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Hello to you too.


It's sad - there are people running around my school and spoiling Harry Potter 7 for everybody. I think I'll bring earplugs tomorrow.


Im sorry that stinks. Im outta school so I dont have to worry about that.


YAY! I hate spoilers. that why these were made.

Spoilers were made. YAY! WOOT! WOOT!


The main thing is, they want to read the book and find out for themselves. There's been nothing about it popping up so far here, but I can and will put and spoilers in spoiler tags if they do crop up.


Yeah so dont ruin it.


I won a copy of Harry Potter 7. But I don't read the books, so I don't know what i'll do with it.


You should sell it on ebay.


mmm hot cakes


Or you could give it away to a very deserving person that reads the books (oo ooo PICK ME!)


Haha. My sister reserved the Harry Potter book, so I get to read it from her. :]


But getting it signed would be impossible.


J.K.Rowling lives in the UK

Myriad lives in austrailia.


So to have it signed would either have to

-J.K go to austrailia for book signings

-Myriad go to the UK for one of her book signings


But my advice if you're planning to get it signed. Buy the whole series, have J.K sign all 7 books. and keep them all inact for 20 years. then they would be worth ALOT

(when i say intact, i mean like no scratches, no marks etc)


Wow, what a plan. Keeping the books intact would probably be the hardest part. X3


The only problem with keeping them as collectables (the whole signed set in great condition and not opened) is that millions of people have already thought of it. So, even 20 years down the road with signed copies it's not going to be that valuable. Things like limited editions aren't even that valuble. Whenever anything is made with more than 1000 copies you can bet there's enough people out there collecting them and keeping them in perfect condition that it's not even worthy your time and effort. It's the old things that there's 5 of in the world that'll get you moneys.


I say that since you won it, it's a sign, and you need to start reading the HP books.


But Stephi, all these people who buy them. There are millions, but what are the odds that loads are going to be intact.


Some people have many different ways to keep track, they fold the corner of a page, some may just be messy readers and make stains.

Or some, may just not take care of it, and chuck it around. or some school kids would leave it in their bag on their way to school.


But only a few will keep them intact for years to come.


And to go with that, some people read them so many times the books simply fall apart.


Remember you can always buy two collections and one you use it for reading and the other one for safe keeping. It's not worthy, trust me. The signed collections will only START to become valuable when J.K. dies. After that, they have to do research to find out how many have intact collections and how much they would be worth. That could take place about 50 years after J.K. dies. Look at books of Tolkien, they were written a long time ago and you can buy them now for like $1 at any garage sale.


Speaking of collection...


All the books from the Serie I have are like in different format and such. (not to mention that I have book 5 and 7 in English in addition of French. I lent my english copy of number 6 and it never came back to me! Last time I lend a book in my LIFE! They are too worthable to me!)


French :

I have the 3 first edited by folio junior, 4-5-6 by Gallimard (I guess number 7 will be by this editor too). My collection would sell for nothing. But it is priceless for me like I said, sorta XD


No more harry potter talk here. It an temporary rule.


That what I mean but eh Im so confused now.


Yep... no talk about the latest book, so no spoilers. But talking about collection isn't banned XD

But anyway... the board seems rather quiet lately... seems like I'm not missing much.


3 weeks of work left, including this week! Woot!

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