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I haven't seen a new movie in a while...nothing good.


Newest movie I saw... Uhh... I unno. I haven't opened the dvd I got of POTC AWE yet...


Your saying Cloverfield does not look even a little suspenseful! :O


Hehe, I haven't seen the Pirates movie yet. I haven't even watched all of the first one. o_O


Okay, so this will tell you just how long since I've watched a movie. The last movie I watched was "Core."


That's a good movie, too bad all but two were alive in the end


The last movie I watched was "The Heartbreak Kid" with Ben Stiller.


I watched it last night because I was really bored (surprisingly enough, TV at 2am in the morning is really boring :P )


Well movies are interesting and I guess this is the time when the most movies are released, so we might as well talk about them.


Go movies!


Doc Loc, your icon reminds me of VG Cats. If you read it, then you'll know the one I'm talking about. :wink:

Argh, that's such a bad movie. It's full of rubbish overtones at the end on how we have to save the world.


Some bits are good - the Mexican penguins, yay - but id rather watch aaaanything else than that. SUCH a bad movie.


(I wana see Sweeny Todd, but that's an 18 in the UK. :()


*gasp* Sam posted ! lol



Watched the trailler of the movie online... seems good! ;D (yes, I'm back to the topic that was here 2 pages ago, and knowing me, next time I'll check this topic, people will have added 4 pages of posts... or more, so feel free to ignore my random post ;o)


*ignores Veronique's random post*


Levy, I like the one where he does Bankai with the rat flail. XD


However, some of them are kind of like "what the heck?" Like one of them was a reference to an anime that's only out in Japan, right now, other than the subs. Everyone was confused by it on their forums, and I had to enlighten them since the makers were preoccupied. >_<;;


The VGcats forums, they require a referral in order to join right? For some reason I never could register.


...I didn't need a referral. Huh... Oh well. I don't remember my username and password, or I'd send you one.


Yeah, it can be found here. Hope you enjoy! I know I did. :wink:


On a different note - what is the strangest conversation you've ever had at work/school?


Oh, I've had lots of weird chats with my friends. I couldn't name just one.


We have no lives. :P


Well neither do I. But I've participated in too many weird conversations.


I'm sure I've had a few. But my memory sucks so I don't remember.

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