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Goals Scored 5,893

Goals by Elon "The Black Hole" Hughlis 2,519

Goals by Oten Runeu 2,282

Goals by Lamelle Turow 558

Goals by Barit Jowes 534

Saves by Tonie Plessix 998

Number of Wins 555

Number of Draws 0

Number of Losses 2 <-- Fail for sending :| Complete accident.


Slushie Slinger

Games Played 25

Top Score 597


Make Some Noise

Games Played 500

Top Score 6,260


Shootout Showdown

Games Played 10,000

Top Score 1,200


I've decided not to play any more. I will be absolutely kicking myself if I am a few points short of a prize I want, but I have next-to-no motivation, especially considering I am not helping my team in any way.

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Goals Scored: 2,817

Goals by Aldric Beign: 1,184

Goals by Tulah Kisner: 989

Goals by Vere Polnicek: 299

Goals by Zax Bannet: 345

Saves by Mor Gollog: 456

Number of Wins: 280

Number of Draws: 0

Number of Losses: 0


Slushie Slinger

Games Played: 0

Top Score: 0


Make Some Noise

Games Played: 0

Top Score: 0


Shootout Showdown

Games Played: 12,650

Top Score: 1,200


I managed to reach my All-Star rank goal on the 24th. I no longer contribute to my team, nor do I've the time to play anymore. So these are indeed my final scores. :)

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I'm still playing,although I can give you my results.












Level 3



Yooyuball Goals Scored 593 Goals by Keetra Deile 213 Goals by Sela Pretore 100 Goals by Weldar Xupenfarb 76 Goals by XL Striker 3.8 204 Saves by Goltron Mk I 223 Number of Wins 96 Number of Draws 4 Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger Games Played 22 Top Score 627

Make Some Noise Games Played 19 Top Score 5,883

Shootout Showdown Games Played 19 Top Score 1,175







EDIT: lolz,i have 257 posts now,and neogirl has 357 posts.100 posts away.

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Goals Scored 4,670

Goals by Krell Vitor 530

Goals by Wan Dirx 594

Goals by "Brains" Mortigan 1,698

Goals by Zo Junior 1,848

Saves by Fanetti 676

Number of Wins 461

Number of Draws 0

Number of Losses 0


Slushie Slinger

Games Played 5

Top Score 591


Make Some Noise

Games Played 30

Top Score 6,557


Shootout Showdown

Games Played 10

Top Score 919


Final rank of 10, and a GPG of 10.13! I'm quite happy with how I've done, might play a few side games today to grab some more points, but unlikely. All-Star was never within my reach, but congratulations to those who did reach it.

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Yooyuball Goals Scored 4,245 Goals by Elon "The Black Hole" Hughlis 2,322 Goals by Oten Runeu 959 Goals by Lamelle Turow 495 Goals by Barit Jowes 469 Saves by Tonie Plessix 982 Number of Wins 480 Number of Draws 0 Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger Games Played 200 Top Score 639

Make Some Noise Games Played 100 Top Score 6,440

Shootout Showdown Games Played 1,200 Top Score 1,200


Rank 13. It's been more than a week since I last played AC. Could reach so many more ranks but got lazy :P

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Goals Scored 3,439

Goals by Luvea Trivon 202

Goals by Vonde Cayle 2,575

Goals by Rhee Solters 224

Goals by Derbi Azar 438

Saves by Leera Heggle 426

Number of Wins 310

Number of Draws 0

Number of Losses 0


Slushie Slinger

Games Played 30

Top Score 702


Make Some Noise

Games Played 180

Top Score 7,498


Shootout Showdown

Games Played 1,000

Top Score 1,200


I did not play a single game for 6 full days due to real-life activities, and another 6 (7, including today) full days refusing to play when the Round 4 brackets came out. I'm not satisfied with this year's Cup, to be honest. :/


Oh well. At least I achieved a Rank 9.

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My final stats. I could really play more and reach Rank 10 but I don't have enough determination to do so.

I slowed down after the first 3 days so I only reached Rank 9.


Goals Scored 3,096

Goals by Mirsha Grelinek 2,184

Goals by Timu 295

Goals by Antola Maeir 295

Goals by Larcy Phu 322

Saves by Xana DiLanche 442

Number of Wins 291

Number of Draws 0

Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger

Games Played 100

Top Score 668

Make Some Noise

Games Played 10

Top Score 6,477

Shootout Showdown

Games Played 1,000

Top Score 1,200

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Yooyuball Goals Scored 2,272 Goals by Lilo Blumario 1,157 Goals by Jair Tollet 536 Goals by Fenny Vail 284 Goals by "Squeaky" Tressif 295 Saves by Clutch Billaban 519 Number of Wins 253 Number of Draws 0 Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger Games Played 33 Top Score 654

Make Some Noise Games Played 333 Top Score 5,976

Shootout Showdown Games Played 2,081 Top Score 1,200










I am going to continue playing. I have not played much but it is easy for me to rank up. :) Hope everyone reaches their goals. I am a rank ten and joined Roo Island.

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I think my YYB Scores are quite impressive:











Goals Scored 0 Goals by Layton Vickles 0 Goals by Tormo "The Terror" Frein 0 Goals by Kep Bonnefie 0 Goals by Tandrak Shaye 0 Saves by Reshar Collifey 0 Number of Wins 0 Number of Draws 0 Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger
Games Played 305 Top Score 632

Make Some Noise
Games Played 8 Top Score 4,843

Shootout Showdown
Games Played 2,967 Top Score 1,200


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Goals Scored 1,915

Goals by Mirsha Grelinek 1,345

Goals by Timu 192

Goals by Antola Maeir 203

Goals by Larcy Phu 175

Saves by Xana DiLanche 374

Number of Wins 208

Number of Draws 0

Number of Losses 0


Slushie Slinger

Games Played 8

Top Score 658


Make Some Noise

Games Played 0

Top Score 0


Shootout Showdown

Games Played 900

Top Score 1,200

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I'm rather proud of myself. :) Especially since I thought this AC was horrible, and I was able to put up with it. It's a shame SK didn't do better. :(

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Joined Team Roo Island on25th May




Level 10


Yooyuball Goals Scored 2,282 Goals by Lilo Blumario 1,165 Goals by Jair Tollet 536 Goals by Fenny Vail 284 Goals by "Squeaky" Tressif 297 Saves by Clutch Billaban 521 Number of Wins 254 Number of Draws 0 Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger Games Played 34 Top Score 654

Make Some Noise Games Played 377 Top Score 5,976

Shootout Showdown Games Played 2,115 Top Score 1,200

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Goals Scored: 2,268

Goals by Feldon "Dinksy" Collibridge: 332

Goals by Ealyn Hawkshanks: 370

Goals by Nitri Cassale: 765

Goals by Zayle Sufhaux: 801

Saves by Garven Hale: 423

Number of Wins: 240

Number of Draws: 0

Number of Losses: 0


Slushie Slinger

Games Played: 35

Top Score: 587


Make Some Noise

Games Played: 805

Top Score: 7,244


Shootout Showdown

Games Played: 4,775

Top Score:1,200


Since this is my first AC, I'm quite happy with what I could manage.

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Goals Scored: 8,377

Goals by Keetra Deile: 1,473

Goals by Sela Pretore: 2,764

Goals by Weldar Xupenfarb: 2,615

Goals by XL Striker 3.8: 1,525

Saves by Goltron Mk I: 1,754

Number of Wins: 830

Number of Draws: 0

Number of Losses: 0


Slushie Slinger

Games Played: 0

Top Score: 0


Make Some Noise

Games Played: 70

Top Score: 5,684


Shootout Showdown

Games Played: 6,000

Top Score: 1,200


That all adds up to a little bit over Rank 20.

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Level 6




Goals Scored 1,840

Goals by Luvea Trivon 245

Goals by Vonde Cayle 324

Goals by Rhee Solters 229

Goals by Derbi Azar 1,042

Saves by Leera Heggle 409

Number of Wins 221

Number of Draws 1

Number of Losses 0


Slushie Slinger


Games Played 11

Top Score 573


Make Some Noise


Games Played 60

Top Score 7,039


Shootout Showdown


Games Played 130

Top Score 1,189


Never reached Rank 6 before.. only ever reached Rank1, LOL

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I am only level 4..... I get bored way too fast! :/ But at least I pushed it from 3 to 4 today, and I got my goal of 1000 goals :)





Goals Scored 1,000

Goals by Feldon "Dinksy" Collibridge 172

Goals by Ealyn Hawkshanks 550

Goals by Nitri Cassale 134

Goals by Zayle Sufhaux 144

Saves by Garven Hale 229

Number of Wins 137

Number of Draws 0

Number of Losses 0


Slushie Slinger

Games Played 0

Top Score 0


Make Some Noise

Games Played 3

Top Score 5,700


Shootout Showdown

Games Played 60

Top Score 1,200

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And mine is here: http://www.neopets.com/altador/colosseum/2012/trophy.phtml?username=voteforpedro333


Pulled in that last day rank up to 15! I still didn't beat my YYB score from ACV (583) but next year is just beckoning All-star. Plus, the shield is Lost Desert colors after all!

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Here's mine




My MSN score! Wow, seriously, I never thought I could do that high. I'm kinda weirded out at the same time happy about that.

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