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Some were really cool, too. I'm trying to remember them, just for the sake of not forgetting it.


But they're slipping away from my mind... I can only remember certain tiny things in each one. Eh, I have a bad memory in general.


I always have random dreams. When one person morphs into someone else and then the scene changes. I don't really notice.

My last part of my dream last night was when I was 'running' around the mall and avoiding shoplifters... :eh:


@Revenge: Write down what you remember and the rest may come to you later.


Last night I dreamed... Hm... I don't think I dreamed last night. Sad. =\ Oh well! When I do dream, they're usually really boring and/or weird.


~ Livvy


Well you don't have to write it here. Just write it somewhere. On the back of a receipt or something. On your arm. On your shoes. Wherever.

(My friend seriously writes on her shoes. They're very colorful now.)


~ Livvy


Um... wow... my worst was probably about PG-13 maybe. Maybe just PG. I have a fairly clean mind. I'm innocent. 0:)


~ Livvy


It depends on how you see things. Like, um, my dreams are never really that violent...


Even after a horror film. I actually laughed a lot watching the unrated Night of the Living Dead remake.


*wrings out wet hair*

No, I have a perfectly good reason for disliking jelly. When I was little, I had to take this medicine. It came in a capsule, but you can open the capsule and get the meds out so little people like me would actually be able to swallow it. So when I was like 2, mum would put the little pieces of medicine in jelly on a spoon and make me eat it. But here's the thing: That medicine burns if it stays on your tongue for too long, which it frequently did. Therefore, I have been poisoned against jelly since I was 2.


~ Livvy


When you say jelly, do you mean it as in jam you put on toast or the wriggling dessert? Uh, not that it really wriggles... but you know what I mean! I never know what type people are talking about :P.


(I'm typing 1-handed b/c Silver (my cat) is on my other arm, so I'll prob. use more abbreviations than normal.)


When I say 'jelly', I mean the kind u spread on toast or put in a doughnut. The 'wriggling dessert' kind is Jell-O. But maybe that's a southern thing. =P


~ Livvy


It's an American thing I think! Here in New Zealand, the dessert is jelly and toast stuff is jam. Funny how different countries call things different names.


Wow you guys were busy this afternoon.


But I agree with Livvy. I prefer glazed donuts over jelly filled donuts.


And here in America, it's all just called jelly. Sometimes the dessert jelly is called Jell-o, but that's really just a brand name.


Then calling all wiggly deserts 'Jell-O' must be a southern thing. =]


It is curious how different countries call the same things different names. Especially the country itself! Why is it Spain to us but Espagne to the people living in it? Why don't we just call it Espagne?


~ Livvy


I've always wondered that too! Like Japan is Nihon, where did Japan come from?! Why doesn't everyone just call it Nihon? Maybe it was a lack of communication or something...


No but I live up north and we sometimes call it Jell-O.


China is Zhongguo. Germany is Deutschland. I think it's cause we're Americans and we can say things however we want :P.


But I actually think it's the same way that Peking was Beijing. People named themselves places before they new the name.


So who's watching the Super Bowl?


GAH! Nobody's posting :(


I'll just keep editing this until someone does. Sooooo boorrreedd.




Haha, wow, I was about to say:

*dies due to silence* x_x


I, unfortunately, am doing homework rather than watching the superbowl. Even watching football would be better than doing an outline of the most boring history textbook ever. And then doing pre-cal homework. And then writing an essay for English in the full knowledge that the teacher will never read it. And... yea. That's what my night is gonna be. =\


So, is anything remotely interesting (besides the superbowl) happening on your end of cyberspace?


~ Livvy




Lol yeah, I'm doing homework too, but I'm also watching the Super Bowl at the same time. I can multitask :P


So for homework, I have to read 4 stories from a collection of short stories and I was reading this one where there's this really funny part.

So here goes:

I said, "Dad, Grandma puts gravy on her ice cream."


"She gets a little confused, Benny."


"She also gets bad ice cream. How do you know that won't happen to you?"


"I don't like ice cream."


"Neither does Grandma. She thinks it's mashed potatoes."

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