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*Also sends pie and cookies* I'm with you on the not being fond of cake, but loving pie and cookies.


I made some really awesome coconut cream pie for Easter dinner yesterday. I wish I could send you some through the internet.


I hope you had a great birthday yesterday Wembly, and I congratulate you on becoming a Fantastic Member. :king:


I'm late, but I'd already logged off by the time you became a FM. (It was actually 6 minutes before I was off of work.)


But congrats on FM. :D


Buu... woke up at 5am to go surfing since I have classes in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Then I heard on the news it was going to be super cold and rainy in San Diego today );

Gloomy/rainy days makes me sleepy...


Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Its actually 75 and pretty sunny here. I'm thinking about going and pulling weeds to get the garden ready.


*omnomoms cupcake* Thank you! I actually not really a big cake person, I'm more of a pie or cookie person.


Side note: I'm now a Fantastic Member with this post holla!


Oh dear. I'd take my cupcake back but you appear to have eaten it. :yum: So, seeing as you're not a cake person, I got you some pie and cookies too :) *hands them over in a nicely wrapped box*

And congrats on Fantasticness! :thumbsup:


Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Its actually 75 and pretty sunny here. I'm thinking about going and pulling weeds to get the garden ready.


75 degrees and pretty sunny? What a coincidence, that's the same weather in my area right at the time I'm posting this.

Sorry I haven't been as active as I was, I was getting addicted to Icepets since those Icepets guys stopped by TDN and Jellyneo recently this past week or so.


It's 40° and raining here. Not quite as nice as the weather you're getting. :P


I'm with you Meghan. Here, it's cloudy as far as I can see in all directions, and the last time I was outside, it was starting to rain.


Sunny and gorgeous and...really humid here. But why am I sitting inside when it's beautiful out? o_O


...Oh right, advertising my BC entry *brick'd*


whhyyyyyy did I enter BC this week? :P


:laughingsmiley: I guess I should be glad the weather is icky. I'm stuck inside for... *counts* 5 hours and 45 minutes longer.


Well apparently I should enjoy the weather while it lasts because we've got a severe thunder storm warning for tonight. Today has been a much nicer day than the weather people predicted. They said rain/thunder all week but its actually been rather nice for the most part so far.


And wow, I'm watching some show on the zodiac killer and wow was he a lot creepier than I ever realized.


It's sunny and 80 here- it feels more like mid-June than late April :)

My walk home from school was pleasant- there was a little breeze and I didn't get mad at any drivers. Yaaay! C:

The walk to school was a different story, though.


I checked my forecast for this afternoon, and my area is supposed to get some isolated thunderstorms, and remain cloudy with some showers for the rest of the night.

I'll be sleeping when the thunderstorms occur, and I won't be frightened. Could have been worse though. :P


My area is supposed to get some thunderstorms overnight, but there's only a 30% chance.

According to the Weather Channel's website, the thunderstorms will continue into tomorrow and Thursday. :/ Yeah, not too happy about that.


Does anyone else have flooding where they are at? We've had tons of storms & a lot of the back country roads are flooded.


Also, the storms have been making Internet connection difficult (I'm on satellite internet) so I've been having Neopets withdrawals . . .


We haven't gotten enough rain yet, for flooding. Actually, we rarely get enough for flooding. When you look at annual precipitation, where I live falls in the "desert" range. :laughingsmiley:


Do you guys get a lot of flooding from snow melt from the mountains. And that is really interesting that you get so little precipitation. I feel like I've learned a lot about Colorado's climate these past couple days :laughingsmiley:


Not usually. We've been going through droughts for years. We even had a few years were they had water restrictions.


Oooh agreed. Snow definitely needs to stop! I am shocked because the weather is so nice here still... just waiting for summer to start. It was really windy here today.


I can send you some snow if you want. :D


I just hate when it's cold/cool and the air is all moist. It's just icky... and depressing.


Snow? Ewww. It's about 70 here again. We had the most epic rainstorm last night and me and a bunch of friends all ran outside and danced around. It was epic :laughingsmiley: And then we dripped water all over the dorms, but it was totally worth it. I would be so sad if it started to snow, and I usually love snow! :P But it's definitely spring now!! :D

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