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Giovanni Gale

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I always had a hard time with college thoughts. I could never decide what I wanted to do. It changed from web design, computer something, lawyer, paralegal, etc.


I'm eventually taking some business classes. After that, I have no idea.

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*spazzes* Look at this prompt!

2. "The most important lesson you can learn while you are here [at Furman] is that for your life to have authentic meaning, fulfillment and consequence, you must learn the importance of connection to forces larger and greater than yourself: to larger causes and to the greater community." Rod Smolla, President, Furman University

With this in mind, briefly describe a current issue or recent event in your state or community and how it will affect its citizens in the future? More importantly, how have you, as a leader, made a difference in regards to this issue? Maximum Allowed: 500 words.


What the heck am I supposed to say about that? I'm a HIGH SCHOOL student, for goodness sake! I don't have time to go out and save the world! I'm busy trying to keep my own little world from imploding!


That isn't too hard. I'm a freshman in HS and I could figure something out. Not sure if I would be able to stretch it into 500 words though.

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I've always had trouble keeping my writing under the word limits for things. I just love writing long stuff. I just can't get into writing short stories and such. I love really developing the characters, plot, etc.

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Only 150 words?????? That's hardly anything, maybe a couple of short paragraphs.

That's exactly why we need good editors.

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I am applying for this opportunity at a Museum, and for a few of the essays the limit was 150 words. I cant write only 150 words! My first draft was roughly 700. x_x


Okay, that is way too few words. What kind of essays are that short? What were some of the subjects for those ones?

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That isn't too hard. I'm a freshman in HS and I could figure something out. Not sure if I would be able to stretch it into 500 words though.

Alright then, CAV. What have YOU done to save the world?


I could do 150 words. But I've always been a very concise writer. I like words; I don't like to waste them where they're not needed. Some people are really good at using words effectively in longer writing, but I'm not one of them. If I try to use a lot of words, I just sound long-winded.

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I think I tend to be a very descriptive writer. It's been so long since I've written anything though. But I always loved long things that I could work on for a long time. I had one story going with a friend, for about 3 years.

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Hm... I suppose it's more that I can be long-winded in fiction, what with descriptions and setting the scene, but for an essay or report, I tend to be more conservative with words. And since I consider these as essays rather than stories, I write short.

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Sorry to go back in the convo but...


Okay, that is way too few words. What kind of essays are that short? What were some of the subjects for those ones?


I know! They were: What is your favorite science topic? AND How does science affect your everyday life? x_x


Alright then, CAV. What have YOU done to save the world?


I could do 150 words. But I've always been a very concise writer. I like words; I don't like to waste them where they're not needed. Some people are really good at using words effectively in longer writing, but I'm not one of them. If I try to use a lot of words, I just sound long-winded.


I understand that. I actually like righting longer pieces because it is fun to chop them down. :laughingsmiley:

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Sorry to go back in the convo but...


I know! They were: What is your favorite science topic? AND How does science affect your everyday life? x_x


Okay, I could see how the favorite science topic one could be that short. But the second one would have to be really shortened down. That seems like a topic for a much longer essay.

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Okay, I could see how the favorite science topic one could be that short. But the second one would have to be really shortened down. That seems like a topic for a much longer essay.


They were both rather difficult for me. I went into way too much detail for my favorite science topic (Genetics) and the same thing with the second one.

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It's always been fascinating to me. Plus, if I were to predict weather in CO for a job, if I was right, all the better, but if I was wrong, well, it's CO weather. It changes all the time with no warning.


I always loved astronomy as well. Saturn was always my favorite planet.

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I've always loved meteorology. Sometimes I wonder why I didn't go to school for it. It's really the only thing I've been passionate about my entire life.

I have a lot of passions. I have always found meteorology very interesting. I love learning about those kind of things, meteorology and a bunch of other ologies. :laughingsmiley:

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