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Giovanni Gale

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I feel like just telling you guys how this works. :P


Well I thought I understood it with the first example but the second one didn't follow my line of thought . . . I'll try again


Is it speakers?

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The one that no one guessed! :O



How can that be? We've guessed all of the things you listed? :P


^It's true! We have guessed everything! Actually, I think Neo_Girl & I each guessed 2 things!

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Sorry I was ninja'd aahahah.


But Yessire, it's the wall. One more time! :D





Am i thinking of the front half of the banister?

Am I thinking of the bottom half of the wall?

Am I thinking of the floor?

Am I thinking of the top half of the wall?

Am I thinking of the road?

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Okay, I'm guessing bottom half of the wall the floor . . . the way I remember learning this game (we called it something slightly different) is not the same as the way we're playing it . . . at least not from what I can tell

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Mm-kay, I'll give it a shot here




Am I thinking of the oven?


Am I thinking of the cupboards?


Am I thinking of the ceiling?


Am I thinking of the chairs?


Am I thinking of the lights?


Am I thinking of the countertop?

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I'm Enlgish, so of course I have uniform at my school. It's not that posh compared to other uniforms, though, no blazers or ties, thankfully. I'm just wearing normal clothes. It's because of an English charity event that happens every year. In year 11, I'll have to spend the last two hours of the day in my PE clothes if we hae any non uniform days on a friday, because all year 11s have PE last thing on a friday, which I'm dreading.

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I'm not good at PE. We have this other charity dayin England in march that's also on a friday, but nly every 2 years. So when I'm year 11, we'll be haiving it, but I'll have to spend part of that day in PE clothes.

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I never minded Gym class myself. Hence not being super-athletic, I always received passing grades for always getting changed to athletic wear for PE. I usually like to wear my PE clothes under my normal clothes back in high school (I was pretty crafty for doing that).

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I was pretty meh about gym...participated if I felt like it, if not, I just relaxed and did whatever. I liked running, and punchball, but most of the sports were uninteresting.


Back in elementary school though, when we did gymnastics, I was a pro at rope climbing. Got an award for climbing all the way up the rope without using my legs :king:

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Well, today we ended up getting up late, and I was in a hurry and had to have toast to eat because it was quicker. I thought it was getting a bit too light, but I though Mum knew what she was doing, but it turned out she didn't hear the alarm because the phone was downstairs.

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