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Giovanni Gale

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Hey, JB! I haven't seen you around the forums either. Where have you been posting? :-O

Games. And don't you still owe me a picture? :P


JB's been over at JN like I should be.

Sorry about not being able to be active with HAMS, JB. ;-;

Don't worry. Hams is only about to die, nothing much.


Hi HOP. I feel like I haven't been in here in a while. It's been a busy summer.

Me neither.

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Luciana- Yup! I love to write & actually hope to make a career out of it. I keep having a problem of falling into fads right as they're starting. The best example being I had a great vampire-based novel in the works & then the Twilight saga took off . . . :sad01_anim:


But it's ok. I'm in the process of working towards a Bachelor's in English, but afterward I am going for a Masters in Christian Ed, with a Youth Ministry focus. This way (my husband being a pastor) I can get a degree that will still lead towards a career & then writing can be my side job instead of primary career path :)

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I stopped being active on Jellyneo (I do stop by there every now and then) and moved over here at TDN due to better community and more devoted Neopets players, too.


Dude. Are you reading my mind or something? XD

I do go on there daily though, but I only make posts there every few days or something.

In other news, my vacation ends tomorrow...and I have a really bad sunburn on my back and shoulders. :sad01_anim:

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Treat with plenty of aloe vera, Rach! It'll help a lot.


I've only been burnt once so far this summer, but it will still be super-hot at the end of August, so we'll see . . .

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I've been proud of myself this year. I have managed not to burn the heck out of myself all summer, haven't even peeled once this year. Well, not counting my scalp because I mean really, who remembers to put sunblock on their scalp :rolleyes_anim: certainly not me. It looks like huge dandruff flakes when my scalp peals though.


Definitely go with the aloe, I prefer the gel to the spray on stuff, there's just something weird about aerosol aloe to me o_O

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I got burned on my face twice on the beach. :P


Just saw something called cleverbot. it was talked about by ryan and spritzie on page 2937(i think) I'ts awesome..and a machine.

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I'm sure there's been other cleverbot conversations on the forums. xD Cleverbot has become very...naughty due to internet trolls teaching it to say strange things...On release Cleverbot was not very knowledgeable and there was very few topics that it could hold conversation on.

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hai guys :woot:


this whole hiatus thing is going...poorly. I'm starting to think that the only way I can get away from Neo is to quit cold turkey :laughingsmiley:


been obsessed with Sherlock lately - anyone else watch it? :D

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Sherlock Holmes? The movie? or a tv series? But actually no, I have never seen anything of that nature, although I really would like to read the Sherlock Holmes books one day, just never got around to it. but now that I've got a nook and those are free, I'm sure I'll get around to it some day :rolleyes_anim:

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That is all. :)

Haha, I did actually have to restart mine once today. I really enjoy these daily puzzles though. They are starting to get challenging a bit. If you really can't get it and want help, print screen is for me and I can figure it out for you.

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Haha, I did actually have to restart mine once today. I really enjoy these daily puzzles though. They are starting to get challenging a bit. If you really can't get it and want help, print screen is for me and I can figure it out for you.


Haha, no worries. I just finished half of the puzzle. I had to restart once; I was down to THREE SQUARES. :mellow:


I like the challenge, too, just if it takes more than half an hour to do a puzzle on NEOPETS, it's a little ridiculous :P

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Im starting to reallly hate the puzzles! They are becoming impossible to do without guessing, and I HATE guessing on Neopets! Does anybody know what happens if you set sail but you have it wrong? luckily Ive never been wrong but do you get another chance or do you simply fail for the day?

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Im starting to reallly hate the puzzles! They are becoming impossible to do without guessing, and I HATE guessing on Neopets! Does anybody know what happens if you set sail but you have it wrong? luckily Ive never been wrong but do you get another chance or do you simply fail for the day?


That happened to my bro; he says that if you sail and the people are in the wrong place, TNT will say that your "attempt has failed" (or something like that) and then let you restart the puzzle.

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They are becoming impossible to do without guessing, and I HATE guessing on Neopets!

Just so you know, none of the puzzles have yet gotten to the point where you have to guess, they are a little more challenging but if you are getting frustrated then take a step back and pause to calm down. It really is all just logic :whistle: I know, easier said than done but you can solve them without any guessing.

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I've been proud of myself this year. I have managed not to burn the heck out of myself all summer, haven't even peeled once this year. Well, not counting my scalp because I mean really, who remembers to put sunblock on their scalp :rolleyes_anim: certainly not me. It looks like huge dandruff flakes when my scalp peals though.


Definitely go with the aloe, I prefer the gel to the spray on stuff, there's just something weird about aerosol aloe to me o_O


I used to burn every summer, and I always peeled. I have very, very pale skin, so I burn easy. I've had to be super careful ever since a cruise a few years ago, where I ended up with 2nd degree burns on my legs. But I can put high SPF sunscreen on in mass, and still burn.


this whole hiatus thing is going...poorly. I'm starting to think that the only way I can get away from Neo is to quit cold turkey :laughingsmiley:


No Manta. No hiatus for you. :sad01_anim: Neopets and TDN needs you.

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I burn pretty easily too...and I almost never tan. If I do, I always have to burn first. <_<

When I was on vacation, we forgot to bring aloe so I was suffering quite a bit. I could barely even wear regular shirts. D:


Also, this is slightly random and offtopic, but I want a red baseball shirt and I can't seem to find any anywhere in different sports stores' online stores. :( Boo. Hopefully they'll have them instore? xD

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But...but hiatus means I have time to do things like read the Sherlock Holmes books, and watch the TV show, and look up fanart, and read fanfiction, and speculate about the new season, and go on long walks in order to practice my skills of induction!! :laughingsmiley: While earning NPs from habi, of course :P



I tan, rarely do I burn. I'm half Sicilian so I get pretty nicely tanned during the summer if I spend a few days on the beach. I always like watching my tan lines go away in the fall as I pale up again. xDD

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Nothing is more important any us/Neo though!


My tan lines generally go away fairly quickly. Except the 2nd degree ones. My skin was so damaged, I had the lines from my shorts for over a year. :laughingsmiley: My doctor and mom were't amused. My dad was on the cruise with me, and knew he'd be in HUGE trouble with my mom when we got home.

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Haha of course!! You guys are second to none!! ^_^


Ouch, second degree?? That's quite a sunburn. What SPF were you using? I can usually get away without using any, or using 30-ish on really strong days.

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:whistle: I wasn't. We'd just gotten on the cruise ship and I'd made the mistake of putting my sunscreen in my luggage, which I didn't have access to for a couple hours. So it was from laying on the deck for 2 hours using nothing.


The next year, I used it heavily, and I pretty much only burned the top of my collarbone, and the back of my legs. (We walked on the beach with our backs to the sun for hours several days.)

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Ouuuuuuuuucchhhhhhhhhh o_O That just sounds so incredibly painful. Shoulder burns are the worst, I think, because they get so itchy and painful under t-shirts :(


Turmy's awake for two more minutes!!! :O

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