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I'm selling an Island Aisha Morphing Potion


Currently it's the cheapest on the TP. But neomail me if you're from TDN, and I'll give it to you 50k cheaper (but still with the two paintbrushes please :))


Edit: Sold! :) Yay!

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Hey how yall doing? I've currenty got for sale a malkus vile plushie :) I'd like either a baby paint brush or 600k (TP price says 700k but my friend gave this to me to sell and she wants a quicksale) Just offer on the trade link below or if its not there I may have taken it off for a moment, NM me and ask!

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Hey guys ^_^ I'm looking for one of these




for around 900k if possible. Please message me if you have one, either on here or neo :D

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check my trades Saxen hun



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I am selling off items for some Faerie Quests at my shop, I'll get more goodies tomorrow.


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My 1st ever trade!


Kadoatie for 5m (at time of writing it is also being sold for 7m at TP or 5.5m at AH), but going to drop it to 4m for you guys. I'm willing to haggle it lower though if anyone is serious.




[Edit] Got a buyer from these forums. If they see this, thanks for buying and I hope you enjoy your new Petpet!


For anyone else, feel free to stop by my shop at http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=crazy_biscuit - I will be doing a price check later today and will be lowering my prices to make sure they are CRAZY low. It's mainly food, the odd Forgotten Shore map piece, toys, books and whatever else I might find.

Edited by CrazyBiscuit
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Hey all! I posted this on the wrong place earlier. I am looking for a Faerie Xweetok Morphing Potion. I finally saved enough! All the TP people want Paint Brushes and such but knowing my luck I would buy all these things and then the trades would be gone. Feel free to Neomail or message me here if you have one and are willing to sell. Thanks!! :-)



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I'm selling the above items. Please mail me. My username is makujyonu

Discounts apply for TDN members :).


Trade Link is: http://www.neopets.c...tring=makujyonu


Also selling/trading WC pieces :






Neomysterion edit: All fixed for you, Maku! C:


---thanks neomysterion. :* I have problems attaching images. :/

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My 1st ever trade!


Kadoatie for 5m (at time of writing it is also being sold for 7m at TP or 5.5m at AH), but going to drop it to 4m for you guys. I'm willing to haggle it lower though if anyone is serious.




[Edit] Got a buyer from these forums. If they see this, thanks for buying and I hope you enjoy your new Petpet!


For anyone else, feel free to stop by my shop at http://www.neopets.c...r=crazy_biscuit - I will be doing a price check later today and will be lowering my prices to make sure they are CRAZY low. It's mainly food, the odd Forgotten Shore map piece, toys, books and whatever else I might find.


that buyer was me!! :D :D :D thank you so much!! *hugs x infinity* :wub_anim:

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I am selling two A Mysterious Valentines Cards in my shop for a low price. Send the card to a anyone on February 14th to get the Valentine's Day Site Theme, and they person you send it to will get it as well.

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I have both a Starry Petpet Paint Brush ★and a Silver Brightvale Job Coupon ღ for sale :) I will make TDN discounts cos I love you guys so come get these items while they're here!



Auctioned off my job coupon, now only the starry petpet pb to go! It's dropped dramatically in price though :O a lot of them must have been falling out of the sky.

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I have new items up for sale in my trades. Please check it out. There will be discounts for TDN members. Please inform me via nm or pm here. The link is: http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=makujyonu


Some of the items are:






Neomysterion: Fixed, and proper link given. ^_^

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Hello. I have some new items up for sale in my trades. Please check it out. Some of these items are:



I also have some Pbs up for sale.


Mutant Petpet Paint Brush

Blue Petpet Paint Brush

Silver Paint Brush

Black Petpet Paint Brush


Please mail me here or via neo if you are interested. There will be discounts for TDN members.


The link is: http://www.neopets.c...tring=makujyonu


Thank you :D


EDIT: Schnelly Collectable Charm= SOLD

Electric Blue PB = SOLD

Silver PB = SOLD

Mutant pp PB = SOLD

Romantic Sunrise BG = SOLD

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