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What was the last Movie you saw ??


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I must be the only one that watched Big Miracle


lol I haven't seen it, but I know I've played the silly puzzle game on neopets too many times to count! Easy neopoints. XD


The last movie I saw was The Prince of Egypt. The music in that movie is soooooo good, it's ridiculous. <3



and as a sidenote, Hugo won quite a few Oscars. not my cup of tea.

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I saw This Means War. I'm not usually into romcoms, and I'd initially wanted to see Hugo (since I absolutely loved the book), but it was going out of cinemas :( Anyways, I really did like This Means War. It's very funny :)

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This Means War seems like a good movie :) I'll try to catch it sometime :) :)


I watched "The Artist" ... I don't understand why it got an Oscar for Best Movie ........... :/

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I finally got around to seeing The Help. I liked it a lot, but I feel the director was lacking something... all the scenes where it flashed back to Skeeter & Constantine seemed a little out of place. But otherwise, it was great - especially since I'm working on being a *published* writer, too. ^^


I watched "The Artist" ... I don't understand why it got an Oscar for Best Movie ........... :/


I feel like they just liked how it was black and white and were being overdramatic about it... just a tad. But I haven't seen it yet. Was it okay? Or did it completely suck?

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I feel like they just liked how it was black and white and were being overdramatic about it... just a tad. But I haven't seen it yet. Was it okay? Or did it completely suck?


it's actually really really good and very emotionally-packed ... but I'm biased towards Hugo ... which I think deserves it a 'tad' more :)

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it's actually really really good and very emotionally-packed ... but I'm biased towards Hugo ... which I think deserves it a 'tad' more :)


lol I'll have to see it, then. I do love the emotionally-packed movies... :P I was more biased towards Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, but obviously THAT wasn't happening. It wasn't even nominated. :ohno:


On a different note, the last movie I saw was Eight Below. I've watched it so many times that I shouldn't cry anymore, but gosh that movie can be sad. :crying_blow:

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My husband and I just recently watched The Adventures of Tintin. It was great! Very cute movie with lots of little twists and the best thing is that it wasn't super predictable. You know those movies where you know what's going to happen before you're even a third of the way through? This was not one of those movies. It was rather unrealistic at points, but hey it's based on a comic strip! I really liked it and would recommend it as a lighthearted, happy movie.

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Last movie I saw was "The Woman in Black" just a few hours ago.


Plot was easy to figure out and only jump scares scared my heart xD


It was alright...I loved making comments about Harry needing to do magic haha!


lol - I hate that actor. Ruined the Harry Potter movies... (except the ones when he was little)


My husband and I just recently watched The Adventures of Tintin. It was great! Very cute movie with lots of little twists and the best thing is that it wasn't super predictable. You know those movies where you know what's going to happen before you're even a third of the way through? This was not one of those movies. It was rather unrealistic at points, but hey it's based on a comic strip! I really liked it and would recommend it as a lighthearted, happy movie.


I was debating whether to see it or not, but... I don't know. It's not in theatres anymore, is it?




Anyhow, the last movie I saw was Singin' In the Rain for the millionth time. <3 ♪ moses supposes his toeses are roses... ♪


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One Day


starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess


it was one of those romantic comedies ... but I really liked it ... it's beautiful .. and sad ... and it breaks your heart ... I'm not usually into this kind of movies ... but this one I gave 4/5 ...




commenting on some of you guys' movies :


50/50 : i really loved this movie .. it wasn't the best .. but I liked the chemistry between Seth and James .. again :) Bromance !!


TinTin : nice movie .. for an old-time TinTin fan like me .. they did a really good job capturing the characters and the spirit of the comic books .. even the dog (his real name is Milo but they changed it to Snowy in English)


Singin' In the Rain: ah , a classic :) nothing to say here really ..

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I guess the dog has a different name everywhere. :P His original original name, in Wallonia (the french part of belgium) is Milou, in Flanders (the Dutch part of Belgium) and in Holland he is called Bobby, and it's Snowy in English...


I havent seen it yet. So it's good then?


We;re watching Fear and Loathing. Big Depp fan here, but I really can't get into it. :/

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The last movie I saw was the Doom movie. Rewatching it with my sister and stuff while she played the game.

The last movie that I saw that was new for me was Pandemic, and I loved it~

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I was debating whether to see it or not, but... I don't know. It's not in theatres anymore, is it?


We have a cheapo theatre near us that shows the movies that are already gone from the regular movie theatres. It makes watching movies much more affordable and we also don't feel like we're wasting money if we see a movie that isn't all that great. So to answer your question, yes. Tintin is no longer in the regular movie theatres.


TinTin : nice movie .. for an old-time TinTin fan like me .. they did a really good job capturing the characters and the spirit of the comic books .. even the dog (his real name is Milo but they changed it to Snowy in English)


I'd love to read the comic books! Do you know if there is a site I could read them online? I'd really like to read the specific comics that the movie was based off of.


I guess the dog has a different name everywhere. :P His original original name, in Wallonia (the french part of belgium) is Milou, in Flanders (the Dutch part of Belgium) and in Holland he is called Bobby, and it's Snowy in English...


I havent seen it yet. So it's good then?


I find it amusing that they change the dog's name for each different language. I guess it would make sense that they give him a typical dog name that fits for each audience. After all, this story is about Tintin, not the dog! And yes, the movie is good and worth seeing. ^_^

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in all comics they change the names .. for example Asterix .. the French names and English names are totally different ... same with The Smurfs ..


I found this website where you can download Tin Tin comics .. but I'm pretty sure the story of the movie is original ...



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And.....I've been watching Star Wars movies . XD Yes, I'm secretly a geek.


The Artist too - LOVED it, and I'm so happy it won the academy award for best picture. I love the doggie!

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