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Welcome back to The Daily Neopets 2012 Daily Dare coverage. The game of the day is Meerca Chase II. Players will need a score of 158 to beat Abby or, if feeling brave, 390 to take down AAA in the Double Dare.


I'm joined in the TDN Headquarters today with some of our resident gamers, Hrtbrk, Dante and Neomysterion. What do you think of today's challenge, guys?


Dante: What challenge?


Neomysterion: Surprisingly easy, considering it's one of the last days.


Dante: Useless. Too easy *yawn*. Could have done that with my toes. I LAUGH IN AAA'S GENERAL DIRECTION! MUAH HA HA HA HA




Have to agree. Is AAA backing down? Is he going to hit us hard during the last challenge? I guess we'll have to see. Well, I need to get delivering this stack of applications over to the customization department. Until tomorrow, this is Emily from The Daily Neopets wishing you good luck and reminding you to never forget your pants.


I seriously hate this game but I still beat AAA. Just type in superextrahypergravitymode and kill yourself until the first negg is high enough to beat the score if you are terrible at it. Thats what I did. Got the fish negg after like 10 deaths and got over 900 points.


Easy if you happen to grab Neggs which look like these, it's a one-hit KO!:



Really, AAA's scores are getting lower for certain games. Just one more day... not sure what the surprise really is...


Twice As Nice!


For taking on the Double Dare, you have earned prizes from both AAA and Abigail:



Negg Tail Belt


Gumball Negg Machine

For succeeding on the first day of this challenge, you also earned:




Meerca Chase II - The Game



That was pretty easy :)



Edit: Since when is a gumball machine a food item? :/


Game Mode : Classic , Hard


First try ... I got a rainbow negg and a smiley negg and died intentionally with a 376 score .. I thought AAA's score was 360 :P then I noticed it's 390 and facepalmed myself ... took about 10 or 12 other plays (including a very boring one on easy mode bcz i was talking on the phone) to get another rainbow negg among 5 red ones ... I went Kamikaze and finished with 416 ... and 2 minutes to spare on the cut-off time !!!


wheeeeeeeew .. such a rush :)


Wahey, im usually rubbish at this game due to i cant see the top off the screen, but reading some info on the other daily dare games i realised you can make the screen smaller haha ( total blonde moment) But after like 3 yellows neggs in hard i got a special one, wouldnt be able to say what one but it was blue and ended up with a score of 464! Bonus lol. Now i must say i think this has been one of the Easier Daily Dare games as after the 2nd game i won! quite easily


I really hate this game, but within my first couple games, I got a Fish Negg and finished with 432. (And I ran into a wall promptly after, but that's better than right before I got it.)


I played on Classic/Hard


I have become a daily dare wimp I challenged Abigail as I haaaaaaaate this game, the games I really enjoy, Ku Jong and Suteks Tomb were during the week where I didn't have time, but this one, my high score was 128 >.<


But thanks to reading the stuff you guys had written, I tried the method of dying everytime till I got a decent negg, After about ten dies I got a rainbow negg, which got me above Abigail's score (on hard) fabulous thank you :) :)


Wow...seems like a lot of people got fish neggs really quickly. I actually got one on the third game. It's weird, because I haven't had a fish negg in about three years. Did they just make them really common for today?


I don't want to jump on the "THIS IS SO EASY!" bandwagon...but this one WAS pretty easy. Too easy...I'm a little worried that they're going to make up for it tomorrow. And I work tomorrow :-/


I'm gonna go with Dante and Neomysterion here....

This is game is just too easy to be real :P


I played on gravity mode (as I always do) and I got about 800pts without really trying hard. XD


I got a fish and a lightning negg in the same game, but when I sent my score I realized I had forgot to challenge AAA. *facepalm* This happened with Meepit Juice Break, but that was much, much worse.


I eventually did get the score, though. I hope tomorrow's game is simple enough so I can tie my AAA and Abi scores.


I hate gravity mode and didn't know about the ferocious mode, so I got it after like, 12 tries on regular Hard mode. XD

AAA has not thrawted me yet!

Then again, it does seem like he's hitting that mid-Daily Dare lull....


Aargh!! This was so annoying for me to get. I'm not a fan of this game at all - I hate it when you've got a good score and then your yellow negg appears between two red ones so you inevitably die. Or when you get a Rainbow negg in gravity mode and your next negg appears right in the middle. Eventually got it on hard mode with a power-up appearing at just the right moment.


I was pretty excited at first that today's game would be the super easy Meerca Chase II - until I realized that beating AAA's score is impossible without a Fish Negg. :( This will take forever. Can I have a Fish Negg? Pretty please?


I always play this game in Classic/Hard mode, it's another "daily game" of mine, but I seldom get over 200 on a normal day. :(


I do NOT have the time or patience to beat AAA at games. I especially do not have ANY tolerance whatsoever for somehting that takes a gazillion tries. You all have counted how many times it took you, I probably should have. Feels like over 30 but I lost count.


Not even Gravity or Ferocious help! And I'm not getting A SINGLE Fish Negg! Not one! Nor a Super Negg! The only time I got a Rainbow Negg was in Maze mode and there was no possible way to get it because the paths were blocked.


The closest I got to beating AAA was a score of 380-something. I should have picked Abigail. I'm sick of this, and I hate the Daily Dare with a passion. Now I see why I seldom participate in this STUPID site event!


I seriously hate this game but I still beat AAA. Just type in superextrahypergravitymode and kill yourself until the first negg is high enough to beat the score if you are terrible at it. Thats what I did. Got the fish negg after like 10 deaths and got over 900 points.


I hate it now too. I am NOT getting a single Fish Negg and it's the only way to beat AAA for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I can't help but think they rigged MCII so that you can't get a Fish Negg because it's "cheating".

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