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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I used to wake up really early (with the help of an alarm) every single day several years back and was pretty much an expert at waking up early. Now, I've totally lost that skill. :/


I know, right? I never used an alarm, but I used to wake up every day at 6:00 A.M. Now on Saturdays and vacations, I like waking up at 11:00. :/

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Halloween is coming up so I want to buy Halloween gifts for the pets on my main account. My new Jetsam is deserving of something nice.


Are you talking about Halloween costumes, Halloween candy, or something else?

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Are you talking about Halloween costumes, Halloween candy, or something else?


Just little gifts. I bought my Usul some black lipstick and bought some plushies for them. I'm done shopping for today

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I feel really terrible right now about nearly everything. I hope I don't sound desperate, whiny, attention-seeking or anything like that, but I could really use a hug or some cheering up right now. :<

I can explain if anyone really wants me to.

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Halloweeny books, foods, or outfits! :D


Everybody likes food. :)


Unfortunately, not necessarily. :(



I feel really terrible right now about nearly everything. I hope I don't sound desperate, whiny, attention-seeking or anything like that, but I could really use a hug or some cheering up right now. :<

I can explain if anyone really wants me to.


I can always give out hugs, but I can't provide verbal support without knowing what's wrong. :/


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I guess I'll explain...

I'm really sick of being a third wheel, especially to these two friends I have. Let's call 'em A and B for anonymity's sake.

So, A and B are virtually inseparable. I've been friends with both of them since grade 7, and I was much closer to A before she became friends with B. Now, I'm fine with them being as close as they are, and I can even say that I appreciate that. But what I don't appreciate is that I feel invisible and useless most of the time when I'm with the two of them together.


Also, come to think of it, even when I'm hanging out with more of my friends after and during lunch (A and B included), I still feel like the seventh/eighth/whateverth wheel and I feel like I'm only there so I won't be lonely. :| They're all joking around, laughing and generally having a good time and I'm just standing there, watching, completely out of the loop.


In other words, I feel like a living prop, third wheel and loner freak all in one and I've had just about enough. Maybe I should tell A and B how I feel like I'm a third wheel when I'm with both of them, but they're probably going to tune me out or they'll listen, but they just won't take me seriously.

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Oh, I was having the same problem, until I kinda gave up on them. Once I wasn't there to be the third wheel, rather than enjoy their time without me, they wanted to hang out with me again. :) It turns out that I just misunderstood the situation. Every now and then I still feel like I'm the third wheel but at least I know they care. :D Let them know that you're feeling distant.

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Yeah, what Noog said. I'm always the third wheel. When me and my friends are walking to our classes, I always try to talk and they just go like, "SHUT UP!!" in a playful sounding way. In lunch, I do talk a lot, though. But when I'm playing sports- take soccer for example: I always yell out something like "Pass! *nameofperson*!" and I'm the ONLY ONE open, and he passes to someone else who's a bit better than me but is completely blocked -_-


And, you dont sound desperate, whiny, attention-seeking or anything like that. :)

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Aww, well that's good to know. :)

It felt really good to get all that off my chest. Honestly, I don't have the guts to admit that those two friends in question make me feel like a third wheel, but I probably should just so I'll (hopefully) never have to say it again.

I also feel like I'm treated a lot differently than all my other friends, my best guess is because my personality, beliefs/opinions, taste in music/books/etc and interests (for the most part) contrast with theirs.

Sometimes I feel like I can't be myself around my friends because of those things and it kinda sucks :(

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Aww, well that's good to know. :)

It felt really good to get all that off my chest. Honestly, I don't have the guts to admit that those two friends in question make me feel like a third wheel, but I probably should just so I'll (hopefully) never have to say it again.

I also feel like I'm treated a lot differently than all my other friends, my best guess is because my personality, beliefs/opinions, taste in music/books/etc and interests (for the most part) contrast with theirs.

Sometimes I feel like I can't be myself around my friends because of those things and it kinda sucks :(


Just read this, and TBH honest my favorite thing about TDNF is being able to express myself without being constantly judged by my peers, oh and good luck leaving the "3rd wheel position" :king:

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I remember this happening to me. The "best year" - graduating year - of my life, was the worst. And I'll tell you why. I was being used, felt like a third wheel. It never feels good. Thing is, my whole year, all I did was mope and emo to myself. Nobody would pay me any mind anyway.


And then come the next year, with new people. Not friends, people. I realised that I was being stupid, so what I did was let go. That easy. Just. let. go. Break away from the clique, stop trying to fit in, cause you don;t anymore. Even if you were the one who people started hanging around. One overseas trip, certain people get close, and my best year *poof* gone.


Never let that happen to you. Don't be afraid of being lonely, because when it's just you, then you can BE you. You don't have to pretend, you can jsut be yourself. Sooner or later, people are going to notice, like, and befriend you. I didn't desperately approach others. We drifted together because of interests and.... formed.


You'll get through it. We all do. :)

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Thanks, everyone :) You're all amazing people and I mean it. To be honest, you all are some of the nicest, sweetest and friendliest people I've ever met and it's always a pleasure to talk to you.


Anyway, today was somewhat better than yesterday. Yeah, I had a test, a quiz and an oral assignment (I probably bombed all of them because I didn't do much studying for either of those things) but as far as my social life is going, it's a lot better than it was yesterday. :D

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I too had a oral test today, It was reciting the french alphabet (exploratory language), I got 100%, yay :graduated: (not too brag of course)

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I still don't know what I got on anything. I'm the most worried about the grade on my oral assessment, which was for English and based on this boring mythology book we had to read over the summer. TBH, I didn't read everything I was assigned. I just skimmed everything because a.) it was all boring and b.) the print was way too small. (I don't have bad eyesight or anything (I actually have 20/20 vision /bragging), it's just that I'm just a lot more accustomed to reading large-print books) :laughingsmiley:


Every word that came out of my mouth was inaccurate as heck and when the teacher asked me this one question, I was like "uhh...I don't know." It was really awkward.

I haven't even gotten my grade back and yet I'm sure I bombed that assignment. I'll probably be doing roundoffs in the hallway if I manage to scrape together a C. :P

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So, after abandoning my Lenny, Chuckalah to adopt a Jetsam I picked up at the pound, I looked up Chuckalah and guess what? She was still in the pound. So I abandond the Jetsam and readopted my Lenny. I transferred my Jetsam to my main account so now I get to have Chuckalah on my main!!!!

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@48066: Yeah, me too.


Man, all of Geography today was talking about our bullying problems. Some of the 7th grade boys were saying that the 6th grade girls were bullying them (which was not true) then everyone started talking about THEM bullying US. That was true. When we got back because we left on a wrong bell, we started talking about people bullying us in OUR class.


Anyways, waitin' for an e-mail. :whistle:

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To be honest, it's harder to disown and expect someone to pick a basic-coloured pet in the pound unless it has a really good name (or if it's an LE pet regardless of colour). It happened with my old Red Pteri Nensondubois when I disowned him for Nifuel, someone adopted my old Nensondubois due to a fine name (no numbers, no underscores, and/or no mixed-up letters).


Also, I kind of like the name Chuckalah to be honest Naamah. It sounds legendary in my opinion.

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I picked up Bamziy and Warthis, two decently-named, LE, basic pets in the pound a while back and I can safely say that those were my best pound grabs- ever. Especially Bamziy, because I adopted him with 32 HP and as a level 7 pet. I'll probably brag about adopting those two pets for as long as I live :P

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From the pound? Wow, lucky. :P


Anyways, I'm listening to this song that says crap. Whenever it says crap (I keep replaying it) my mom goes, "Javier..!" even though I have permission to say that word. -.-

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Yup! :)

In other news, the homecoming dance is a week from tomorrow and I don't know if I want to go or not. I doubt any of my friends will be going (as they generally tend to avoid big social events like that), but I do want to ask this one guy to go- like, just as friends. Nothing romantic or anything.

However, he goes to another school and I'd have to fill out a form if I'm considering bringing someone from another school to go with me. Also, there's always the chance that he doesn't want to go with me. :|


*slowly and awkwardly walks away*

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