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Giovanni Gale

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You're not the only person on this forum who likes disco, I also like disco as well as most other outdated types of music.

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I've never used an Android device before, only an iOS device (my iPod touch as well as my uncle's iPad and the iPhones/iPads at the Apple Store).

Speaking of which, I should probably get a new iPod as I've had this one for nearly two years and it's getting a little old and slow. Plus, I kinda want yet another device with camera capabilities. :laughingsmiley:


I've owned three iPods to date and my current one has lasted me the longest. (I still have my Shuffle from 2008, but I don't use that one anymore)

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It can, but I filled it with my 8GB with useless apps and tweaks, I think I will restore it soon 0.o


And I can't stand it when everyone asks me to play with it, I give it to ONE person, it turns comes back to me HOURS later with little to no battery and my apps out of order.... Don't have that problem with an iPod

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Haha, I gave my iPod to my friends all the time during recess last year. It didn't annoy me that they had it for the whole recess period, instead, there were two songs on it that my friends actually liked, both Taylor Swift songs. The kicker was, they would play nothing but those two songs and I thought, maybe I should put on some '80s music or something but then they'd be all like "what is this noise turn it off now" so I just dealt with listening to those 2 Taylor Swift songs or High School Musical songs on another friend's iPod. :laughingsmiley:

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I also enjoy disco. I've never rollerskated before but I've always wanted to have one of those roller discos :woot:


I like rap :) also Noog, I disagree I think iOS>> Android


iOS doesn't have nearly the customization options that Android has. In fact, people jailbreak iPhones to put android stuff on them all the time...


And as a developer, it costs you $100+ a year to develop for iOS, completely free for android.


Also, speaking of jailbroken iPhones, the reason you're jailbreaking it is to get features that Anroid has BEFORE you root it (the android equivilant of jailbreaking).

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I don't own an iPod, I normally listen to music off of my computer. I was never into listening to songs on the go however. :P

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When I'm at home, I usually listen to music via iTunes or Youtube, the radio or my iPod (if I have my laptop turned off).

The radio in my room is actually a stereo system, which was originally in the living room. It doesn't look all that old, but it has a cassette deck. (It's from the early 2000s. I have a friend who has a radio (not a stereo system) from like, the '70s or '80s and I will always be jealous of her because of that. :P)

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I'm one of those people who likes old electronics (radios, TVs, alarm clocks, etc.) because of the way they look. My friend's stereo is actually really pretty...to me, at least. :/


In other news, I miss the Altador Cup and I'm making some Altador Cup-related graphics. :D

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I only got to Rank 8 this year and had exactly 6k points. I know I could've done a lot more as well, but doing a certain amount of YYB or SOSD games a day got really repetitive and boring, even with the right music playing in the background.

I hope to get at least Rank 10 for the next Cup- that is, if I don't get completely bored right as the event winds down <_<

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In that case, I don't think so...

Well, I'm going to get off the computer for tonight and hopefully I can go shopping and do some more Altador Cup sigs/banners tomorrow--er, today since it's past midnight here. (I'm doing a series of sigs/banners with all the team captains. So far, I have Elon Hughlis, Wizard Windelle, Layton Vickles and Mirsha Grelinek.)


Good night :D

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^ I would like to have a Layton Vickles sig saved for the upcoming Altador Cup, please?

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You want me to make one you mean?


I was referring to Rach/Pyrope's post about AC sigs and banners, I didn't realize that you posted a bit quicker than I did. :P

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