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TNT should allow us to send feedback.

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Because come on, we all agree that the new NC future wearables marketing scheme is just beyond retarded. Especially since the Festival of Negg's TWO NC events, it's clear this is getting out of hand. If we could tell TNT we don't like what they are doing, they can STOP. I mean, sure, they'll take down the new NC perk when they realize nobody the Meepit cares and it will be a dud. If we gave them feedback, we could tell TNT what we like and don't like. Maybe they'll quit working NC into every single site event. This year so far, they have ALL been out of hand, with the Search for King Roo and bugs.


Feedback also means suggesting new ideas. Though TNT isn't always an avid listener, it could please more players. I have never ever wanted TNT to get rid of the NC Mall sooooo badly now.

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Problem is, TNT have a VERY bad habit of not listening to players. Remember in the UC pets conversation thread that someone sent in a ticket asking them about it and they snarkily replied that they would have thought after 4 years of this we would have gotten the message?


Short of marching up to their front door, I doubt TNT would really listen unless your ticket reached someone with a conscience and some clout with the heads of teams. I HIGHLY doubt they would get rid of NC coupled with events, eventhough that's a dear wish of my own as well (it's the equivalent of the rich kids getting something special that the other kids aren't), but agreed we should tell them LOUDLY that this game cookie is an absolutely, unforgivably, catastrophically bad idea. If I see FFQ Cookies or something like that in the mall, that will be the absolute last straw.


TNT, I'm willing to spend NC on things I like. Design pretty clothes, nice things for Neohomes, that kind of thing. But THIS? No. You'll never get my NC that way.


You know a FANTASTIC thing TNT could do that will bring them their precious NC? RE-RELEASE HIGH DEMAND OLD ITEMS. New Years in Faerieland, Fyora's Collectable Staff (since that dress came out, the staff has taken off in popularity), Cherry Blossom Tree for Neohomes ... That would get people flocking to the Mall for the items or drive up sales of GBC for people wanting to trade for it

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You can use the Feedback option, you can also write in to the Editorial. Although you have to understand they receive tons of this stuff, and nothing might be done immediately, but we are allowed to send feedback, and their team does read it. Frankly I don't like where the NC stuff is going either, because I don't think Neopets is suffering and needs the boost in revenue, now they're just being greedy <_<

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You know a FANTASTIC thing TNT could do that will bring them their precious NC? RE-RELEASE HIGH DEMAND OLD ITEMS. New Years in Faerieland, Fyora's Collectable Staff (since that dress came out, the staff has taken off in popularity), Cherry Blossom Tree for Neohomes ... That would get people flocking to the Mall for the items or drive up sales of GBC for people wanting to trade for it


THIS! But I will say that it appears they are attempting to re-release popular items and a good start is the JJPB suitcases.


I also agree with everyone else that TNT does allow you to send feedback; however, with this current rustling, the chances of them really considering our ideas or taking what we have to say into account may be heightened.

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Except when they take things out of the mall, you have to trade with other players. If using gift boxes, retired items are usually worth more than one. If there's a really rare, in-demand item (like the BG someone ^ mentioned), it may be worth 7 or 8 GBCs. That meansyou're going to need to buy (or have bought) 7-8 at 200NC a pop. They make 1,400-1,600NC when, if you just bought the item, they could only justify making 400-500 NC (can't see them charging more for an item that's not a superpack). By having you trade and with GBCs being the popular currency, they're making about 1,000 more NC (which is about $10 USD when buying online).


Yay Viacom...

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You know a FANTASTIC thing TNT could do that will bring them their precious NC? RE-RELEASE HIGH DEMAND OLD ITEMS. New Years in Faerieland, Fyora's Collectable Staff (since that dress came out, the staff has taken off in popularity), Cherry Blossom Tree for Neohomes ... That would get people flocking to the Mall for the items or drive up sales of GBC for people wanting to trade for it


Agreed! And like hrtbrk said, they seem to already be starting with the JJPB suitcases. :) And - yeah, I know about the contact in the Help section...but, they're kinda automated there. And like you said, they don't listen very well.

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Agreed! And like hrtbrk said, they seem to already be starting with the JJPB suitcases. :) And - yeah, I know about the contact in the Help section...but, they're kinda automated there. And like you said, they don't listen very well.


I hear you on that. I used to just shrug and say they're probably too big and too busy to really keep in close touch with the community, but I know one free-to-play online game that's big and busy enough to have tens (hundreds...?) of thousands of fans watching tournaments that still implements suggestions from the community and has their staff interacting with players. It's not unheard of and the communities really seem to love them for it, as opposed to the wariness between Neopets and its players.

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Problem is, TNT have a VERY bad habit of not listening to players. Remember in the UC pets conversation thread that someone sent in a ticket asking them about it and they snarkily replied that they would have thought after 4 years of this we would have gotten the message?


Short of marching up to their front door, I doubt TNT would really listen unless your ticket reached someone with a conscience and some clout with the heads of teams. I HIGHLY doubt they would get rid of NC coupled with events, eventhough that's a dear wish of my own as well (it's the equivalent of the rich kids getting something special that the other kids aren't), but agreed we should tell them LOUDLY that this game cookie is an absolutely, unforgivably, catastrophically bad idea. If I see FFQ Cookies or something like that in the mall, that will be the absolute last straw.


TNT, I'm willing to spend NC on things I like. Design pretty clothes, nice things for Neohomes, that kind of thing. But THIS? No. You'll never get my NC that way.


You know a FANTASTIC thing TNT could do that will bring them their precious NC? RE-RELEASE HIGH DEMAND OLD ITEMS. New Years in Faerieland, Fyora's Collectable Staff (since that dress came out, the staff has taken off in popularity), Cherry Blossom Tree for Neohomes ... That would get people flocking to the Mall for the items or drive up sales of GBC for people wanting to trade for it


I noticed TNT is very... sassy with the way they word things, even in the Neopian Times. Sometimes sorta condescending.

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I sent feedback demanding them to not even think about the stupid new "NC perk". I doubt they will listen, but I don't want them to even do it.

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