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Just a bit curious about how everyone else is doing this year. :)


Question 1: Your team?

2: What's your rank?

3: What game do you play the most?

4: What's your least favorite game?

5: How much do you play a day?

6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

9: Is your goalie useful for you?

10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.

12: What's your GPG if you play?

13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?


1: Kreludor!

2: 5 right now

3: I like to spread my playing around equally but with pure numbers, I play SoSD the most.

4: Slushie Slinger. It was the main game I played last year, so I think that's what made me completely lose my tolerance of it.

5: And average of 53 YYB games a day + forcing myself to do 10 games of SS and 60 games of MSN and SoSD

6: Once...but my words were drowned out and I'm too shy to try again.

7: Right side. Recently I tried playing on the left a few times. It felt weird but doable.

8: I answered it above. I've tried all format's but I've always been more comfortable with 3+1.

9: Not a bit. He has to already be standing in the path of the ball to catch it.

10: Sometimes....yup. Zenor Kevix often runs up when the ball is being served and steals it when I dont want him to. It's quite irritating. Starting to hate him. Other times, all i have to do is click and the person closest to the ball is switched to.

11: I use the mouse. I think the main reason I didn't play YYB more last year is because I sucked with the keyboard.

12: 9.88

13: I want to hit Allstar and I want my team to AT LEAST get in the top 3 again, if not win. Kreludor deserves the limelight!


Edit: I just realized that this is probably an excuse for me to dilly-dally instead of playing games. >.>


Just a bit curious about how everyone else is doing this year. :)


Question 1: Your team?

2: What's your rank?

3: What game do you play the most?

4: What's your least favorite game?

5: How much do you play a day?

6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

9: Is your goalie useful for you?

10: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.

11: What's you GPG if you play?

12: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

1.Terror Mountain

2.Currently, 5

3.Shootout Showdown. Quick, easy, and TM's specialty

4.Slushie Slinger. But that's moot anyway, since it doesn't seem to be working right for me this year.

5.Just check the counter in my sig. I update it at the end of each day.

6.No, I mostly just talk here.

7.I play left-to-right

8.I use the standard 3+1 format

9.Not really, then again, I can never seem to use the goalie effectively.


11.Right now, it's hovering just a bit over 10

12.40, but I'm not sure if I'll make it with this year's tourney being 2 weeks shorter (though I'll still try!)


Haha, sorry, was probably editing to add another question while you were answering. So forgetful. When i first published this, it only had 10 questions. :whistle:


1: Your team?

Kreludor! :D

2: What's your rank?

2, but I hope to have it up to 4 by the end of the day.

3: What game do you play the most?

SOSD. It's so easy and relaxing!

4: What's your least favorite game?

Make Some Noise- it just doesn't work for me!

5: How much do you play a day?

As much as I can. I'm trying to do 20 games of YYB, 10 of each Make Some Noise and Slushie Slinger, and 100 of Shootout Showdown.

6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

Nope, not yet at least.

7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

Left side, always.

8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

I use the standard.

9: Is your goalie useful for you?

Eh. I have some issues playing with him.

10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

Nope, not really.

11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.


12: What's you GPG if you play?

Just over 4, hahaha.

13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

I would like to get All-Star, and if I continue with my goal, I should be able to reach it. :)


1: Your team?

Mystery Island


2: What's your rank?

Rank 10 as of now


3: What game do you play the most?

Shootout Showdown


4: What's your least favorite game?

Slushie Slinger


5: How much do you play a day?

A LOT xD Max SOSD errday and then a bunch of sides


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

Sure do!


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

Usually right


8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one?

Still prefer 3+1 formation


9: Is your goalie useful for you?

No x'D


10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

Kinda during practice...I haven't played any real yyb so far :P


11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller?



12: What's you GPG if you play?

0 xP


13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

Past All-Star


Haha, so many of these questions have to deal with the game I played NONE of xD



Extra 1: If you play MSN, do you frantically press the keys or do you just calmly tap?

Press them madly!


2: With SoSD, do you just randomly shoot or do you try to strategize? Like going to one side and shooting or trying to time it perfectly for a middle shot?

I always aim for a perfect game. I just click left twice and then shoot. Repeat, win the game, then repeat 1,200 more times.


3: If you play SS, do you try to server each customer in the order they appear, or do you go by which one is easiest to serve, or do it in a way so that 2 cups won't drop at the same time?

Usually like to go in order but as the levels get harder, I aim to serve the top row to bottom since the top is shorter in length.


You didn't have to but answering side questions is cool xD


1: Your team?

Darigan Citadel


2: What's your rank?

Rank 11 at the moment, working towards 12


3: What game do you play the most?

Make Some Noise, when I'm supposed to be playing Yooyuball


4: What's your least favorite game?

Shootout Showdown, I'm not that quick in that game (darned Jelly Chias)


5: How much do you play a day?

I try to get around 100 Yooyuball games (or equivalent to that) a day


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

Never thought of that


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?



8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

I use my team's standard format


9: Is your goalie useful for you?



10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?



11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.



12: What's your GPG if you play?

Over 10 goals per game at the moment


13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

All-Star (obviously higher than that since I'm gliding through the ranks now)


Haha, so many of these questions have to deal with the game I played NONE of xD


Hmm. Then i can make some side game questions.


Extra 1: If you play MSN, do you frantically press the keys or do you just calmly tap?

2: With SoSD, do you just randomly shoot or do you try to strategize? Like going to one side and shooting or trying to time it perfectly for a middle shot?

3: If you play SS, do you try to serve each customer in the order they appear, or do you go by which one is easiest to serve, or do it in a way so that 2 cups won't drop at the same time?



1: Your team? Shenkuu

2: What's your rank? 6, currently

3: What game do you play the most? SoSD/YYB

4: What's your least favorite game? Slushie Slinger

5: How much do you play a day? Too much

6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)? Nah, steer clear of the boards right now.

7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right? Right

8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? 2+2 all the way!

9: Is your goalie useful for you? Not at all. Her AI absolutely sucks.

10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to? Nope. I generally don't switch players lol

11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller. Keyboard ftw!

12: What's your GPG if you play? Probably average 10 or 11

13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup? 21, if I keep this pace up!



Rank 3

Yooyuball ^_^

After Coming back to SS i now extremely dislike it..

I usually do SS and MSN 3 times, SOSD 10 times, and Yooyuball varies (sometimes 10 or up to 40)

No :(

Left i shoot to the right ^_^

Sometimes i use 2+2 but most of the times i use 3+1

LOOL no. The Jubjub is too small D:

OF COURSE!! I cant get my Goalie when they get close the goal... D:

I use the mouse ;)

8.894 ^_^

I want to be at Rank 9-14


1: Your team?


2: What's your rank?

-Two right now.

3: What game do you play the most?

-Shootout Showdown

4: What's your least favorite game?

-Make Some Noise

5: How much do you play a day?

-So far, I've been playing all together about two hours a day.

6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

-I play shooting to the right.

8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

-My team's formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

9: Is your goalie useful for you?


10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

-Yes. I'm having the hardest time with that this year.

11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.

-I use the keyboard. The mouse is difficult for me.

12: What's your GPG if you play?


13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

-At least 10 although I wouldn't mind getting higher.


1: Your team?

Haunted Woods!


2: What's your rank?

My rank is currently at 3 but, I'm nearing Rank 4.


3: What game do you play the most?

I'm actually playing all four games in equal increments so I've played all of them the same amount of times. It helps me keep from getting bored.


4: What's your least favorite game?

Slushie Slinger.


5: How much do you play a day?

Not sure actually. I play until I have to go to bed and try to stay up until midnight.


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

Nope not really.


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

I play on the right side.


8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

I sometimes use it and sometimes change it up.


9: Is your goalie useful for you?



10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

Not really.


11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.

I use a mouse thats on my drawing tablet.


12: What's your GPG if you play?

Between 5-8.


13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

I'd like to make it all the way to All Star but, If I can't reach that, then I'd like to go as far as I can and get as many prize points as I can.


1: Your team?



2: What's your rank?

Just reached 5


3: What game do you play the most?



4: What's your least favorite game?



5: How much do you play a day?

Trying for a level's worth of play a day. I do hour on/hour off cycles until I get bored.


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

Not really, it's hard to get a word in. I sometimes set up a Q&A board in the AC forum to answer newbie questions.


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?



8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

Uh, I have no clue? I use the same formation every time.


9: Is your goalie useful for you?

Yes, very.


10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

Not really.


11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.

Mouse, I hate the keyboard controls.


12: What's your GPG if you play?

6.9 average


13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

10 or higher

​(Though I secretly wanna make All-Star, I'm trying not to get my hopes up.)


The cupcake in your signature, nbbug132, looks sooooo delicious. Suddenly, I'm hungry.


Question 1: Your team?

1.) Darigan Citadel


2: What's your rank?

2.) 4at the moment, working on 5. ( how are you guys ranking so fast T_T I don't get to play too much because of my daughter but I'm trying so hard but it still takes me forever to rank)


3: What game do you play the most?

3.) Yooyuball


4: What's your least favorite game?

4.) shootout Showdown because my arrow keys mess up in that game but I still play it a lot.


5: How much do you play a day?

5.)Just until I can get to the next rank. I want to gain one a day at least. But I only get certain times a day to play. Usually when my daughter is taking a nap or in bed for the night.


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

6.) No


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

7.) Left


8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

8.) 3+1


9: Is your goalie useful for you?

9.) no, no, and no.


10: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.

10.) Keyboard


11: What's you GPG if you play?

11.) 9 or 10.Rarely below.


12: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

12.) All Star of course but at this rate I seriously doubt I will get it.



Extra 1: If you play MSN, do you frantically press the keys or do you just calmly tap?

1.) I Calmly tap. It's accuracy that counts not how fast you're going.


2: With SoSD, do you just randomly shoot or do you try to strategize? Like going to one side and shooting or trying to time it perfectly for a middle shot?

2.) I tap the spacebar and left arrow key repeatedly and usually it works to score faster. Not always of course but yeah.


3: If you play SS, do you try to serve each customer in the order they appear, or do you go by which one is easiest to serve, or do it in a way so that 2 cups won't drop at the same time?

3.) I serve who ever pops up but they have to wait if a cup is about to fall. I get those first before anything.


1: Your team?



2: What's your rank?

Currently 8, 9 by the end of the day


3: What game do you play the most?

Shootout Showdown


4: What's your least favorite game?



5: How much do you play a day?

After today (I plan to max SoSD) I'll have maxed SoSD 3 of 4 days. I play the other games (Except YYB) when I have time.


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?




N/A - Since I don't play YYB


13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

All Star :D


1: Your team?

Kiko Lake!


2: What's your rank?

4, I just got it there actually.


3: What game do you play the most?



4: What's your least favorite game?

Slushie Slinger. I quit halfway through my first game of it.


5: How much do you play a day?

Depends, though since I'm on break I can usually at least hit 10 yooyuball games. Some days I play a lot, some days not so much.


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

Yep! The Kiko Lake boards are really fun actually, it's one of the main reasons why I joined.


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

Right is right! I only played on the left one once, when I wanted to see what would happen if I repeatedly scored goals against myself.


8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

I use I think 1+3, it's the one with one forward and 3 defenders. It's not the default formation (2+2), but if I score fast, I only need one kiko. If I score later, I need the defense to catch it from the other team.


9: Is your goalie useful for you?


Saves by Erli Quinnock : 296


10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

Nope, that's one of the best parts about Kiko Lake; all the members move exactly the same way, so switching is easy.


11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.



12: What's your GPG if you play?

7.7, so basically 8.


13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

I didn't really have one, but it'd be cool to get to rank 9 or so.


1: Your team? Lost Desert

2: What's your rank? Currently, rank 6, but I just got back and can start playing for today.

3: What game do you play the most? I try to play them as equally as possible, but I have the highest numbers for SOSD.

4: What's your least favorite game? MSN, since it lags pretty badly for me and it gets annoying fast.

5: How much do you play a day? I've set a goal for myself to play 40 yyb/20 ss/40 msn/200 sosd minimum each day.

6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)? No. I've looked but I don't think it's the place for me.

7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right? I start on the right so I can shoot towards the left.

8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? I hop around between all three formations, but I use 1+3 and 3+1 more often, in that order.

9: Is your goalie useful for you? Oh yes. Leera has gotten some serious use this year. He already has 320 saves under his belt!

10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to? Nope, I think they've really fixed that issue this year.

11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller. I use the mouse, but once accidentally used the keyboard and it wasn't too bad.

12: What's your GPG if you play? Right now it's about 7.86.

13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup? All-star! Maybe even TDN's rank 25 if I can.


1: Your team?

Roo Island!!


2: What's your rank?

Rank 2!


3: What game do you play the most?



4: What's your least favorite game?

SS, takes too long for me x.x


5: How much do you play a day?

I try to play at least 300 SOSD per day. Maybe some YYB once in a while


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

Not really :P


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?



8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

Different format sometimes


9: Is your goalie useful for you?

Most of the time.


10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?



11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.



12: What's your GPG if you play?



13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

Hopefully, All Star!! :D


I love how, after reading all of these, I've noticed that almost everyone hates Slushie slinger. And people who use the mouse seem to have an easier time controlling their players.


1: Your team? Moltara!

2: What's your rank? 2 right now... its finals week what can I say?

3: What game do you play the most? Yooyuball

4: What's your least favorite game? Make Some Noise... ugh, I don't even want to play it for the Neopoints!

5: How much do you play a day? about 10-15 yb games a day, 5-10 SS, and occasionally I'll go on a SOSD spree

6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)? No, I looked at the AC Neoboards and I got scared and ran away

7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right? Left... maybe that's why my ring finger and pinky hurt...

8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1. I use the standard 2+2

9: Is your goalie useful for you? Meh... I mean I don't think he's bad but I don't know how to get control of him most of the time!

10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to? Yes!

11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller. Keyboard

12: What's your GPG if you play? Good question, haven't figured it out... I would guesstimate 3-4

13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup? As high as possible? I kind of want to shoot for All Star but I don't know if I will be able to do that.


That was fun! :)


1. Your team? = Darigan Citadel

2. What's your rank? = 7

3. What game do you play the most? = SOSD

4. What's your least favorite game? = Slushie Slinger

5. How much do you play a day? = I try to play as much as I can to move up 2 ranks a day, if not, at least 1 rank.

6.Do you talk on your team's boards (on neo)? = Yes, yes I do

7.If you play yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or Right? = Right, really hard when I do left

8. Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1 = I tried all of it, but I mostly use 3+1

9. Is your goalie useful for you? = Eh, maybe, maybe not

10.Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need too? = Yes, since I use keyboards

11.Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? = You already know ;)

12.What's your GPG if you play? = around 8-10 is my average

13.Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup? Well, it used to be 10 since I thought it was so hard to reach that, but now I'm 7 and we're not even 7 days in so... All star? Who knows? I'm just gonna try to do the best I can :)


I like your questions, really fun to do :)


I like your questions, really fun to do :)


Why, thank you good sir. Perhaps I shall do more questionnaires in the future. :)


1. Your team? = SHENKUU


2. What's your rank? = 3 ^^"


3. What game do you play the most? = SOSD :) fast and precise


4. What's your least favorite game? = Slushie Slinger... takes so long D:<


5. How much do you play a day? = My schedule is definitely unstable with finals, so I try for 20 YYB, 5 SlSl, 30 MSN, and 50-100 SOSD


6.Do you talk on your team's boards (on neo)? = They umm... scare me xD I don't know, they're nice and all, but I would be considered a freeloader, I think...


7.If you play yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or Right? = Right, score on the left. I once accidentally clicked left instead of right.. I scored three goals for the other team without knowing it :P


8. Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? I'm happy that Shenkuu changed the format to 1+3, because that's what I use :D


9. Is your goalie useful for you? = Absolutely not :( I have yet to figure out how to use the goalie.. *sigh*


10.Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need too? = Usually.. but I try to score with Mirsha before the defenders get involved.


11.Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? = KEYBOARD :D Only because I started playing last year, so I basically learned with the keyboard.


12.What's your GPG if you play? = 8-10 c:


13.Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup? Hmm... I supp ose it would be around 6-10 :) Considering how it took me the entire season last year to get to Rank 2, I'm pretty satisfied with anything above 4 :happydance:


EDIT: Extra 1: If you play MSN, do you frantically press the keys or do you just calmly tap? Calmly tap :yes: Accuracy is my friend, you know xD

2: With SoSD, do you just randomly shoot or do you try to strategize? Like going to one side and shooting or trying to time it perfectly for a middle shot? I unsually keep it in the center and count to three, then shoot. 99% of the time, I get full score ^_^

3: If you play SS, do you try to serve each customer in the order they appear, or do you go by which one is easiest to serve, or do it in a way so that 2 cups won't drop at the same time? I generally don't like SS, but I serve in the order they appear, but eventually I just go top to bottom when the really fast levels come


Oh, and very nice questions :3 I had a lot of fun answering these.


1: Your team?


2: What's your rank?

Only 3. :( It would be higher, but blame that on living in the North where we still have school at this time of year.

3: What game do you play the most?

Yooyuball! It's the main game - and it's the one I love playing the most. I'm a pro.

4: What's your least favorite game?

Slushie Slinger - it's long and tedious and given I can't pause it it makes it worse.

5: How much do you play a day?

As much as I can

6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

No. I don't like the boards there, I prefer talking here.

7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?

I play on the right side. Always have.

8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

I prefer 1+3, I've always done it that way, and it's the easiet for me, but since I'm an expert I could try a different formation.....

9: Is your goalie useful for you?

Yes! I need him in every game I play. Ever since I started playing in this new format, I've needed my golaie more than ever!

10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

Sometimes. With the new game I find it hard to control the player I want anymore, but I've adapted.

11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.

Always the mouse, for YYB. Didn't play last year because I couldn't stand using the arrow keys. I'm so glad I can use the mouse again.

12: What's your GPG if you play?

Usually 10 to 12 GPG. The highest I've gotten tonight was 14!!!! WHOOOOO!

13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

I want to get to All-Star, but I don't know if it's possible with my still having class and the Cup's length being shortened. *crosses fingers*


1: Your team?

Krawk Island :D -waves flag-


2: What's your rank?

Only Rank 1 at the moment... stupid revision.


3: What game do you play the most?

YYB probably, but not by much.


4: What's your least favorite game?

MSN. -shudders-


5: How much do you play a day?

Not enough. With exams coming up I haven't had much of a chance, but I'm going to try scheduling YYB sessions as revision breaks!


6: Do you talk on your team's boards (on Neo)?

No, it always seems incredibly busy there.


7: If you play Yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or right?



8: Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1.

I don't know what my teams' standard format is, actually... But I tend to change anyway, depending on the team I'm playing.


9: Is your goalie useful for you?

For the most part, yes


10: Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need to?

Sometimes but not always


11: Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? Or perhaps another thing, like a tablet or game controller.



12: What's your GPG if you play?

7.43. Not great but I'm going to try and boost it.


13: Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup?

No idea. I'm not sure what I'm capable of really, I have a very low boredom threshold. For now... 5?


Extra 1: If you play MSN, do you frantically press the keys or do you just calmly tap?

Frantically press. Which is why I hate it.


2: With SoSD, do you just randomly shoot or do you try to strategize? Like going to one side and shooting or trying to time it perfectly for a middle shot?

I try to do the same thing every time. If I find the rhythm, it works. I always aim to the right.


3: If you play SS, do you try to serve each customer in the order they appear, or do you go by which one is easiest to serve, or do it in a way so that 2 cups won't drop at the same time?

I have no idea, really. I don't think about it too much actually!



That was fun (: Time to actually play some YYB instead of just talking about it...

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