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Giovanni Gale

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See, that's why I like having Neopets xD You don't need to change up their diet, and they won't complain if you never feed them/play with them :rolleyes_anim:


I can't even take care of a cactus, so virtual pets that don't die or get tired of their food ever is perfect for me :laughingsmiley:


Still, I want some of whatever they get fed at the Neolodge!! xDDD

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Virtupets had a near-sweep! :D The only thing we lost was SOSD...that really doesn't matter all that much to me because I didn't play any SOSD yesterday. xP

Anyway, good luck to everyone in the finals tomorrow. I know you'll all do well. :)

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For me and yesterday's match, Darigan Citadel drew against Kiko Lake at Yooyuball, succeeded in everything else though.

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Yeah DC!! Not bad :D


Idk if I'll stick with them again next year...I love my Darigans, but I kinda like playing for different teams :P

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Ooh! I hadn't even thought of that :laughingsmiley: That might be really fun!


You're way more hardcore than i can be though, hahaha. I'm not too much of a gamer :sad01_anim:

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Last year, Divya, Anisha, and I all played for Maraqua and it was a ton of fun.


I'm not either, but I'm just determined and have way too much time on my hands, though mostly too much time.

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Lol, so I was just at the park and this big dust storm hit. At the time I was thinking "HOLY CRAP, HURICANE KATRINA AND THE DUSTBOWL HAD A BABY! :O "

Fun stuff. I think its still going on. I'll have to check if I can see more than 20 feet ahead of me now. :P

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Wow. That'd be kinda fun Ryan. :yes:


Guess who just bought a gamecube!! :laughingsmiley:


I really don't know why. I just kinda felt like it. :) It's my money!


Guess who else is trying to enter for the random contest this week, for real this time! :laughingsmiley:

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Nintendo Gamecube? I used to love that system back in my late elelmentary school and middle school years. I loved playing Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin and its sequel, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Mario Sunshine, Pokemon Colosseum and XD, Wario World, Alien Hominid, and various other games I can't list at the moment.


Any other games that you'd recommend for the GCN? I'd like to find another decent GCN game for my collection. ;)


By the way The Guy, what game(s) did you get with your Nintendo Gamecube?

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It's only 6:10 in the morning and my day has already been ruined! I was suppose to start Summeer school on Thursday and now I have to deal with those kids, teachers who don't give a crap, and now I can't stay in my room and lock my door like I've been doing the entire Summer. I freakin' hate my OT! Sure I'll be nice to those kids, but I won't invite them over to my house....I love my cats too much for that.


And Darigan Mysterion, the Gamecube is freakin' boss. Alien Hominid, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Soul Calibur II=some of Naamah's all time favorites.

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I love Super Smash brothers. My cousins bf had a Nintendo 64 and he would let us use it and me and my brother would play that game all day. I remember My brothers would always be kirby because he could fly for a while if you kept on pushing the button. but eventually he'd fall so my bros werent to happy about that

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