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Ghostly Petpets and Ghastly Insects


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Obligatory Disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved. If information without comment is what you’d like, check out our game guide for the day’s game or just the summary here!


Welcome back everyone! Emily here with you again. With Abigail trapping the weird bugs in potato sacks, it seems like players are able to get on with the Daily Dare challenges. For Now.


Ghost Bopper is the game of the day and it looks like AAA has put up quite a challenge for everyone to beat. I am NOT looking foreward to this one. 1 ) the ghosties are creepy and 2 ) this game does not like me. Of course, some of you wizkids, like TDN's own resident Games Master Dante, will have no trouble drowning AAA's score.


Players are still fearful that this year's challenge may have to end early on account of the infestation of the game room. Even Abigail is threatening to shut down the buggy games machine to get tis problem cleared up. Hopefully, she will reconsider and let us all finish as we move into the home stretch, the final days of the competition.


Well, I'm off to bop me some ghosts. Play hard and play safe, Neopia. This is Emily from The Daily Neopets saying thank you and goodnight.

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didn't even have to think about this one ... went for Abi !!! got 133 from first 3 levels and quit ... i simply get too confused when the controls are flipped ...

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Don't forget to ROTATE your keyboard when the controls change (so Escape is to your body). You can make it so they will face the same way and you can hit the keys like you normally would.


When it rotates again, remember that up is down.


You can beat AAAs score. Just keep practicing to get used to the control switch and having your keyboard be in a wonky position for a few rounds.


Play until you get a lot of coins/chests because I got the score before the second switch came around.

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Cant even press the spacebar to start it :( Bah! Hopefully this'll be sorted out. Strange that it's working fine for some people and not for others :/


Tried on FF, Chrome and Safari with no difference. If this breaks my streak I'll be mad!

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Tried it on IE which I generally avoid but it worked!! Managed the score with 2 points to spare :D

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This game is really difficult on a laptop (since the keyboard is built it).

If you have a desktop computer with a keyboard elsewhere at home, log on to your Neopets account and use that keyboard!


Got the score, and won't be playing this again unless I've been asked to play it again in a Daily Dare or GMC.

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Don't forget to ROTATE your keyboard when the controls change


i'm on a laptop :(


Cant even press the spacebar to start it


yes me too I was wondering what that was about !! anyway i played with the letters


I've got this glitch; somethimes when I press a key, the key gets 'stuck', and my lives dissappear within seconds


happened to me too :(

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Rotating the keyboard is the best way, however I almost gave up since I'm on a laptop and rotating it would, well, not work :D Then I remember we had a random USB keyboard somewhere in the house, fished it out and got the score with just a few points to spare :D

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I'm having the spacebar-to-start-the-game problem too... My password is long and confusing, and not saved for IE so I'll have to try that later. My old score is two above Abigail's so hopefully I can pull it off again.


I'm also using a laptop but I plugged in an external mouse and keyboard. I'm such a desktop user...

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I thought it was impossible. I could only hit about 200 something.

And then, herp-a-derp, I realized that when they switched the buttons, they didn't do so randomly.

So I leaned to the left after the first control switch, and got it on my first try.

Much easier than glancing at the screen and lining it up each time.

Made me feel silly, though.

Still, got AAA!

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Remember, ladies and gents, your local library has non-laptop computers :-P I may do that later.


I've gotten well over AAA's score before; I know I can do it again. But it's been a long time since I last played, so it will take some practice. Good thing I only work until 3 today!


Arrrrgh...just got 319...and it wouldn't annoy me so much, except I lost seven lives in rapid succession simply because the numbers stopped registering as I pressed them for about ten seconds, and then all of a sudden they registered after the petpets were already gone.


EDIT: There we go, got it covered before I even have to go teach!

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Well this isn't going to work very well if I can't get past the "press space to continue" screen... *heavy sigh*


Alright used internet explorer and busted out the old external keypad and was able to slaughter AAA's score...


Wait so what happens if Abigail actually shuts down the games room?!? *gasp*

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I was so excited to see this game! This is always one of my dailies, whether it has a good NP ratio or not.


I used to hate it and get too confused, but with practice, now I can make it to the end, without moving my keyboard around. (I actually never thought to try that.) My HS is nearly 1100, but it was super slow today, so I stopped shortly after getting AAA's score.


Don't get discouraged, just keep practicing.

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Yep, this challenge is not fun for laptop owners. :(


I have a separate wireless keyboard at home, so I'm going to use THAT. I taped the letters around the ones used in the game to avoid pressing them. Since it's already tricky to play it right without a number pad.



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