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New Roo Island Launches!


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So pretty! I though RI was cute before, but I'm loving the redraw! Good job, TNT :)

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Oh wow, it's gorgeous now!

I wonder what the shop sells...?

I mean, springs, obviously.

But to what end?

I'm just being odd now, I don't know. Having a spring shop seems silly to me.

But Roo Island is only surpassed in silliness by Jelly World, so that's keeping with the theme.

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Oh my gosh! I love, love love the new Roo Island! It looks way different than what I was expecting, and it also ruins my hopes for a plot >.> but it looks fabulous. Though it has a lot of the places that the Art Centre in Neopia Central has, which makes me think that that's going to be next for a redraw (or they may just get rid of it, which would make me sad).

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I knew Roo Island would get a revamp and it did, and it's lovely and up to date! :) Just as lovely as I expected. Nice that the Games Room is a part of Roo Island, too! Unfortunately, this means the caverns in Neopia Central will go bye bye. :( I loved those caverns. Goodbye, Art Centre. Guess this means Central will be revamped next.




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I love the artwork for Roo Island it actually looks big enough to be an island now! I think it was also a great idea to move some of the shops from Neopian Central to Roo Island. Gives me more of a reason to go to Roo Island and makes Neopian Central not nearly as crowded. Can't wait to see what land gets redone next!!!

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