gift, and you never know when your time here is going to be up. Never take anything for granted! What freaks me out the most is the death of Jessica Redfield, who was a hockey writer, and who had just escaped flying bullets in Toronto not very long ago. Very terrifying. :/

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A friend of mine went to a gun show in Denver about 2 months ago. They do background checks at the stands, so you pay the $8 admissions fee and provided you haven't committed a felony already, you can walk out 10 minutes later with an assault rifle, smoke grenades, Kevlar vest, and 1000 rounds of ammunition and go straight into downtown Denver. We have to take a driving test to operate a car yet guns are a free-for-all. Combine that with the fact that we have no safety net for the mentally ill and things like this are going to keep happening.


It's a sick, sick thing. And a very scary world we live in... my thoughts goes out to all the victims. :(

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What a horrible thing. I'm hoping we get higher security in movie theatres.

These next few days, people are going to go see the movie and be worried about copycats.

There are always psychopaths who try to copy crimes like this.

My dad actually works at a news station in the big city, and he hurt his back last night.

I didn't have work today, so I went in to carry equipment for him.

It was amazing to see all the breaking news come in as more information was released.

My heart goes to the victims and the family and friends of the victims.

This is a tragedy, and I hope everyone who was there makes a recovery emotionally and physically.

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