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Giovanni Gale

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:O Aargh, it's an Adobe Flash object! Run!!!


On a lighter note, Brisingr finally arrived over here - I have a copy just waiting to be read once my exams finish. ^_^

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Do you know which version? I can't see anything more than 7.
Which version of what? If it's flash, probably the most recent one because they just recently started converting to it.


As a side note, if you have firefox AND the flashblock add on, you need to allow flash from the site if it is to work.

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I wish I had a Wii. I have no money, though. :( I tried to tell my parents that they play GC games too, but they aren't convinced yet. :/
lolololololol, trying to get parents to let you get videogames, I know what it's like, took me over a year to get my parents to let me get my xbox 360, and used, for about half price with 2 games and 2 controllers.
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Video games are pretty much forbidden in my family - doesn't stop my resourceful little brother though. XD


So what you're saying is, we're not going to be seeing you for a few weeks? :P

Well my last exam is later today (Engineering Physics), so my absence period should only be about 5 hours. 3 for the exam, 2 for the book. :yes:

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Because AA is genius-boy like that. He only needs two hours for a huge book like that.


...Well actually, he only needs .1232132 milliseconds, but he figured he deserved a break so he'd take off the rest of the time. But shhh.... it's a secret. ;)



Hey AA, maybe you can help me with this. I'm doing a project on Strep Throat at a cellular level, andI need to know what the normal function of tonsil and pharnyx cells are, how their structures are related to their functions, how strep manifests itself in the cell as in what part of the cell is noticably effected, and.... yeah thats it. XD



Any chance you might just happen to know that off the top of your head? ;D Seeing how genious-boy-ish you are and all. XD

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Tonsil and pharynx cells? Aren't there several different types of cells making up the tonsils and pharynx? o_O At any rate I'm not a medical expert or anything, so I can't come up with much off the top of my head. XD


And Brisingr isn't that long, it's just about average sized - you'll find many people who can read it faster than I can. :yes:

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Aww... and you were supposed to be a genius boy. XD


Anyway, I found my answer. However, what I'm lacking in the correct information, I'm making up for big words and in-depth explanations of what I do have that is right. :thumbsup:


But now I feel sick... so lets see if I even get to turn this in. :sick01:

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Aww... and you were supposed to be a genius boy. XD


Anyway, I found my answer. However, what I'm lacking in the correct information, I'm making up for big words and in-depth explanations of what I do have that is right. :thumbsup:


But now I feel sick... so lets see if I even get to turn this in. :sick01:

Maybe you'll get extra credit for bringing in actual infected cells :O That is, if your getting strep. Besides, if you are sick, why not try to get more people to get sick and share your suffering :evil:
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All this talk of getting sick isn't exactly the best topic.

So, Genius Boy, AA, Whatever you want me to call you, or anyone else...

Solve this?


The name of the game is Petals Around the Rose. The name of the game is important. Your mission is to work out this problem and become a Potentate of the Rose.



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