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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Ughhh, I have a Regents exam tomorrow for science. I honestly think I'll fail and break the record for the lowest grade scored on the exam for my school. >.>

Oh yeah, and I've been booted out of Honors science for next year 'cause of "test anxiety." The teacher is even giving me a piece of scrap paper to "let out my frustrations" (not her exact words but whatever) during the test. pshhhh~

The only good thing is, I don't have to leave for school until about 11am. :D


*poofs out to study and play Altador Cup games*

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Oh and SK beat VP. What the squirrels is going on there... o.o'


Btw I celebrated with LDers at their board. Livvy was there. ^^

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Hey all :)


I've not been on HOP in a while.


At the start of the AC I told myself I'd play enough to earn some decent prizes. I have played a total of 76 games of YYB. Nothing more, nothing less. Very poor effort. <_<

But KI are at 3rd today. I hope we place this year... participant medals don't look cool. :whistle:


To keep on topic, I never buy NC. Heh.

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My husband is going to get me a $10 NC card next week, so I can use it. I showed him all the items last night, and he thought they were gorgeous for my future Faerie Draik.


I just hate that it's random, unlike the Blumaroll one. One of the items I want most is the wood level, but I would probably have to get wood a few times to get it. (Plus, the item I want most of everything, is in the gold level.)

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Yeah. That's what I'll do. I'll put up the items I don't want.


I'm definitely going to give it a try. I've never seen an NC game have so many items I liked. That was part of what stopped me from buying tokens for the others, I didn't like the majority of the items.

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I haven't bought Neocash in a while. I got a $10 card for my 10th birthday (which was nearly four years ago) and that's about it, excluding free NC from site events. I want to get another card for my birthday, though. (A few months ago I swore never to get NC again, but dang, it's just too tempting. :P)

Oh, and about that test I took today...it was pretty difficult and my stomach hurts from chewing gum for three hours. Also, when my mom came to pick me up at the library after the test, it was raining really hard so I got drenched. Obviously not a very good afternoon :/

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I guess my main problem with NC is that I tend to lose interest in neopets (and then regain interest a few weeks later) so sometimes I feel like it would be a waste of money?

why can't I just buy neocash items from other people with neopoints??? ugh


Rach- Sorry to hear about your test. What kind of science was it? Biology?

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@Luciana It was an earth science exam. I don't have biology until next year as far as I know.

Anyway, as far as the AC is going for me, I'm still stuck at Rank 3- I hope to get to Rank 4 sometime over the weekend. I don't think it'll be too hard because I have a good amount of free time over the weekend c:

However, I'd like to get at least Rank 5 by the time the cup ends~ It's kind of a low goal because it takes me a while to increase ranks. D:

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WE DREW KRELUDOR!!! Dead tie!!!


DC has finally woken up, my friends. b)


You can say that again Ryan, I've been getting more in the habit of playing a few more Yooyuball since I realized that DC was falling.

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My computer was being slow when I went to check the results this morning, so the first thing I saw was red squares for all the games. I couldn't believe it. I worked specially hard on MSN yesterday.

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