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I just adopted a beautiful Grey Lupe named Isqz(pronounced Is-quiz). This is a great pound find!!! Has anyone ever had a lucky pound find out of complete randomness?


congrats !!! that sure is a lucky find !!


yes , I adopted Peopha when she was a white Peophin , it was an amazing find because of the name , and also the color White was awesome (it still is)


good catch! The only great pet I have picked up from the pound is my jetsam ffhsaiowho (terrible name i know), but I love him to bits and he brought me luck at the magma pool :D


Wow! You managed to pick up a Grey Lupe with a Gold Slorg attached, not often that you would find a rare-coloured Petpet attached to a expensively-coloured pet at the Pound. Take very good care of him!


Best pet I ever adopted from the pound would be my Grey Jetsam Nifuel. She and Isqz should be friends someday.


I got Mindgame from the pound. No colour or anything though, just a nice name. And waaay back before pets got converted, I found a wn royal girl korbat. She stayed UC, and I was stupid enough to trade her for a MSPP... Yeah, I didn't know a lot about trading yet then.... Don't get me wrong, I love my Swempel, but I still regret that. Ah well, back then UC value wasn't all the way through the roof yet and I guess it was a fair trade. :)


About 5 minutes later his origional owner sent me a Neomail saying to take good care of him. His owner cared enough to be sure he was in good hands.


I adopted a Christmas Zafara named AveryEira & a Blue Koi named Meylir. I loved the names, so I adopted them to be lab pets. But I never managed to get any nice coloured pets.. Congratulations & take good care of him :yes:


yesterday (well Monday) I adopted a Red Cybunny named Random_Randy. I totally knew how to customize him! Purple Cybunny PJs and a random rainbowly background. Only time I knew what to do with the customization


Also, in looking through the pound for a zap pet, I came across m00ncat, It's a crazy name I know, and a Peophin >.> but an old friend I used to chat with went by the name of m00nbeast, so the zeros were great by me, plus I LOVE in penguins of madagascar when they meet mooncat, and they way they say it, is not just moon, but mooooooooon, so the 0's work ^^ Hey, it's a personal thing I guess


00's are fine by me .. I adopted V00D00 and he had 4 zero's in his name .. but no one seems to care about that :) everyone just calls him Voodoo


congratulations on your pound find! you are a lovely person to give a pet a new home *hugs*


i've mainly made all my permanent pets, so never really pound surfed for rare pets, although i have taken some pets in and labbed them so they could go to new homes


and congrats to all those who found such lovely pets in the pound too :) i especially love V00D00 (awesome name!)

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