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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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While we're on the subject, don't count us out yet, Roo Island for the win! I mean, we got a whole new island this year so I say more good things will come :woot: :king:


I should get me a new nifty sig/avatar combo like all you cool kids

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Talking abut the Altador Cup, are you? I guess I'm the only one here who will be with Moltara for the second time. I'm just hoping they won't get last place, even if it's the place above last place.


And I've already deceided what my next name in June will be...

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Moltara. Out of all teams, Moltara.

*tries not to make a joke*


Anyway, Shenkuu will win. Antola is fluffing out their golden majestic trophy case as we speak. b) And Foltaggio is still a Shenkuu-er at heart.

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If you're into avatar collecting, you get an avatar for reaching Rank 1, so there's an incentive to play more, and at least reach rank 1 :D

Ahhhh, really? Hahaha I'm even more keen to participate as much as I can! It's always the little things that motivate people the most =D.

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Ugj, finals next week and ive managed to get sick two consecutive thursdays, and remain sick until the next day. I have so much to do, and my body chooses to make me miserable now. ;~;

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I'm taking with what Kaito said about getting to Rank 1.

Knowing that there will be 24 days of the Altador Cup, I'm going to have to play harder thank ever if I want to score a higher-tier prize like a Paint Brush. I'll try to maintain around 100 Yooyuball games minimum a day this year so I can show some support for my team. It won't be easy maintaining a good Altador Cup record this year while watching over TDN at the same time, but I'll see what I can pull off to increase support for my team otherwise.


Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together. :)

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I've never been able to get that avatar, mostly because school starts in June over here and I always get caught up in schoolwork instead of YYB. I know, I should really get my priorities straight :P


In other news...Diablo 3, Diablo 3, Diablo 3! It's like Christmas!!

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:D I've been waiting for Diablo 3, but I'm extremely disappointed that it's online only. I don't want to be able to play with other people. My husband and I always set up a LAN for Diablo 2, so we could play together. We were able to do it even when we didn't have internet at the time. This changes everything.

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It kind of made me want to scream at first, because the internet connection in my house is dodgy at best and I was expecting the worst when the servers opened up, but so far I've been doing alright, enjoying making monsters go boom with my crossbow. I'm sort of glad it's online, though. I've left many friends in many countries so it helps me keep gaming with them even when I'm so far away xD And my brother is in Australia, we used to LAN too, but it's great that I can have a tank even when he's not home.


And thankfully most places I'll ever have to go to has decent internet. Not like I'd actually go to a Starbucks to game...but yeah.


I'm going to say it again...it's like Christmas!!!

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The AC starts on the 25th, right? that's the day after my school ends. :D I'll be hoping to get a paintbrush or something, but I won't waste my points.

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