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It's another one of my roleplay emoticons. Another way to weep and sweat-drop. -snort- Wimps are the ones in the news.

In today's top 20 posters, I just reached my personal best.


I took a screenie, but I can't upload it here right now, It was 69 posts.

Cool. I'm #4 :D. 24 posts....I must say that's probably my best so far/


I'm not on (Blame school!!) Enough for me to do that. -sigh-

I'm not on (Blame school!!) Enough for me to do that. -sigh-

Lol I'd have the same problem...

Except today, we didn't have school.

Cool. I'm #4 :D . 24 posts....I must say that's probably my best so far/
yeah, I've had nothing to do for over a day, so I've been working on it.post-6940-1226708547_thumb.png


got the pick, upload thingy doesn't seem to like bitmap images...


I almost immediately replied to any post I had a reply to, that and a lot of time. Very slow place during the day for me.


Edit: read the instructions, Forum Fun / Word Games section counts no posts...


No, it doesn't count toward Top 20 posters of the day. That only takes into account real posts.


-coughs- I really hate being sick... And nocturnal.


Poor you...I got in infected by those 'guys' in my class last last week.

Luckily with some meds and two days off school, missing out on athletics, Igot better in a week.

It sucks being sick. Especially when its not your fault.


I haven't been sick (as in sick enough to stay home from school) in a year or so. xD But I did have a pretty big headache on Tuesday or Wednesday. I forget. xD

I hate being sick, but the good part is, you sometimes get to miss school. ^_^ Only if it's bad enough...


Personally, I hate to miss school, most of the time.

This is the year where I get to learn the most and I don't wanna miss stuff out. Usually I get left out so if I miss out on something, I doubt the teacher would notice :sad01_anim:


It's a little creepy how in all the even-numbered grades, I always get perfect attendance-and in the odd-numbered grades, I usually miss at least a day of school. :guiltysmiley: I swear, I hope I don't break that streak this year XD


Well, I always fake cramping so... -snort- Oddly enough it says only day was missed.

I haven't been sick (as in sick enough to stay home from school) in a year or so. xD But I did have a pretty big headache on Tuesday or Wednesday. I forget. xD

I hate being sick, but the good part is, you sometimes get to miss school. ^_^ Only if it's bad enough...

That's not a good part when it's impossible to go...


I got half of my usual amount of sleep, and I'm more awake than usual :laughingsmiley:


Eh, I'm just a little peeved. >>;; I hate Petpage applications. I cannot use Photoshop to save my life.

Eh, I'm just a little peeved. >>;; I hate Petpage applications. I cannot use Photoshop to save my life.
lol, photoshop is for skilled people, I'm working in MS paint right now ;b



Edit: My new creation is now in my signature, which is right below this post if you haven't already figured that out.

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