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Giovanni Gale

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On 3/20/2010 at 8:13 AM, divyadamini said:

IC: Insanity Crew! Ahhhh! Now it all makes sense. I didnt understand what you guys were talking about but now it kinda makes sense to me! :D


Yes, listen to the tale of the TDN groups...


Back then (like in January), TDN was split into 4 groups. The first (and oldest) was the Insanity Crew (Ruto, Livvy, Myles, etc.). You also had the Historical Alliance of Meepits and Squrriels, or HAMS (SS, Tyler, CAV, [removed], etc.). There was a shortly lived group known best as "That group Co made to kill everyone" (Co, and a lot of fake meepits). And the final group were of the neutrals (You, Stephie, HBK, etc.) that didn't join the 3 major groups. Since then, the groups changed. Here are they're status.


HAMS: Extremely active, leading group of TDN (currently taking over other sites)

Insanity Crew: Inactive, nearly disbanded

Co's Meepits: Disbanded (disbanded when defeated by HAMS)


So the only group you can join, is HAMS. Or you can stay neutral, they choice is yours.

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omg lol so many new people dfsfdsfsd its been so long



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It does seem rather quiet on here. When I first started coming on here, there were always tons of posts all day while I was at work. Now there's a lot of time in between. I always enjoy when things are nice and active.

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Tyler! I know right? I kind of...disappeared off of the face of the earth for a little while there. Major stressors goin on. But I should be good for awhile. :P


How've you been?

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Yeah. School, the school musical (which is now over, thank goodness), my driver's test, confirmation, ugh. Too much at once. And I still haven't done anything worthwile today. /fails

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I agree. Have you eer gotten sch a hugh fever you become delusional?


And hey Tyler, we could try circulating HAMS members from other sites to here and increase the activity a bit.


Also, where have you been, Domino?




And finally, [removed] says he's back now but e has yet to post...

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I dislike going to school and I dislike not going. It's weird o_O

edit: ya, I'm really happy [removed] is back. =D

good idea, do you know if Alexis plays neopets?, then it will be normal for her to be here

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Where have I been? I've been stressin.' There's just not enough time in the day for everything...although now that some of it is over, I should be good for ahwile...idk. I just want to be able to just...chill. You know?

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Hi Domino. Glad to see you back here for a bit.


I'm only here half the week because of work. Otherwise, I wouldn't be. Too much stuff going on at home. My husband's mom has been in the hospital for a week now and there's no indication of her getting to go home soon. Not to mention my mom's health is bad. Ironically, my mom has a ton of medical issues in common with my mother-in-law.

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