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Giovanni Gale

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They're also doing a Yogi Bear movie. It comes out in December.EDIT: Both Pokemon and Digimon animes suck. There is no winner.

Yes. And Justin TImberlake is set to be Boo-Boo Bear. Oh, the irony.

Did I ninja you?


I agree.Also there is Hank Azaria (Moe from The Simpsons), Jeff Foxworthy, and George Lopez. C'MON GEORGE! You did Beverly Hills Chihuahua and Marmaduke, and BOTH films came out as piles of crap. What makes you think this won't be any different!?Full link.


Hank Azaria is awesome though. He's done Moe, Apu, Carl, Comic Book Guy etc.

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So I guess I'm the nerd who was reading books and tinkering with computers while everyone else was watching TV? :P


Is Halloween a thing in Malaysia too? I remember someone from South Africa being amazed at how "crazy Americans go over Hallow's Eve." =P

Nope, there's barely any Halloween celebration at all here.

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So I guess I'm the nerd who was reading books and tinkering with computers while everyone else was watching TV? :P

Naw, I read books too. I finished LOTR when I was eight. My mom descided everything on television was too violent so I was banned from watching any of it. I have to say though Power Rangers had better life lessons in it then Hannah Montana or iCarly. Those shows are telling the youth today it's A-Okay to dress like a slut, make-out with boys at nine andf lose your virginity at eleven. There are elven year olds who have gotten pregnant too...and that is just plain pathetic.

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Wow. I never watched that stuff from way back. All I remember is the Care Bears.

What do you guys think of new kids tv from the 2000s?


Horrible. It's all horrible. I'm shocked at the things they call kids shows now.


:laughingsmiley: General consensus: TV just ain't what it used to be.

Also, Boy Meets World was one of my favourite shows! Until they started growing up. Then it got all serious and I didn't like it. But I was little at the time.


I couldn't agree more Livvy. Things have changed so much, and not for the better. I loved Boy Meets World. Or Home Improvement. Or back when there was TGIF. My family used to get pizza on Friday nights and we'd watch TGIF together.


So I guess I'm the nerd who was reading books and tinkering with computers while everyone else was watching TV? :P


Nope! I loved reading. I was a regular at the libraries, public and school. The school librarian would set aside any of the Wizard of Oz books for me, because I read them over and over. And as for computers, I grew up around them thanks to my dad, so when we were required to bring 100 of an item, I brought in keyboard keys. And 2 words: Chip's Challenge. :yes:

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Hank Azaria is awesome though. He's done Moe, Apu, Carl, Comic Book Guy etc.


Hank is incredible. And he did alright in Night at the Musium: Battle of the Smithsonian. But I doubt anything will go in a positive direction in this movie.


So there was convo about Katy Pery up there so:


We were talking about how Katy Perry is in the Smurfs Movie.

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Yeah, I know that it was about Katy Perry in the Smurf's movie. I just wanted to say something else about Katy Perry.


She actually isnt that bad of a singer. She just sings HORRIBLE songs!

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No, I just don't like her at all. Her singing is sub-par, and the meaning of her songs are pointless.


Who cares if you kissed a girl and just so happened to like it? Do I give a crap about your California Girls?

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Exactly!!! There are a few singers who I enjoy listening to when they hit really high notes or with a weird pitch, but ugh the way Katy Perry sings makes me want to kick her in the face. So many of my friends love her... I just don't understand why.

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All of her songs are god-awful. No matter who's in it with her, it's gonna suck.


In NY, people mostly go crazy for Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Jay-Z, Justin Bieber, and Emienem. Emienem is the only rapper I like, so I'll respect that, but the others are terrible no matter what.

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Hmm. I must live weirdly. I know the current songs but I've never heard them.

I simply immerse myself in anime music... :P

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