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*sigh* I'm so disappointed. I really think we could have been second or third this year, but we kept getting grouped with Kreludor, while MI NEVER had to deal with them and Meridell only played against them once. I wish TNT had kept teams from being grouped together more than twice.


Edit: but, hey, maybe we can still pull third!


*sigh* I'm so disappointed. I really think we could have been second or third this year, but we kept getting grouped with Kreludor, while MI NEVER had to deal with them and Meridell only played against them once. I wish TNT had kept teams from being grouped together more than twice.


Edit: but, hey, maybe we can still pull third!


Here's hoping that we do pull up to third place.

Also, we just swept Yoshi's Krawk Island as well, we have Maraqua today and (shudders) Kreludor tomorrow. Let's not mess around during the next three days, we need to pull a victory and get more Prize Shop points for the stuff we want!


Nice job on the sweep guys! So far, we never lost a SINGLE game in this bracket. If it were the old format, we would be ahead of KD cause they just lost a game... but hey, what can you do, it's TNT :P


Play hard against MQ guys, they beat KD in a game, and that's hard to do. Come on DC!


*cracks wrists and sighs* Finally, at rank 19 now. I'll do 600 games of SOSD tomorrow and the last 600 on the 24th and that'll get me to All-Star. I hope everyone else had fun and did their best to reach their goals, I know I did. ♥ DC forever my friends.


Okay guys. Kreludor today. We need to do our best on all four games. Kreludor will be very angry today because tyrannia beat them in yooyuball yesterday and they will literally try and destroy us. But we have something they dont. DC POWER! Now lets get out there and kick some butt minions.


I would love if we did better against KD than the past few times. So far I've played a lot of SOSD today. Probably do some slushie slinger later. I might just make it to rank 9 before this thing ends!


Keep on going on while Altador Cup time is winding down, I'm trying to play more Yooyuball than usual to beat Kreludor. I'll switch to Make Some Noise later on as well so I can beat them in a side game, too. I don't know who we'll have tomorrow, but I'm as ready as possible to boost my rank (hence being an All-Star already) and Prize Shop point count, too. :)


EDIT: Wow, 14 pages of support. I hope to hit 15 pages before the whole cup ends.


Ouch, there goes our perfect sweep streak. Kreludor had us beaten and took the sweep. >.<

We have Krawk Island today, and this may be our last shot at Prize Shop points.


Wow I can't believe the results this morning. :( Well hopefully we can pull ourselves back up today! I can't believe the cup is ending.


Well, guys, we tried our best, but fell just short. Don't be sad guys, we have one more day, and let's make them remember that day as the day DC left the cup on

a high note. Don't slack guys, we need ALL your efforts. Let's end this thing with a BANG! GO DC! :D


I know it's a noob question, but when you play YYB, are you actually going against real players? :( I've been playing so long, but I never got to ask.


Oh yeah, how do you get the avatar? o;


I'm not totally sure but there's another thread here suggesting that the AC might go an extra day in order to break the tie for 2nd and last place. I guess we'll find out for sure tomorrow!


Yeah I don't think it would change the outcome for us. But if an extra day = more time to play for prize points that'd still be cool.


True. It sucks though because if we had the old format, we would still have like 2 weeks of the cup left AND we would probably get at least third because we wouldnt of had to verse KD so many times. But oh wellll



I am excited though to use all of my pprize shop points, but someone told me there wont be a paint brush in the shop this year and i really want there to be a paint brush.


About time! As of 10:57pm (7:57pm NST) I am at All-Star Rank. Just in time. It was fun to do this but man my wrist has some serious issues, it hurts so bad to even try to crack it now. I hope everyone reached their goals or at least came close to it. ♥ Forever DC ♥

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