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Oooh I like the lenny clothes on the left - reminds me of one of the characters from I think alice in wonderland? From the caucous race? Or maybe it's another film... it looks familiar anyhow. I liek :D


As far as the colours are concerned I don't really dig eventide but transparent is pretty cool :)

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Yeyy another Transparent :D He's really cool XD Loving the clothes as well!

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the eventide doesn't seem to suit lennies so much.. their bodies are so slender you can hardly see the colours belnding into each other and it looks like a 1998 Wordart on Microsoft Word lol.


i can see plenty of creativity in the transparent colour and clothing so props for that TNT :D

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Eventide doesn't work greatly on some pets, but I still enjoy the Transparent Lenny. There needs to be more Transparent pets.

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The only thing that's really bugging me at this point is that, on the eventide lenny, you can see a star on the left wing and the tops of the sunset on the right wing, so if the lenny were to have both wings down, it'd look uneven :/ /nitpick


Love the clothes.

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