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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Wow I was gone for one day, and I just spent probably like the last 20 minutes reading this. Three pages!


But yeah, I could afford to build one, but I think I'd probably screw it up somehow and waste all my money trying. And I want a laptop anyway, not a desktop computer.

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:O Revenge...erm...I mean, Master, you've reached 1,111 posts!


But yeah, I'm not too sure I'd be smart enough to do it. It seems so complicated. And I hardly have any time anyway, yknow with these things called "school" and "music".

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Eh? Master? What are you on, I'm not AA, you don't have to call me that.


Ha! I just ruined my interesting post count! Now I won't care till 119 posts later! Ooh, I can't wait till I get 1337 posts... which isn't 119 posts later, but 1221 is still cool, right?

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Oh, I remember when I was at 1337 posts. And also at 1234. *dreams back*


Right. That was interesting. Anyways, enjoy your next special post count, whenever that is. :)

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The one I had last night made me feel really happy, and really regretful at the same time. I liked the dream, and I remember it vividly, but I feel so sad thinking about it now...


Plus, curiosity can't kill a cat unless it kills the cat 9 times. And neither can a meteorite.


...Though that would be funny...

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I recently dreamed I was going out with my best guy friend, and the entire dream I was thinking, No, this isn't right. We shouldn't be dating. It's better if we're just friends, remember? Why?? No... It was pretty scary. I woke myself up from it.


~ Livvy

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Okay... Myles: Disturbing as in, they upset me. Like, one of my friends getting pregnant, or someone dying, or the world spiralling into turmoil (but that's kind of going there anyway :P) ...that kind of disturbing.


And as to who it was in my dream last night.... it was the guy I asked to turnabout.

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Why thank you.


But I didn't dream i because I like him or anything. We're friends, but I think he likes me. So I was just wondering if he was going to take this as the initiative to ask me out. And then it turned into a dream. :/

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I had a dream like that before. Nothing to do with a turnaround or anything, just a random dream that a guy asked me out. (NOT the one I mentioned earlier.) About two weeks later he did. I turned him down. Just friends is best in some cases.


In the event that he asks, what are you gonna say? (Or is that too nosy?)


~ Livvy

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Disturbing as in, they upset me. Like, one of my friends getting pregnant
kinda reminds me of something funny & weird. My parents told me that if I ever come home pregnant, they'd kick my out of the house ;b




I'm going to have my brother help me set up a account on a site sometime so I can do surveys to get enough money for my computer (enough money probably in a year ;b)

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