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I'm looking for Secret Lab Map Pieces 1 and 2. It is such a pain to search for individual pieces that aren't the first one. >_>

Just send me a neomail if you're looking to get rid of them.


Just need #2 now.

Edit Edit:

Don't need any now. Lab ray is all mine! >:D

Once a day anyway...

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I'm looking for a Striped Paint Brush.


As well as selling, Chomby Poems, for, 230k but will sell for 200k for TDN members! <3 or a Striped Paint Brush + 150k.



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<3 CUTENESS. CANDIES. Pretty things. :icecream:


Help me reach my goals by buying from my shop!


Restocked every day!





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I wanna get rid of my Snowager Usuki! Lowest on TP is apparently 400k, I can haggle and I'll gladly give a discount to anyone from TDN forums.



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First piece of the Secret Lab Map is up for auction for 795,000 :)



If it doesn't get sold, I'm willing to put it up on the trading post and sell it for 780,000 since this piece seems to have gone way down in price lately...

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Although I'm new to the forums and "new" to Neopets (I played years ago and just re-discovered the joy of NP), I know begging is frowned-upon by noobs, so I'll keep this just an inquiry.


I'm looking for a Baby Poogle MP and, after offering on all 3 in the TP and receiving no answer after days and days or my offer being rejected (one on TP is really high, and the other was a flat-out rejection, not sure why), I'm now checking here to see if any of you have a Baby Poogle MP and are looking to sell.


I don't want it cheap - I'm willing to pay what it's worth, but I would prefer to haggle a bit.


Anyway, you can PM me here or, preferably, NM me on my account: aiobhan_ogealach . If you're curious, it's for Applaudi. He'll be my first custom pet! :)

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I opened my Usukicon Y13 Goodie Bag and got:



Usukicon Y13 Event Guide


TP price is around 225k, my price is 200k, but of course I can haggle 20k for TDNers :) Link to trade: http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=384758697

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(Finally) Seeking the most expensive piece of the lab map c: PM or neomail me if you're selling, please c:




Got it c:


(Good luck, Pratik)

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Thought this topic was only for selling, but I guess not :P


Again, looking to buy Five Dubloon Coins, in bulk preferably but I'll buy any that you have.


Also, looking to buy a Bag of Peanuts.

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Thought this topic was only for selling, but I guess not :P


Again, looking to buy Five Dubloon Coins, in bulk preferably but I'll buy any that you have.


Also, looking to buy a Bag of Peanuts.

Yea, many people are saying that there is going to be a battle war/plot soon, better start training your pets.



This post has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.

Please keep your posts on-topic. If you have no items to advertise for, please don't post. Off-topic comments should be kept to PMs or profile comments.

Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

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