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Giovanni Gale

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My sister's friend does that. She ended up buying the coffee shop she'd worked at for years and years. Her and her husband staff it themselves, and the money they pay themselves with is strictly from the tip jars. Everything else goes back into the company.

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Well, if we're talking about it like that, I guess that's what my dad's been doing the same thing for 4 years. After getting retrenched, he co founded this company with his friend, so we've been living off savings for 4 years.


A family of 6 living of savings - tells you how thrifty my parents were! ^_^

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The other day, my husband and I were talking about how locally, it's more likely to get snow on Halloween than on Christmas. We just got our first snow of the year yesterday. Has anyone else gotten snow yet? And does anyone else often have snow on Halloween?

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o.O I always thought that Colorado was relatively neutral when it came to weather.



@47 guests: make an account :graduated: :yes:

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It's really not, though where in Colorado depends. In Denver, the snow tends to be worse. In Pueblo, it's generally hotter and not a long of snow. The eastern part of the state generally gets the tornadoes.


Where I live, we get pretty much everything. We can get the bad snow storms, the 100+ degree days in the summer, tornadoes, the severe thunderstorms, all the fun stuff. <_<

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New York is one of those states where we get freezing temperatures, ice storms and blizzards in the winter and nasty heatwaves in the summer but spring and fall are relatively normal. At least that's how it is where I live.

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