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xD Never gonna look at GI Joe the same way again.


Jeez, Will! Haven't you seen a doctor yet?

Well my mom says it might still just be a sprain or something, so she wants to wait until tomorrow.


GO GET TAPE! :O Tape it up to fix it!

Funny thing is, that's what I have for it. The school nurse taped my finger to the one next to it so it would move around.

Well my mom says it might still just be a sprain or something, so she wants to wait until tomorrow.


Well I hope your finger doesn't fall off by tomorrow. D:


I fixed my site up a bit.


I even installed a forum on it.


& guess what happens?


I had just linked 2 other sites I go to to it, & I'm in the middle of messing around with settings, when the webhost decides it's time to check for malicious content (It's a free host, so they have to do that as a security measure)


loooooool :| what great timing


Shouldn't that be properly scheduled or something?


It seems this has turned into a very painful topic. xD


I wish I were a toe. Then I could attack people with my nail after I don't cut it for 2 years.


And you have you're own website Myles? Awsome! Me and my freind Gabe have been meaning to make an MMO for 2 years now and we have everything planned out, then we realized, we have no idea how to construct a website. xDDD


We're still working though! I beleive I just made a few hats the other day. Only compatible with squirrels though. Not beavers. I need to make beaver hats.


Speaking of people with their own websites, I'll put in a plug for the one Cameron, Brittney and I are working on (based on a contest we started here on TDN too!): Mastery of The Arts


I feel bad for Klade. The owner of one of the websites I go on.


One of our two dogs died. It feels horrible.


His name was Casey, a small light-brown-ish dog, I think he was 2 years old.


Apparently the car that hit him just went off... what an [insert word here].


I'll try not to make it affect you guys too much. However, I'll probably be taking a break from TPM until the end of Christmas break, but I'm not sure. Probably won't.


If I hear of anybody messing with me *Nox or Levi* you'll regret it. And you won't just be IP banned.


No, no, no, no.


Sorry for my swearing earlier.


That's the version of her news post she edited after a few hours. The first post dropped a... certain word 5 or 6 times I beleive. I feel really bad for him. D:


I do find the part towards Nox and Levi(Two hackers/spammers that mess with the site alot)kinda funny though. Especially before she had edited it. xDDD


That's... sad. :(


Although personally, I'd find a spam attack kinda flattering. xD


I'm actually working on 2 sites.


One is my personal site, on free hosting, which I still don't know what to do with.

The other is on paid hosting. It's the site for a charity fundraiser.


both have basically nothing on them right now xD


Haha Myles was amazing. He and I were tagteaming at one point and got in 8-10 posts per minute :P


It's just a way to not do work for me. I like not doing work. Yay procrastination.

And it lets me feel productive xD

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