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Giovanni Gale

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Rachiee, do you like humor as well as fantasy? If so, Christopher Moore has a great trilogy, Bloodsucking Fiends, You Suck, & Bite Me. There's a bit of romance, but it's a very humorous series about a woman who becomes a vampire & is trying to come to grips with the situation, ends up finding this really dorky male to run errands for her/let her drink his blood & ends up turning him (I think by accident at first) when he threatens to leave her.


Actually, Christopher Moore writes a lot of fantasy humor, so I recommend him if it fits your style.


As far as general fantasy/sci-fi, I've been going back and reading some old classics, like I, Robot and I Am Legend, things of that nature, and then trying to find modernized versions or novels that center around a similar theme. Also, checking Amazon and seeing what people also bought when they bought those books sometimes helps a lot too. Or check GoodReads.com.



I'm a big reading/writing nerd so I could go on about this for hours . . . :)

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Personally I LOVE books by authors like Ted Dekker and James Patterson.

But I'm a total Eragon nerd :D I love that series. Harry Potter too :D

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I'm with Spritzie on that. I love manga but even the first one I got (waaayy back) I remember my mom got mad at me because I read it on the car ride home from the mall and was done with it by the time we got home :)


Still, there are some like Azumanga Daioh that I can read over and over again, so it is sometimes well worth it

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Manga is okay. I haven't really read any in a while though. It's kind of hard for me to find a series that I can read past one or two volumes though.

If I do find a series (anime or manga) I like, I won't do fanfics or fanart 'cause I don't want to be labelled as a weeaboo. That's probably one of the worst things you can be labelled as xD

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Hey, JB! I haven't seen you around the forums either. Where have you been posting? :-O


Syrin- Wow really? I am so jealous! Writing looks like so much fun and I've always wanted to be able to write things (including fanfiction) but I have no idea how. :'(

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Really, Ryan has a JNF account and have no clue on the staff over there. I stopped being active on Jellyneo (I do stop by there every now and then) and moved over here at TDN due to better community and more devoted Neopets players, too.

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I have a JNF account, but I don't go there often. I like the Graphics Battles over there, though, it's fun to see all of them. I entered for the first time :3


Personally, I think TDN is better than JNF.

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