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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Just 5 more! ^_^


I plan to reach 1,000 posts tomorrow. It seems like just yesterday I was a new member! :D


I love this site. *huggles*


Ok. What drawings are they mostly gonna be about? Like, will the drawings be focused on a certian topic? E.G., Homestuck, Neopets, etc.?

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Sharing of drawing and stories? Awesome! I wish I had something semi-completed to contribute . . . sadly my writing has been limited to homework recently, as opposed to writing for fun . . .

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I have neo sketches, but they were lost in a fire the scanner is off, so I don't feel lke posting them now. And, there's a front and back. And, a part of it was ripped. And, my dad wrote on it because he writes on everything except his notebook. -_-


Syrin, any thoughts on my drawing? ^_^

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Lol I would like to see those, too. :P Whenever I hear #-panel, I think "rage comic" and then I saw it was 4th grade so I'm like, "Nah." :P


I first started drawing in like 3rd grade with random stick figure wars :P but started drawing good in the summer. :P

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I was going to do NaNoWriMo this year but I sort of stopped after the second day after I realized I was unprepared, my plot idea was cliche and sucky, and I can barely even write a novel over the course of a year, let alone one month. :P

It's NaNo I'm doing, really. :>


I'm only at like 7,000 words, though, joy.

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I have neo sketches, but they were lost in a fire the scanner is off, so I don't feel lke posting them now. And, there's a front and back. And, a part of it was ripped. And, my dad wrote on it because he writes on everything except his notebook. -_-


Syrin, any thoughts on my drawing? ^_^


I loved the drawing, actually. Though I did have to turn my computer sideways to view it properly, since my neck was starting to hurt and all ^_^

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D: I'm hurting people :(


Reminds me of yesterday.. there were a hundred or so ants on my plate still with finished food on it from that morning (it was 3 or so) so I carefully grabbed the plate, put it in the sink, and drowned all the ants. I felt guilty or a half second a few seconds afterward. xP


Good night, have a great sleep! ^_^


...You got off because it was your 1337th post. :D

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Your avatar doesn't hurt my eyes, Javi. Mostly because my computer/internet reacts very slowly so I often don't catch the animation anyway


& Wembly, Super-Saiyans only hurt those who deserve it so . . . :P

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That depends. Because most of the time that I use the computer I'll be RPing in JN (I'm not a traitor!), but yes, I still do make posts here too! Maybe not as much as I did before! ...we will see then! :D


Khaos, why are you getting grounded? For?

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