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Giovanni Gale

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I'm going to genuinely try to max YYB when YB/KD swings by in TM's schedule. I had 157 against Maraqua and 133 against DC, but I wasn't really going as 'hardcore' as I could've. And if not 300 YYB games.. I'll atleast gun for 3000 goals. ^_^


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If I can get some projects finished tomorrow, I'm going to try to max SOSD tomorrow, and maybe Wednesday.


But I'm so tired and stuff right now, I have to get to bed. 5:30 comes way too early.

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I try to never send less than about 200 games a day. Usually, I try to get in the 300-400 range. Today, I plan to max because I nearly finished my project yesterday, and it shouldn't take me long to finish the last few details. :D


I actually missed SOSD.

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I got new clothes today!!! The only thing I hate about new clothes is that they're always so stiff...like the fabric.


<------is random


Cool! :D What kind of clothes? I got a pretty skirt on Sunday :wub_anim:

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Cool! :D What kind of clothes? I got a pretty skirt on Sunday :wub_anim:


I got a few t-shirts, a nice black dress, 2 blouses, one button up shirt, a necklace, a 3 pack earring set, new shoes, 2 pairs of jeans and have more clothes on the way.


I have to buy my clothes online usually because I'm a a plus size and everywhere I go in the mall it's always small small small, medium, medium, medium <_< I like the way I look though.

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Ah awesome!! :D Haha I totally get you on the sizing problem: I'm really tiny so I can never find the XS or petite stuff I need :P Sometimes I get lucky though and find the size I want on a different rack. I love it when that happens :D

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Ah awesome!! :D Haha I totally get you on the sizing problem: I'm really tiny so I can never find the XS or petite stuff I need :P Sometimes I get lucky though and find the size I want on a different rack. I love it when that happens :D


What really annoys me is when you look at the size charts and think you're the same size you are at one store but your a size larger or smaller. It's confusing.

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My biggest clothes shopping issue is the length of pants. I'm average height, 5'6, but I generally have to search for one of the shortest pair of pants, and even then, I often have to have my pants hemmed. (My sister has the opposite problem. She's 5'10, and she can rarely find pants long enough.)

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Pants shopping is usually a pain in the arse for me, unless a store carries pants that are of a shorter length than the others. I've had luck finding shorter-length jeans in Delia's and Aeropostale, and they fit very well so I usually get my jeans from there.

I don't have much of a problem with shirts though, except a lot of the more appealing shirts are too small or too large. I also don't like it when I take different sizes at different stores...I'm usually a small or medium in shirts at juniors' clothing stores and either an extra small or a small at women's clothing stores. It IS confusing! :c

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Pants shopping is usually a pain in the arse for me, unless a store carries pants that are of a shorter length than the others. I've had luck finding shorter-length jeans in Delia's and Aeropostale, and they fit very well so I usually get my jeans from there.

I don't have much of a problem with shirts though, except a lot of the more appealing shirts are too small or too large. I also don't like it when I take different sizes at different stores...I'm usually a small or medium in shirts at juniors' clothing stores and either an extra small or a small at women's clothing stores. It IS confusing! :c


I'm 5'0-5'2. Now that is short. I like longer jeans. They're easier to tuck into boots and don't become high waters so quickly.

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I currently have my jeans rolled up twice. :laughingsmiley: They drag, and wear through, even with tennis shoes on. (I think I wore a hole in them, from wearing them with flip flops.) That's why I like shorts, it's so much less complicated.

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I like shorts, they're a lot more comfortable than pants and jeans (generally). Soffes/cheer shorts are probably the most comfortable, but you have to worry about them being too short though- that is, if you roll down the waistband too much. :P

I like jean shorts for the way they look...they're pretty comfortable unless you have a bad sunburn around your waist. (True story. It was really painful~)

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Personally I like to wear mini-skirts more than anything.









... And while you all get rid of that mental image i'll say that seriously I ALWAYS wear jeans and a tshirt. Like, every day of my life. The shirts are usually squirrel themed.

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Ditto here. xD I am almost always wearing jeans and a t-shirt -- the t-shirts are usually ninjas, nerdy, or kidish, despite my technically being an adult. xD


If I'm going out somewhere nice, it's NICE jeans, a t-shirt with nothing on it (like, a solid color) and some heels.

'cause I can wear heels despite my typically casual wear. xP


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I usually wear a graphic tee, some jeans, my black Chucks (I love those shoes soooo much) and maybe a hoodie if it's chilly. I probably have at least 10 hoodies (my favorites being a purple and gold hoodie, a navy blue/white/pink one and a white/blue polka dot one), idk, I haven't counted. :laughingsmiley:

But if I'm going somewhere nice, I usually wear a dress or a plain shirt plus a skirt and leggings. If I'm wearing the latter, chances are I'd be wearing flip-flops or Chucks as well. Yeah, I'm really not all that formal when it comes to footwear :/ However, for a solo evaluation thingy earlier this year, I wore a nice 3/4-sleeve shirt, skinny jeans and heels. XD

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I'm 5'0-5'2. Now that is short.


I'm 4'9.5" ;) Walked into a restaurant the other day wearing my college shirt, and got handed a KIDS MENU. I was a little miffed. It didn't help that I couldn't eat most of the food because of my wisdom teeth surgery a week and a half ago :/




I usually wear a tshirt (woot shirt or video game shirt :P) and either jeans or cargo shorts. I've been trying to dress more adultlike lately so that I don't get mistaken for a little kid as much. But it's tough because I've always worn shlumpy clothes my whole life, so the more form-fitting stuff is tough to get used to :/

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omigod, I feel tall now...and I'm about 5'3 or 5'4. XD

I get mistaken for a college kid (or a junior/senior in HS, not that sure lol) often, but I honestly think it's more about the way I present myself around others and less about my height/the way I dress.

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