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Daily Faerie Quests are back!

Jenny ^_^

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Well, changing thr language DID help ne NOT get Delina again - instead I GOT A DARK FAERIE. No Fyora this yeah, or Space Faerie, there go ALL my hopes!


If it happens again next year, I hope it'll be better.

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An FFQ would be nice. Especially because I had some really expensive and worthless quests (Air). Today I got a Fire Faerie quest and my gift was: toy_wocky_faerie.gif


What do you think the final prize will be? For visiting every day?

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I got a Light Faerie Quest, and a copy of Dark Faerie Dreams today.

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ANOTHER STUPID AIR FAERIE. :sad02: I refuse to do Air Faerie quests, they ask for expensive items in return for a useless stat. The answer is no!


Ugh, changing the language to Chinese may keep the Crafting Faerie away, but it does not attract Fyora, the Space Faerie, or the Fountain Faerie. I had better luck last year!


Setting up my Neohome in the Haunted Woods was probably not a good idea - though that has nothing to do with my luck - or does it!?

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Last Day !!!


The wings are good but do they fit all pets ??




I got a Fire Faerie quest with an item worth 8k .. I abandoned it :(


so ....... no FFQ for the second year running !!!!!! YAAAY ME !!!

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Today's Quest: Water Faerie Quest

Today's Prize: Faerie Tuskaninny Plushie


Grand Prize for visiting the Faeries daily:


Deluxe Dark Faerie Wings


Someone beat me to it.


Here's my Hissi sporting the wings by the way:


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The Battle Faerie appears before you. "Neopian, I need your aid. My spell lacks Mynci Tail Doughnuts."


awww :( no luck either. congratulations to all those who did manage to get a FFQ this year, lucky you! :) glad a number of people did manage to get one, better luck to those of us who didn't, next year :P


i wasn't sure if i had visited every day (wish there was a screen where you could check) but it turns out i HAVE :D


yay! a pair of wings i don't have to buy for my gallery :)

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