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Why does TNT make Fishing so hard....

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I just don't get the point,you get a fish,but then the level doesn't increase,and that's what's weird.You get a Old Rotten Left Sandal or Right,or maybe even boot,driftwood...but why doesn't it increase when you catch a fish?Here is an examlpe.

Ye Olde Fishing Vortex

You reel in your line and get...


Old Rotten Right Sandal!

Your pet's fishing skill increases to 2!

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I guess so,maybe a certain amount,like,1,3,6,9,something like that.

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I've been trying to get higher to get the avatar and I haven't seen any pattern, so I think it's just random. (But I don't fish for a very long time (about a month now))

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Oh well,it even increases when you get Driftwood(im not sure,maybe,because the boots and sandals work.)

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in beginning levels , u can level up pretty quickly (once in 24 hrs or so) .. in later levels , it can take up to a week to level up ...


Ugh, didn't know it gets more difficult!

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The thing that bugs me about it is that TNT counts 12 hours differently than I do. I always get the message that it hasn't been enough time even when I know that it has.

It doesn't have to be 12 hours. I read on one petpage that they were able to level up only 2 hours apart. Rare, but possible. You're more likely to be able to fish up an item if you wait 12 hours, but I've gone 2 days with being told that I should be more patient.

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Ugh, didn't know it gets more difficult!


Neither did I! That's gonna get frustrating, fishing is tedious enough as is.

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Ugh,thats horrible.IDK since I was sleeping for about 7 hours and 30 minutes....

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  • 4 weeks later...
J88KK's fishing skill is 126


I wish I had started fishing when I first joined, it would be much higher. So far, I still just get either junk or fish. When do I get the books and other prizes mentioned? I can't remember getting anything good yet. :snorkle: :whistle:

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I got the avatar with Organs fairly recently and I've had her since Jan, so it's taken me a lil while. I do think it's random though ^^

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In my opinion, I believe that the reason why TNT make avatars random, objectives hard to achieve, etc. is to have players continue to play neopets and not have areas within neopets be thrown away after you easily conquer it.


As frustrating as the fishing can be, it's a smart move by TNT.

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I think it is random, Deejenya's fishing skill is 216, then Bimboyi and Yackivera are over 150. And they level up about once a week or so...

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