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I am a nervous person and always sell at 100%. :* I need more faith in the market.


How many shares do you have in the company? One technique people use to try and make sure they don't sell everything at once, they'll sell a good share a bit at a time - so if you had 5000 shares, you'd sell, maybe 2000 today, 2000 tomorrow and 1000 the day after. That way, if it goes up tomorrow, you've still got a decent amount to sell.


normally i sell at 300% its not really worth it selling at anything lower, but atm i'm just not selling i'm gonna leave em in there till they shoot through the roof, probs not make any profit for months but when i do £££££


I have like 13,000 shares so I guess I could sell a couple off today....although now I am feeling greedy for the 300% ;) Hmmmm. Do you always buy at 15 or do you buy higher stocks as well?


I started out buying at 15, selling at 30, but when I got more into the game, I started selling at 60 instead. 45 is a good number, though--that's +200%. Depends on how patient you are vs. how much you need the np.


ever since i got the stock avatar i've been a bit greedy and won't sell until it reaches 75nps/share :P haven''t sold any, but thats okay, its a more long term thing i guess, and i earn about 15k from games a day and i'll get more out of it this way than bank interest :)


Like most people I wait until 300%+ to sell. It is just a nice way of making three times your np. Patience is key. I remember when i first got into the stock market i would sell at 150% then at 250% before I settled on 300%. Just sell when you are comfortable.


Buy at 15, sell when it gets to 300%

If you have a lot of it though and its gaining rapidly, sometimes I only sell 75% of my stock and see if the rest goes up.


When I was still saving up NP, I'd sell at 45-50. Now that I just like watching my stocks go up and down, I sell half at 60 (300%) and wait a few days to see if it goes up higher to say, 75 and sell 1/4 of it off, and watch the stock some more. At this point I'll only sell if I think the stock is on its way back down. That way if it does decide it wants to go over 100, I still have some of the stock leftover.


I sell at 60+ but like one of the posters before said, I try and only sell 1000 or 2000, and save the rest, and see how high it goes! Wheeeeee :O


I always buy at 15 and sell at 30 or more. After reading this, though, I might start waiting until 45...


This has been really interesting! I am total stock market n0ob but I like it it's exciting. Plus since I have no real need of the NPs at the moment, waiting it out and seeing how high my stocks fly seems like a good idea.


You know what the most annoying thing is? I came back to neo after like a year and a half, and I went to my portfolio and nearly freaked when I saw one of my stocks was +4,245% I eagerly looked to see how many I had and how absolutely filthy rich I was...guess how many stocks?



One. One lousy stock. Lol kicking myself fo'sure that day :D


Personally I sell at 30nps still, occasionally a bit higher but not much. I like the quick nps, maybe after I get the adam avvie I'll wait more- plus I'm still trying for that stock avatar!

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