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I only cheat on my DS games.

Anything that matters like school work I feel is too important to cheat, if I fail it then it means I have to try harder.


I dont cheat on important stuff. On random play-only-once-and-then-get-bored-games I could care less, but on school stuff, definitely not. I use the cheats on DS games too like Mario. :king: Harhar.


I only cheat when I'm playing an RTS and getting pwned by a surprisingly skilled AI. xD Apart from that, I really enjoy challenges, so I avoid doing anything to spoil them.


That said, I've never been able to really play sports, so... *shrug*


I will cheat when playing D&D. If I'm gamemastering, I will sometimes fudge rolls to not kill characters. And, if I'm a player, I will very occasionally cheat on a dice roll if there is something I really want my character to succeed at, usually a skill check. I'm only prone to doing this because there is one player in my group that seems to roll extraordinarily high all the time (I sincerely believe he cheats often), and I don't want his character beating my character at something that my character should be better at doing.


Example for people who care:


Suppose I'm playing a roguish character that is trained at picking locks. Our adventuring party stumble upon a locked door we would like to enter. I roll a check to open the lock, and I roll a 5, which I add to my skill of 15 to get a total of 20. My 20 is not good enough to open the lock (I needed a 25), so the other player will take a try with his character. He has 6 in his skill, so he would need to roll a 19 or a 20 to succeed. Miraculously, he rolls a 19 and opens the lock.


This would be fine if it happened once, but it happens 9 times out of 10. It's very frustrating to constantly get outdone by someone that consistently outshines your character at something your character should excel at doing. I have not seen this guy claim to make a roll between 5 and 15 in a very long time.



So, what do people think about using game guides for say getting PS3 trophies or in-game achievements on other consoles? Does it count as cheating because you've not worked out how to do it yourself? My friend and I tend to go through the game on our own first and do as much as we can, and if we still can't figure certain bits out, then we'll look it up in the guides on IGN. That way we get to know that we achieved as much as we could & just needed a bit of extra help. :)


I used to think of using game guides as "cheating" in the loosest sense of the term. Then I got a job. Now, game guides are a necessity if I actually want to finish a game, since I don't have time to figure everything out for myself. I'll always try solving something first, but I won't let myself get hung up on it for hours anymore. If I can't figure out what I need to do in a reasonable amount of time or a reasonable number of attempts, I'll look it up. Usually, I'll find out that I knew what I needed to do do, but I missed something or I was not quite good enough at what I needed to do.


That's pretty much where I stand on it...there's just not enough time in life to get stuck for ages on one thing and you're nearly always there anyway.


I dont know if guides are technically cheats. Cheats could be considered as "holes" in the game that you can "manipulate" to get a higher score. Guides could be considered as people figuring out how to solve a puzzle and sharing their process with other people. To me, it doesnt sound like cheating.


I agree with Divya. I don't seem game guides as cheating. It's telling you things to do, and helps you learn it. It's hard playing something when you have no clue what's going on and it's all trial and error.


I used to think of game guides as cheating, but now they're kind of necessary. I still get the same feeling of accomplishment as if I'd bumbled around for hours before figuring it out; it's not like the guide did the work for me. It just did the mind-reading. :P


Some games, they're really difficult without. I remember watching my sister stumble around that Myst game for hours, having not much of a clue what she was doing. She never did finish the game.


Considering that I actually write game guides... I don't think they're that much of an issue. xD If you want to take a little leg-up in a game, a guide will give you just that, without necessarily taking away the actual challenge of accomplishing it (although this depends on the game). That's something I think is very useful. :yes:


Like Mutant Graveyard of Doom on Neopets. I understood the idea of the game. But after reading a guide, I got a tip that allowed me to score higher. They're a huge help.


Cheats do it for you, game guides just help. You still need to understand everything with a game guide, but with a cheat, everything is bambambam DONE! :ohno:


In other words...




Although playing with cheats in RTS games can actually still be quite challenging...


So we watched 'The Outsiders' in class today after reading the book. I'm suddenly understanding so many jokes now... :O


Anyway, I agree with what Divya said about game guides.


I love The Outsiders. It's probably my favourite common Grade 8 novel study book. I've been wanting to see the movie for a couple months now.


^ No, they make us read Shakespeare too. But it depends on the school. For example, in 7th grade for Drama class, I had to read, see, and perform Othello. In my older high school, I didn't read Shakespeare YET. Eventually we would, but I transferred.


In my high school we had a year of british literature and a year of american literature so yupper roo did we read shakespear. I can't say that I am really a fan of it though.


I don't think many people here are huge fans either, lol. The only literature I remember reading at school that was definitely by an American was when we had to read 'The Glass Menagerie' by Tennessee Williams. I always found reading plays really boring though, they're meant to be acted & seen not just read out of a book. Humho.

I like your Scorchio drawing, did you do it yourself?

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