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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Why would anyone grieve over meat? I know it was about the loss of a loved one, or multiple ones. But my mother didn't deseve to die so soon. She was only 43.


She clearly said that she wasn't grieving over meat. :mellow:

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She clearly said that she wasn't grieving over meat. :mellow:


Exactly, which is why I stated the obvious fact that grieving over meat is a stupid thing to do. Read the rest of the post please, before you make a spiteful comment.

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We need something to counter all this depression...


Chocolate anyone? :D


(yes, I appear to be bringing the topic back to food again xD )

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I'm very depressed right now. My summer has NOT worked at all for me.


Mine either. My grandpa died, my grandma has had two hearts attacks (they can't find a reason for either), I've been used at least twice, didn't kiss the girl I said I would cause of another girl (who I have yet to see again), I can't find the guts to ask out this amazing girl who likes me back, and most of the other girls I like have moved on to other guys.


Not to mention just overall 2010 sucking with: my dad having a heart attack, my cousin havbing a stroke, my friend having her baby 7 weeks early, and my multiple injuries and bullying I get daily.


I think I need an anti-depressant. -sigh-

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Did I see Laura? :O

Yes you did! :D Awesome-ness indeed!


Bleh, school starts in an hour. :(

It seems my efforts to counter all the depression are rather futile. xD

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Well, I might as well join in then...


I totally screwed up a scholarship interview yesterday. Not only did I completely lack confidence when speaking (read: I sounded like an idiot), but it turns out that about half of the interview was conducted in Malay. And I, ah, only know a couple of words in Malay. x_x Oh well, there were plenty of other people who deserved the scholarship a lot more than I did.


So yeah - very minor troubles compared to all of yours, but at least I'm chiming in. :P

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Yay for depressing stuff! xD

Ryan, that was a very interesting oxymoron-ish statement. :laughingsmiley: Isn't the humour you can find in English wonderful?

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Ahh... and now I wish Metroid was still here. The greatest concocter of puns TDN has ever known... *nostalgia*

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A poem about nostalgia? :O Now that sounds like a topic I could write with feeling... that is, if I were any good at poetry. xD

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On top of what Noog listed, there was some unrefined insanity, some ice cream, some arguments, some OMG LIVVY'S BACK, some lamenting of the missing ICers, and some quilting while visiting other planets.


I think the quilting while planet visiting was amazing. That was such an awesome night. :yes:


We need something to counter all this depression...


Chocolate anyone? :D


(yes, I appear to be bringing the topic back to food again xD )


Chocolate sounds amazing. What kind?

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Ahh... and now I wish Metroid was still here. The greatest concocter of puns TDN has ever known... *nostalgia*


We need some more comics -_-


Bleh, chocolate :/

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TDN comics or just awesome comics in general?


Lengendary super pwnsome comics by none other than Metroid. I'm sure the thread can be found if you dig down deep enough.

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