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Giovanni Gale

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Hey guys! I'm back from vacation :D *poofs in*


Went shopping today with my family and got an awesome pair of "barefoot" shoes. They're kinda like the Five-Finger shoes, if you guys have seen them

These are mine:



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'Kay so the topic has moved on, but WHAT? There are people who enjoyed middle school? I thought most people loved high school and hated middle school. I know I did, though I didn't like high school much better. But seriously, in middle school everyone is so immature and insecure; I'm pretty sure everyone was bullied at least a little bit, lol. Definitely the most awkward years of my life, and my emo phase (and awful taste in everything xD) did not help. Neither did the "teams" that the schools where I live separated us into, since the ~gifted~ kids were like...segregated. Spending all of my time with the same 20 obnoxious cliquey children was unpleasant. At least in high school the cattiness was behind each others' backs. College is, by far, the best part of school IMO.


Neoboards are full of...Neopets hipsters? I don't even know. There are some weird people on there. And, of course, the 8 year olds who actually belong on the site haha.


Also I've seen a lot of "barefoot" shoes lately. I thought about buying some for running but then I thought it must hurt a bit if you step on something. o.O

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Neoboards are full of...Neopets hipsters?


Go to the Newbies board and you'll see tons of generic Neopets hipsters :P

Oh yeah, and welcome back from vacation, Manta! Those are some pretty cool shoes o:

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Go to the Newbies board and you'll see tons of generic Neopets hipsters :P

Yeah lol that's what I was saying. The question mark was just...uncertainty as to why they exist, etc.

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Thanks guys!! :D *throws chocolate mousse pie at everyone*


The barefoot shoes are actually surprisingly comfortable, and help condition your feet, as well as improve your posture and walking/running forms


I was not surprised to learn that most modern footwear is terrible for your feet. The guy at the shoe store used this anecdote - if you're at a wedding dinner, and you lift up the tablecloth, almost everyone has their shoes off! :laughingsmiley:


I've been a fan of Merrell shoes for years now though, since in general their focus is on comfortable, ergonomic footwear

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Dressy(-ish) shoes ALWAYS tend to hurt my feet. Just standing around in heels at a party for a few hours (occasionally sitting down or taking walks to the bathroom or something) can hurt my feet. D:

It's even worse when you gotta go to another party after that and dance until your legs turn to jello...and you have to swap shoes with your mom. (True story. I did have a lot of fun at that second party though, despite my feet hurting. xD)

I like wearing flip-flops whenever possible. I even break 'em out in the wintertime if temperatures aren't freezing. :P

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Welcome back, Manta! *grabs chocolate mousse pie & places in fridge with chocolate mousse pie made by Syrin's neighbor*


I love those barefoot shoes! I've been wearing slippers around the house again to avoid tracking mud & things around from my regular shoes but I really want to try these barefoot shoes now, in the house & outside of it


Question though, I pretty much completely lack arches on my feet (I've been flat-footed since I was little) so does that affect my ability to wear the shoe comfortably or does it just mean I need to go up a size?

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Well, I have flat feet too, and I dont think so. The only reason Im up a size is b/c my right foot is way bigger than my left :P I think, (to my knowledge,) it doesnt make a difference with comfort or size for a while. If you ignore it completely and end up with medical complications, then yes, it does affect your ability to wear comfortably :)

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I believe that as you wear the shoes, it will help adjust your feet to a more natural position, though it can take a few months of regular wear to get your feet accustomed. (They feel weird at first)


I was told to wear them for only an hour a day for the first week, to get used to them. My arches are pretty high, so I'm hoping this will help my feet even out a bit.


Also, the shoes are supposed to fit loosely, not tightly. Apparently, your feet expand as you run, and it's important to give them room to breathe.


Although i have a feeling I'm going to be sore for the next few days anyway because I started an exercise regimen of my own design in an attempt to get stronger. :laughingsmiley:

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This whole "trying to stay off the computer and be a more active and productive human" thing isn't working out too well :guiltysmiley:


At least I cleaned my closet today...It's so cool to find notebooks from like, 2003 :laughingsmiley:

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I like finding random stuff when I'm cleaning. I have a whole bunch of notebooks and whatnot from 2006-09 (or even earlier) and I always like looking in them and seeing how much my writing and drawing styles have changed. I have like, two 5-subject notebooks from 2006-07 filled with drawings. I was so bad at drawing back then- I didn't even bother to draw necks or noses. :laughingsmiley:

I also like going through my closet and drawers and finding all sorts of clothes that I didn't even know I had. :D

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Yeah! It's like finding time machines! A few weeks ago, I found my journal from 3rd grade...that's like 1999 :ohno:

It's kinda funny to see that my sense of humor and my general writing style hasn't really changed too much :rolleyes_anim:

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Can you post a journal entry? :P


On topic, I might consider looking through my old toybox to see what i thought was "fun" when i was 3. :P


I used it a few months ago to hide something, but before that it was since 2003 since i last used it. xP


Man, that's gonna be so much nostalgia it's gonna hurt. Seriously, that happened in OldNeo.


Found an old sheet of mine that showed what the weekly bible verse is and the generic math lessons. :3


1st Grade Math and Bible Tests [5/18/07]


numbers, add, subtract, count, more & less, money, time, fractions, shapes


"Then it came about as they were going along and talking, that there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to Heaven." II Kings 2:11

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I never had a proper toybox (in my room, anyway), just baskets. :P

I have three of those baskets. One is filled with notebooks (they're actually buried under a backpack, a binder, and something from Build-A-Bear), the other has Neopets plushies, a few more notebooks, some binders, a scarf and some other stuff. The third basket is more of a prop than anything, but it does have stuff in it. (It's half-empty and has a board above it which props up my TV.)


In other news, I need to clean my room. x_x Also, tomorrow is my six-year anniversary on Neopets. c:

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Lol, I can't beleive i was doing fractions in first grade. :/


I had a lot of pokemon plushies that i loved a TON, and after seeing a really popular mario and luigi plushie adventure thing, i decided to use them again. :3


I have:








Non plushies:



Another Geodude :3








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I feel obliged to post my collection of Neopets plushies (and other swag) just because. :P

I have...

-Shadow Mynci plushie

-Speckled Aisha plushie

-Pink Aisha plushie

-Yellow Poogle plushie (the same Poogle in my personal photo...it's wearing a cheap pair of readers! 8D)

-Green Kau plushie

-Mini Red Kadoatie plushie

-Green Pteri plushie clip (from the McDonalds promotion back in 2005)

-Plushie Kacheek plushie clip

-Plushie Scorchio plushie clip

-Plushie Kougra plushie clip (I actually wore this on my tote bag for a while during the last few months of school)

-Talking Blue Kacheek toy (bought c. 2005, I need to replace the batteries for it x_x)

-Issues #11, 15, 16, 23, 24 and 25 of Neopets Magazine (I don't know where the posters are, unfortunately I might've thrown them out :()

-Gelert plush CD case

-Uni plush CD case

-Aisha plush CD case

-Eighty-something TCG cards (from the Base Set, Return of Dr. Sloth and Darkest Faerie sets)


The most recent things in that collection were bought in 2007. If I can, I'd like to pester politely ask my parents for more plushies and TCG cards for my birthday. xD (Problem is, I think I'd have to order online for both of those things :/)

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I want a TON of neopets merchandise.


I have:


- Red Mynci Plushie

- Fire Mynci Plushie (lost)

- Cloud Beuce Plushie

- No TCG cards

- Green Grundo Action Figure

- Yellow Blumaroo Action Figure


Maybe moar? IDK.

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Oh geez, lemme dig it out again


Here's my favorite. I apparently spent most of third grade writing a series of dialogues between myself and an anthropomorphic crayon box


Dated Fri, Sept 24th, 1999


Amanda: "Hello Mr crayon box! Can you report the weather?"


Crayon: "Yes I can! The sky is full of sun! If you don't have a baby, get a baby boy!"


Amanda: "No Mr Crayon box! Not that kind of sun!"


Crayon: "Oh! I thought you wanted me to talk to a bunch of people who didn't have babies!"


Amanda: "Oh well I guess you said enough."


Crayon: "No I didn't! I want to push you off a cliff!"


Amanda: "Nooooo! Well I guess that's all for today folks!"


Mind, this is in contrast to the book I wrote in first grade that began "The universe is made up of atoms, which are made up of particals [sic]"


My seventh grade journal has a short story about an anthropomorphic sword-fighting frog princess who finds an underground village of Donkey Kong people. :rolleyes_anim:

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