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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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It was. And it was even cooler with the Island Snicklebeast. I just wish there was a Jelly Pteri.


Anyway, the Secret Santa is up! Please give me any feedback on the topic.


Why a Jelly Pteri? o_O


I PM'ed you and I think I got added to the list :D

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Because the HOP used to be called Jelly Bird, and when you say bird, I think Pteri. Though a Jelly Lenny would work.


And yep, your on the list.


Ohhh. Yeah, I think they have a Jelly Lenny




Speaking of which, how do you even get your Neopet to turn to Jelly? o_O

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Ohhh. Yeah, I think they have a Jelly Lenny

No, they don't. :( The closest is a Jelly Korbat. I'll just wait until they make a Jelly Lenny/Pteri.


JB, you could go by Jelly Bug (I know, not the same as the HOP) but you could use a Jelly Slorg or Jelly Spyder.

Remind me how Jelly Spyder is JB....:P

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EDIT: Jelly pets and petpets are lab only.


Awh I don't wanna have to complete that whole thing AGAIN! I did on one account and my grandmother and I spent countless amounts of neopoints investing in it... :P

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Jack Boil

Jolly Boy

Justin Bieber

Jonas Brothers


Those are some JBs that came off the top of my head.


I don't want to risk myself with the lab ray. I don't want one of my pets turning into a species that I don't like. That's why I don't even bother to get the pieces.

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Same here. I only have the lab ray on one account. I want to get it on my main account as well, but it's so expensive.


Maybe I should get the lab pieces. Then make a guinea pig and hope it comes out Draik or Krawk. Or it can't do that?


I'm not doing Jonas Brothers or Justin Bieber. And probably not the other two.

I've already got four names I want to use, and jumpingbeans or Jungle Beast again.


I say do Jungle Beast again.


Yay decisions! I got 2 siggies made. Choose one:






PLEASE NOTE: I couldn't find any good images of Santa where he didn't have a bottle of Coke.

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