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how rude!

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So an angry neopet user neomailed me after I put one of my baby paintbrushes up for trade. by accident I put 690k instead of 580k and unfortunately you can't cancel a trade immediately anyway this was the neo mail I recieved:



you are not a wise person..no one is going to buy your 100k more paint brush! do some up to date research jer.k before you waste peoples time looking at a time"


I responded with:


"wow, so you take someones typo and assume I'm a mean, dumb person. I realized shortly after that I had mistakenly used a 69 instead of a 58 and un-forutantely I cannot cancel the trade for another 12 minutes. Thanks for being rude, if you had bothered to chat with me prior you would realize I am a very nice person who simply made a mistake."


and she just sent me this:


yeah right.... of course I should have known that your hand slipped!!"


I'm definiately not going to respond but man, how rude. I have seen some ridiculous trades offered and I never ONCE considered neo-mailing the person to tell them their trade prices made them look like tools. :< man, now I am a sad panda.

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Wow, that is seriously rude. >: (

I can't imagine saying that to someone.


Don't let this ruin your day. :(


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Aww I'm sorry that happened. Don't be upset though about one rude person. We all make little mistakes like that, I know I've made tons. And who knows TNT might end up warning them or worse for sending you something like that. I'd imagine you aren't the only person they've done that to.

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Yea, I know those. I'm 3 weeks on neo and set up good trades, people offered junk and flamed me afterwards. They think noobs gotta accept junk for Gold! ~.~

i know exactly how you feel, i put up a lunar cape and while YES it his an HTS someone offered me a pile of dirt (no seriously that is the item they offered) when I rejected it they neomailed me saying that i was mean and would never make it on neopets. don't worry though whenever i see a newbie on neopets that has a good trade I like to pass on my good luck and throw in something a little extra ;)


Wow, that is seriously rude. >: (

I can't imagine saying that to someone.


Don't let this ruin your day. :(


this just made it all better, seals = win

Aww I'm sorry that happened. Don't be upset though about one rude person. We all make little mistakes like that, I know I've made tons. And who knows TNT might end up warning them or worse for sending you something like that. I'd imagine you aren't the only person they've done that to.

im thinking of reporting them, but I don't want karma to come after me now!

Wow, sorry about that /:

I can't believe people get that mad over something that isn't real /:

I know :< if you dont like the offer move on :<

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this just made it all better, seals = win

That seal really is win xD

*Places some cookies on the table* Take one =)

Calming Manatee makes everything better. :D I basically have it open in another tab all the time. Makes my day a bit brighter. :D

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Instead of replying I would have just reported their message as inappropriate since that person called you a jerk.

People on the trading boards can be such a pain in the neck to deal with.

Yesterday I bought an expensive popular item and decided I didn't want it and decided to go another route so I sold it and oh my gosh I wash getting neomails constantly I was tempted to block neomails from people lol.


I think you could still report her if you wanted to.

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Wow, that's pretty extreme! I saw a lot of overpriced bags of peanuts when I was shopping for them and I never once thought about mailing someone about it, I just moved on until I found the more reasonable ones. Talk about overreaction!

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that person can't even write a proper sentence. they have no business criticizing anybody. i've noticed people on neopets have been getting more bold and mean lately. i was playing key quest the other day and i was winning. the other player still needed 3 keys while i was about 2 rolls away from winning the game. a mini game started but it froze my browser and didn't allow me to play or continue the game. the person sent me this neomail:


y did you leave the game.....ya just cuz you lost the mini-gmae???


i was winning so i had no reason to quit. i thought it was extremely rude.

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that person can't even write a proper sentence. they have no business criticizing anybody. i've noticed people on neopets have been getting more bold and mean lately. i was playing key quest the other day and i was winning. the other player still needed 3 keys while i was about 2 rolls away from winning the game. a mini game started but it froze my browser and didn't allow me to play or continue the game. the person sent me this neomail:


y did you leave the game.....ya just cuz you lost the mini-gmae???



i was winning so i had no reason to quit. i thought it was extremely rude.


People get pretty angry about KeyQuest. Yes, it's annoying when games end abnormally, but harassing people because you think they left on purpose is just a rude thing to do! If it really angered you, put them on your block list- I think that keeps people from being able to join in on one of your games.

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Yea, I know those. I'm 3 weeks on neo and set up good trades, people offered junk and flamed me afterwards. They think noobs gotta accept junk for Gold! ~.~


Someone once offered me an Veiled Autumn Hat for a Baby PB. I couldn't keep myself from sending a (nice) neomail asking why she'd offered it, but of course I didn't get a reply.


Anyway, listen to Rebecca (scoptophobia) and the seal. Wiser words have never been spoken c;

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Someone once offered me an Veiled Autumn Hat for a Baby PB. I couldn't keep myself from sending a (nice) neomail asking why she'd offered it, but of course I didn't get a reply.


Anyway, listen to Rebecca (scoptophobia) and the seal. Wiser words have never been spoken c;


Yeah, I just don't get it sometimes. I suppose they think that you may accidentally accept it?

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Please tell me you reported that for harassment.

I did, I wasn't at first but then I thought about my son and how if when he is older he starts to play and someone sends him a message like that how upset I would be. Obviously it made me upset I can only imagine how a child would feel and since there are a lot of young kids who play this person should be kinder. I looked up their userlook and shes supposedly 22, I mean come on! be nice! What if I was 10!

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I did, I wasn't at first but then I thought about my son and how if when he is older he starts to play and someone sends him a message like that how upset I would be. Obviously it made me upset I can only imagine how a child would feel and since there are a lot of young kids who play this person should be kinder. I looked up their userlook and shes supposedly 22, I mean come on! be nice! What if I was 10!

Oh my god, that person is my age? o_O I hope they're lying and actually 11 or something, because wow. That is some immature crap they're pulling there.

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I think Summer is driving people crazy


or maybe it's the boredom


no Altador Cup


no events


people are just wasting time fighting others !!


3 TDN'ers (myself included) have gotten angry neomails this week alone ...

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