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Giovanni Gale

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Well, you're abusing making use of it really well! :)


I'm on ortho-k lenses, if anyone's every heard of them. :P


Yes, I am abusing making good use of my perks. This is my reward for being so active - screwing with everybody's minds twice monthly. :P

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Hmm.. I don't really understand the craze of HPD. I don't think I've ever actually bought anything on HPD. I mean... does it automatically make anything you buy profitable? The only place I ever buy stuff at is the attic xD.


Then again, I'm too lazy to stock my shop more than like once every week or two, unless I get something worth over 5k randomly


But I mean, do you just buy anything on HPD? I have no clue of the prices of anything. That's why I only go to the attic because i just random-click and hope for the best xD. Also it RS's at a set time whereas I don't think the other shops do, and I never seem to be able to catch the restock.

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It doesn't automatically mean you'll turn a profit. For me, the half-pricing on HPD is negligible to the amount I sell my stuff. I don't know exactly what the point of HPD is, probably for newbies to grab something relatively cheap, like food or books. To me, it just means more people in shops and the shops restock more often. Therefore making me a very happy restocker :P

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It doesn't automatically mean you'll turn a profit. For me, the half-pricing on HPD is negligible to the amount I sell my stuff. I don't know exactly what the point of HPD is, probably for newbies to grab something relatively cheap, like food or books. To me, it just means more people in shops and the shops restock more often. Therefore making me a very happy restocker :P


Ohh, I didn't know the shops restock more often. I guess that part is nice =D.


On another note... I can't get my stupid ear piercing to heal. I don't know what to do T__T. It's been almost a year now and the right one is like always infected (I think because I sleep on my right) and the left one is sometimes a little bit. I just really want them to heal because until then, I'm scared they'll close up if I take the earrings out =/. What to do... maybe I'll try hydrogen peroxide again.

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Flash games don't play too well on my current laptop. I'm getting a new one as soon as I can that will work better. So I just do dailies to earn my NP. I am very quick to spend my NP because of how spoiled my pets are.

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On another note... I can't get my stupid ear piercing to heal. I don't know what to do T__T. It's been almost a year now and the right one is like always infected (I think because I sleep on my right) and the left one is sometimes a little bit. I just really want them to heal because until then, I'm scared they'll close up if I take the earrings out =/. What to do... maybe I'll try hydrogen peroxide again.

Well, i'm no expert but i kept my earrings out for two months because they were bugging my left ear, and my piercings didn't close up. Maybe your ears just need a little break... then again, more peroxide couldn't make it worse, could it? Ah. I hope whatever you do, it works out for you. Unfortunately it seems almost random that some people don't get any infections from piercings while others do. :(

And, if all else fails and your piercings are really bothering you, you could let them close up and try again. Good luck!

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Well, i'm no expert but i kept my earrings out for two months because they were bugging my left ear, and my piercings didn't close up. Maybe your ears just need a little break... then again, more peroxide couldn't make it worse, could it? Ah. I hope whatever you do, it works out for you. Unfortunately it seems almost random that some people don't get any infections from piercings while others do. :(

And, if all else fails and your piercings are really bothering you, you could let them close up and try again. Good luck!


They go through periods of infected/fine. It's more of an issue that my piercings dont seem to EVER heal. I don't know what to do about it anymore. I've been waiting for these to heal so I can get another 2 (they're all on my earlobe), since I dont want to deal with multiple unhealed piercings on each ear. My first pair of piercings have never gotten infected, since they're fully healed. I figure if my piercings would just HEAL, it would be fine.


I got my ears pierced first when I was like 10 and they healed in about 6 weeks.


Maybe like 3 years ago, I got another 2 piercings on my earlobe. After a few months (maybe 3 months?) I took them out one night and forgot to put them back in before bed. They were closed up by the next morning.


After that, I got my belly button pierced. It didn't heal for 6 months. At first I used seasalt spray but I stopped after it ran out. Later, I kept putting peroxide on it. I asked the pharmacist and he said peroxide was a bad idea since it's opening up the wound and not helping it heal. He said use polysporin, and that didn't work either...I eventually got annoyed and took it out.


A year ago, I pierced my ears again (kind of in the same spot as the ones that closed up 2 years before that). I'm afraid to take my earrings out since last time, they didnt even last a day without closing up. If they're infected then they're probably much more likely to close up if I take them out.


I just wonder how many years I'm going to have to deal with it -.-

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They go through periods of infected/fine. It's more of an issue that my piercings dont seem to EVER heal. I don't know what to do about it anymore. I've been waiting for these to heal so I can get another 2 (they're all on my earlobe), since I dont want to deal with multiple unhealed piercings on each ear. My first pair of piercings have never gotten infected, since they're fully healed. I figure if my piercings would just HEAL, it would be fine.


I got my ears pierced first when I was like 10 and they healed in about 6 weeks.


Maybe like 3 years ago, I got another 2 piercings on my earlobe. After a few months (maybe 3 months?) I took them out one night and forgot to put them back in before bed. They were closed up by the next morning.


After that, I got my belly button pierced. It didn't heal for 6 months. At first I used seasalt spray but I stopped after it ran out. Later, I kept putting peroxide on it. I asked the pharmacist and he said peroxide was a bad idea since it's opening up the wound and not helping it heal. He said use polysporin, and that didn't work either...I eventually got annoyed and took it out.


A year ago, I pierced my ears again (kind of in the same spot as the ones that closed up 2 years before that). I'm afraid to take my earrings out since last time, they didnt even last a day without closing up. If they're infected then they're probably much more likely to close up if I take them out.


I just wonder how many years I'm going to have to deal with it -.-


Woah, three months and they closed up in one day! :O

Well, I've pierced my ears, one on each side. I took it out about... 3-6 months later, I think, to change. It was only about a year later that I even started wearing non golds. Now it's been about... 2 years, and I've taken them about for about a week or so, with no sign of them ever closing.


I dont' think I have issues with my piercings, so I'm really lucky with that.

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I have these earrings that touch my shoulders that my dad can't stand! They're orange digi hearts that glow pink in sunlight.


I don't wear girls clothes all too much anymore. How to describe how I dress.....that's impossible!

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I have seven tests next week. Dx


School is torturous!


I've had almost no homework all school year (maybe a math sheet or something), and then, WHAM! We had two essays, a math sheet, and a band test all due for the same day.

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I have these earrings that touch my shoulders that my dad can't stand! They're orange digi hearts that glow pink in sunlight.


I don't wear girls clothes all too much anymore. How to describe how I dress.....that's impossible!



I've had almost no homework all school year (maybe a math sheet or something), and then, WHAM! We had two essays, a math sheet, and a band test all due for the same day.

I had 4 test on the same day last week. :P And 49 scheduled tests for the year, meaning about 60 or so tests for the year.


Well I start school in 2 days (southern hemisphere, diff. seasons) D: Really nervous too, as I am doing double the amount of some people in my year :0

Ooh, taking extra subjects? Which ones!

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Linsta, do you still have the piercing studs in? I've had quite a bit of experience with ear piercings (over the years, I've had 3 sets in the lobes and 3 sets in the top cartilage, though I've let several of them close) If you do, I recommend getting some hoops (a good type, like endless that you'll be able to sleep in comfortably.) Hoops allow more air into the hole from the piercing, which helps them heal quicker. Generally cartilage piercing take a good amount of time longer to heal, and I've always waited a week after getting them pierced, then I removed the stud and put in hoops, and they healed tons quicker.

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Linsta, do you still have the piercing studs in? I've had quite a bit of experience with ear piercings (over the years, I've had 3 sets in the lobes and 3 sets in the top cartilage, though I've let several of them close) If you do, I recommend getting some hoops (a good type, like endless that you'll be able to sleep in comfortably.) Hoops allow more air into the hole from the piercing, which helps them heal quicker. Generally cartilage piercing take a good amount of time longer to heal, and I've always waited a week after getting them pierced, then I removed the stud and put in hoops, and they healed tons quicker.


Ohh, that is a good idea! Now I have to go buy some white gold hoops though *is poor* (I hate yellow gold D=)

With these ones, I pierced it myself and at first I just bought some cheap studs because the whole point of piercign it myself was that I didn't want to pay a lot for getting it pierced. (I don't like piercing guns, they tend to go crooked, and needle piercing seems mroe expensive). So at first I just had some cheap studs.. I think they were still sterling silver or at least nickle free. Later on, I put gold ones in so I dont know why I was still having issues.


But I will try the hoops! I dont know why I didn't think of that, but I will give it a shot!

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I'd never thought of it either. I always left the piercing studs in as long as they said to. But when I got my first cartilage piercing, she recommend using hoops, and I've been doing that ever since and it's always worked well for me.


And mine still get infected, or irritated occasionally. It's usually my cartilage ones. (My most recent of those, are at least 4 years old.) It happens from sleeping on them, or bumping them with my phone too much. At that point, I remove the earring/hoop, clean it, clean the piercing and put an antibiotic ointment on the earring, then put them back in.

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