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Yup, it's one of the latest and greatest ideas in tactical history.




- We have a cruise missile launcher. Just in case it blows up when we set it off, it is placed in the front line. Also, since we don't have time for training, all the buttons for the aiming system and all that are clearly marked. There is also a sheet of paper with idiotproof instructions on how to aim and fire it.

- Just in case we are defeated, there is a big bright red button saying 'TDN self destruct' which we can press so they won't steal our secrets. This is in the front line for easy access.


At the same time we're trying to save TDN from the invasion of guests with our foolproof battle plan.


And that would be? I dotn know?


Oh, and we'll dig pitfalls all over the place so people will fall in. But, so that none of our men fall in, we'll put stickers on them that read "Do not stand here, unless you're a guest."


Yeah but then how will the guests join?


The guest can join as long as they bring us cookies. And to make sure they're not poisoned, we'll have AA3 taste a cookie from each batch. BRILLIANT!


How about we get let see AA4 to taste them./


Who's this AA4 that you speak of? Or, we could just make the guest sample a random cookie from each platter. If they refuse, then we make them stand on one of the stickers that reads "Do not stand here, unless you're a guest."


AA4 is my favorite cookie eating clone.


A clone? I want a clone! I'd make it go to work for me, while I sit at home playing video games. That would be just freaking awesome. :glasses:


Hum... I don't want a clone, thank you :P


Seriously, my clone would be bored, so yeah XD


Can't you see just how awesome it would be to have a clone? One could work mondays, wednesdays, fridays, and the other could work tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays/sundays. I mean, it would be awesome, and both would get the chance to become rejuvenated. T'would be awesome!


My clone would go to school for me so I could torture Zac more. :P


My clone and I could play Halo 2 together, and dominate as a team, since we'll always know what the other's thinking. BRILLIANT!


argh! So..much..anime!! *runs aways*


I admit...it would be pretty fun to have 2 Metroids around :P ((Twice the puns!))


No no no... it wouldn't be cool! I like to be the only me! And sending a clone at uni at my place wouldn't be smart... because the clone would get smarter than me and yeah...


Ah, but if the clone gets too smart, and tries to get rid of you, you can always press the big red button that would make them go SPLODEY!!! Oh, and if you do it in a public place, you'll be sure to cause utter pandemonium. :evil:


What's this "bandit contest" that you speak of? If it involves foul play and trickery, I'm intrigued. If not, I'm still curious as to what it is. <(o_O)>


The Bandit is a game that is impossible to play...


But okay Ellie, I shall check the topic tomorrow ; hopefuly I'll be online when you open the guessing. I've some familly things tomorrow. (Not like I feel going there... *sigh*)


Impossible to play? If it's so impossible, why do you play it? Your logic confuses me....


Because I didn't know it would be that hard.


We are supposed to find who is the bandit amoung a list of people... but we don't know what is the bandit doing. So it's quite like... pick a name in a hat and guess it's the bandit XD

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