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Justin Bieber: Your Opinion


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I have nothing against Justin Bieber as a person.



As to the songs, they make my brain want to explode out of my ears.


But I think that he also doesn't deserve all the hatred he gets. People take their dislike of the songs out on the singer, instead of the composer. And was it his idea to put whale music in the background? No, it wasnt.

Hate the song, not the person who is paid millions to sing it.

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Did you guys know he had a kid when he was with Selena? I saw it on a magazine.

I don't like him, but I only like 2 of his songs for the first time. "LIve My Life" and "Boyfriend"

Edited by LoveLaughSmiles
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't stand most of today's pop music, including anything by Justin Beiber. It's such a shame that music has become more about how cute the artist is than whether he/she can actually sing. Most of the teenagers today haven't even heard of half the people I listen to (although their parents more than likely have). But as for Justin Beiber as a person...he's simply a teeny-bopper special. As soon as he's old (which judging from the media will be when he turns about 25), he'll fade into oblivion. And the "Selena's carrying Beiber's baby" thing is just complete tabloid nonsense. Just because it's in a magazine doesn't mean it's true.

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I must say I was ignint and hated him like everyone else but then one night i was on netflix, saw his movie on the new releases and was like "what the heck why not" so I watched it and I must say, I got props for him, dont know if his straight or gay but, props....

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I have nothing against him as a person, but I'm not a fan of his music. I'm don't like pop music in general, however.


If anything, both the fans and his haters annoy me even more. The former needs no explanation. No one likes annoying fanbases. The latter... well, if you think about it, the reason people hate him boil down simply to the fact that both him and his style of music are extremely popular. For whatever reason, people seem to have the attitude that bashing anything that's extremely popular makes you look "hip" or "intelligent." That is an attitude that gets on my nerves for reasons not related to this thread.

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I don't care about him for the least .. to me , he doesn't even exist :)


Well said :) I don't listen to his music, don't read about him, talk about him. I just don't really think about him at all. Other than right now of course :P but that's just to say I don't really know anything about him and that's fine with me!

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Music today is pretty much dead I guess. We can have all the top singers and bands today like justin bieber but they will hardly make it out to the best ones who ever lived. His songs are not really well thought of not like those then during the 80s, early 90s plus the beatles too. At least he's not a singer who gives bad influence to kids.

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I think he's just a cute young kid with talent and he's just lucky to be doing what he loves and getting paid for it. I respect that! Sure, his music isn't my cup of tea, but all this hate surrounding him just because he isn't all that great but still popular is just disgusting, to be honest.


America has always had generic fun popular music, with terrible lyrics but so fun to listen and sing to that you didn't care. Even in the 50s, we had terrible music, and really good music too, and we always will.


I don't like that people act like nowadays all music is garbage. I think that that's a pretty narrow mindset! Sure, if all you're looking at is the top 25 hits in terms of quality, then yeah, a lot of it is not gonna be good. But there are so many talented artists out now, you'll just never hear them on the radio, unfortunately.

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I absolutely love Justin Bieber. I think he is really talented for his age and has some good music. When I first heard about him I was a bit annoyed. I usually don't like when people are going crazy over something (ex. bieber, twilight, harry potter.) But he's good, so I get it. I really enjoy watching his live performances at awards shows too. I like when singers can dance.

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I have nothing against Justin Bieber. His music's fine, I'm not a fan. His voice was not bad, even if it had sounded like a girl's(as many people say). There's nothing wrong with his music, I think. Its just like any other singer's.


And he's just become 18. Let him do whatever he wants, its his life.

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I like some of his music, and he seems like a really nice person.

I do not find him attractive, though, like some of my friends.

That abortion/rape quote was false, as far as I've heard, and even if it wasn't, the context he used was more of "try to make the best out of your situation" and not "get over it".


People who blindly hate him because of his fame are idiots anyway.

It's no one else's right to judge what kind of music someone should like and listen to.

He sounds much better live



Also how I feel about the Pop Music Industry:

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I don't like his music and I don't like him based on what he said about abortion/rape. He said something along the lines of it sucks that people get raped but everything happens for a reason...

Yes, this is what I was going to say. I was so furious when I heard that he said that. D:<



I've read good portions of the interview he did, and I have read the revised statement. I still think he is a teenage boy with too much priviledge and that he doesn't spend enough time actually thinking about things that impact people.

The interview I read had his statement on abortion phrased basically as a question: It's like killing babies?

Um, no it's not. Read something, please.

Also, yes, he's young, but he can vote now, and his shocking ignorance about anything to do with politics as shown in that interview horrifies me. At his age I was looking into joining GreenPeace, I helped canvas for the NDP, Canada's Socialist party, and I tried, whenever possible, to educate people on abortion.

I totally get that he's an entertainer, etc, but to me... that doesn't make his ignorance any more excusable- less so actually. I feel like he should understand what a large audience he has, and use his popularity to do some good.

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Yes, this is what I was going to say. I was so furious when I heard that he said that. D:<



I've read good portions of the interview he did, and I have read the revised statement. I still think he is a teenage boy with too much priviledge and that he doesn't spend enough time actually thinking about things that impact people.

The interview I read had his statement on abortion phrased basically as a question: It's like killing babies?

Um, no it's not. Read something, please.

Also, yes, he's young, but he can vote now, and his shocking ignorance about anything to do with politics as shown in that interview horrifies me. At his age I was looking into joining GreenPeace, I helped canvas for the NDP, Canada's Socialist party, and I tried, whenever possible, to educate people on abortion.

I totally get that he's an entertainer, etc, but to me... that doesn't make his ignorance any more excusable- less so actually. I feel like he should understand what a large audience he has, and use his popularity to do some good.


He's done plenty of good using his money, success, and popularity.


I don't think having an opinion that you disagree with makes him a horrible person.

In fact, it shouldn't even matter because abortion is legal in Canada and most places in the US

and one pop star's opinion isn't going to change that.


His opinions will most influence his crazed-preteen fanbase which ranges from 8 - 15

By the time they're able to vote the Bieber Fever will have died down, in fact, it already is in the process of doing that.

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I thought his music was quite good when he first became popular, but after it was hyped up so much, I began to feel that it was over rated and didn't like him as much.


Obviously I respect him as a person, but I don't really like his music anymore.

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He's done plenty of good using his money, success, and popularity.


I don't think having an opinion that you disagree with makes him a horrible person.

In fact, it shouldn't even matter because abortion is legal in Canada and most places in the US

and one pop star's opinion isn't going to change that.


His opinions will most influence his crazed-preteen fanbase which ranges from 8 - 15

By the time they're able to vote the Bieber Fever will have died down, in fact, it already is in the process of doing that.

Abortion is completely legal in Canada, but the US is having lots of debates on it in various states, and even if it is legal in some states, it's with ridiculous limitations. So I wouldn't say that his opinion on the matter doesn't count.


Perhaps his opinions won't have that big of an impact, but I am still allowed to have little respect for a person who doesn't care about my rights. He may use his priviledge as a celebrity and person with money to help, but he doesn't use his other priviledges to help people, and I just can't go for that.

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I actually like his music xD but I'm not sure of him as a person. He's young and he probably made a mistake on the abortion comment & sadly, in America, a lot of people think like him about these issues. For example: Republicans. There's not stopping it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I honestly can't stand him. His voice is like, a nail to a chalkboard to me. He's only popular, in my opinion, because he's young and what not and all the girls flock to it. Honestly, Selena could do so much better but she likes him a lot so I guess I can't say much there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to tell you guys a funny story.

So I was on the newbies board, right? Well this girl was on there and she's like "WHO HAS BEIBER FEVER" and I'm like "She is horrible."

(Yes, I know. That joke is so old har har you're original Kayla, I thought he was actually Jordin Sparks or whatever when I first heard him on the radio). But anyways.

Well, I got silenced shortly after and as I was reading why, I nearly about lost it from laughing.

I got silenced for calling Beiber a girl.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't hate him, nor do I listen to his music. It's more of a neutral to me. As for Rebecca Black, although I dislike her song Friday, I don't hate her. I don't understand why people exactly like hate him. He's successful for his age, talented and is loved by his fans for what he does. I think that most people kind of hate him just because it's what everyone else is doing. l:

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I totally have a bieber-fever shirt. And i'm not gonna lie, i secretly listen to him on youtube.


I still laugh at the jokes that he looks like Ellen Degeneres, and that he's really a woman, but the kid can actually sing without autotune, he's not bad looking, and he is a good person. He didn't pull a Linsay Lohan and druggie up, he's not a raging party animal or alcoholic. If i had a kid, i'd rather them look up to Bieber than anyone else out right now. At least Bieber looks clean and acts like a human with some class.


The Bieber "debates" (and i use that term loosely) on youtube are always good for a laugh. They usually end up being about the users mother, race, or sexual preference and have nothing at all to do with Bieber's ability or lack thereof to sing. They're good for lulz.

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