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Giovanni Gale

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Cool sword, Manta. ^^




ROFL. We just set off a bunch if fireworks in the street and two ended up being super loud. The neighbors knocked on their wondow and glared at us. I'm so proud. x)

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By the way Manta, is that a real sword? I always thought it was the ones you get at the toy stores.

I had a toy sword when I was 10 or something. I'm not into owning real weapons in my house. :P


Any 4th of July plans since that day is nearing us?

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I hate July that includes the 4th. I hate July because I start Summer school, it's too hot out(well with me it's always to hot out), and I hate fireworks. If you could do fireworks where I live(I don't know if you can or not) the neighboors Jack Russel Terriers would be going nuts the entire night.


Speaking of Summer school, I'll have to deal those kids who want to hug and touch me....wait. This just came to mind, what if the guy that I love ever so much refused to hug me in a very nasty way. Not that he would or anything because his heart is made of sugary goo.

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I probably won't do anything for the Fourth as usual. I'm just not that big on celebrations/picnics/etc- and plus, it's going to rain tomorrow. So there's really not all that much I can do tomorrow. xD

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Also I love Pokemon.


Pokemon is one of my favorites :P I only stick to one team because I'm too lazy to arrange my PC boxes into teams.


My Team:














I am guilty of the Action Replay but only after I beat the game.

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The fireworks in my area took place on the 30th if I remember correctly. (It's kind of an odd time to have 4th of July fireworks. xP) They were set off in one of the high school's fields, and since I live near the high school, I was able to catch a view of the fireworks. :woot:

Needless to say, it was awesome.

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There's a fireworks show in our town park tonight, but there's going to be a storm here shortly . . . dunno if we're still having one, but my husband, myself, & some buddies are gonna set off some little smoke bombs & sparklers & stuff in our backyard :)

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I don't have any plans. I'll probably be too tired to go out after work, so we'll probably see what we can see from our apartment. (We live pretty close to the park that does the fireworks.)

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Mwahahaha! My dad bought a 70 dollar firework. It'll last for 8 minutes. It has the most powder allowed by law. I think im in love. :wub_anim:

I'm so freaking excited, probably gonna film it going off. xP

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I'm a girl who pefers to wear guys t-shirts because I feel like I'm being constricted in womens shirts.....is that unnatural?


I wanna wear this next time I go to therapy! It's a black shirt that reads "I disagree with everything you have ever said". Random find at Hot Topic.

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