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Pet peeves, we all have them.


Mine include chatspeak and this includes things like "u and ur"

When people mix up "your" and "you're."

When people mix up "then" and "than."

Younger teens who thinks it's cool to do bad things.

Being interrupted.

When pedestrians think because they have the right of way, they can just walk in front of you without looking.

When people say your opinion is wrong.

When people compare Digimon and Pokemon. Come on, they are completely different. I could go into a long huge rant about how they are different. But I won't


So many more I will add later. xD

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Pet peeves, or what grinds my gears?


One of them: Getting blasted endlessly by the Snowager, and still not getting the avatar for it.


Probably the abuse of moderator power (*cough* Neoboards *cough*). I have a couple others, but I can't think of any more off the top of my head.


I have pet peeves for bad grammar, bad spelling, and annoying laughs.


When pedestrians think because they have the right of way, they can just walk in front of you without looking.

THISSS. Oh man. It's an epidemic where I live, especially after friggin midnight, while wearing all black. Seethe. Also, people (read: rich people at my job) talking down at me as if they know me. There are tons more, but those are what I've been irritated with lately.


more pet peeves of mine....


When all we hear about is Cancer awareness. I personally think we should focus on other deadly diseases that aren't as well known. Not give up on Cancer stuff but all I hear is about pink ribbon cancer. I mean, it's ridiculous.


When people go to artist youtube videos just to say how much they suck and how much they hate each other.


When people make more money on reality shows than people that work hard almost every day do in a year. I find that ridiculous. I feel the more respected jobs should make more money but our society does not work this way.


Bullying. It's crap. Why bother? Does it make you feel better about yourself?


TNT freezing for ridiculous reasons.


People who argue just for the sake of arguing

When people try to shove their opinions, lifestyles, beliefs etc.. in your head

Trolls(on the internet)

Racism of any sort

People who do stuff like this: "You don't listen to country music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck is wrong with you???????????!!!!!!!!!"

People who blow their nose in front of you, especially in restaurants

People who can't sit through a youtube video with out feeling the need to make a comment about Justin Bieber. Seriously?! The music I listen to has no relevance or similarities to him!


The majority of the people at my school

'kay, I know it sounds really cliche, but it's true.

You have your annoying sophomores who think they're cool because they're not freshmen anymore which automatically gives them the right to make fun of them, jerks, jocks, jerk jocks, those fake scene chicks with the tacky colourful plastic bead bracelets, [usually] white kids who try to be ghetto or hardcore or something like that, the upperclassmen with obnoxiously loud Mitsubishis, the smart kids, the girls who hook up with most of the guys in their grade and publicly talk about it, etc.

And the teachers aren't any better.

Ah, public high school is such a fun, enriching and all-around wonderful experience.


People who get really mad at you when you curse

even when you say something that isn't technically cursing (like "crap")

I have friends that do this and hfsjshddfhs it just annoys me to no end.

Honestly, I don't even curse that much compared to other kids in my school. If a "what the hell was that" or "holy crap" slips out every once in a while, it isn't the end of the world.


Wen my frans txt like dis

Its da most annoyin thing eva. Maybe im a lil biased bc I almost always take da time 2 type out all my words, as if im writin an email or sumthin.


People who try and discourage you from your dreams

I hate hate hate hate this. A few months ago I was having pizza with my friends and I was talking about how I wanted to become a lawyer. One of my friends was like "oh you wouldnt be a very good lawyer honey you should just give up on that dream now!!!"

Not gonna lie, but I was really close to crying (and slapping her in the face).


People who always talk about their love interests

I do not give a rat's arse about your snuggly wuggly pookie bear of a boyfriend.

People who are like this

"hiiiiiii! XDDDD im so random ORANGE POLKA DOTTED NARWHAL seeeee???? XDD cheese!! lol did i mention im random??? :PPPP"


Annoying fangirls/fanboys

needs no explanation.


People who use the word "swag"

as something that doesn't mean goods, items, or ornamental festoons (yes, that is one definition for "swag"), but instead as a word for "cool," "the way you carry yourself," etc.

ex.: You see that kid Johnny over there? He's got so much swag it's not even funny.

Moral of the story, please refrain form using the word "swag" unless you are talking about items. Thanks.


Chain texts

"FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: txt dis w/ only ur pinky finger and send it to 20 people and your true love is gonna give you a magical kiss! THIS REALLY WORKS!!!!!!!"

No, it doesn't. I never forwarded any of this crap. It's not like I have 20 people to send it to anyway.

People who use random Japanese words in conversation

Ugh. I have friends who are like this. Thank god they're not the type of people who think everything is kawaii desu ne.

People who are like this:

"im such a female dog (because I can't say the b-word here) lol."

Also, people who think they're so deep and inspirational!!! by saying things like "everyone is beautiful," "life is beautiful," "love is louder than the pressure to be perfect," et cetera.

Sweetie, you're just about as deep as my bathtub. Or the kiddie pool.


People who always like to look at what you're drawing

This happened to me all the time in grade 6 (and sometimes in grade 7). They'd look over my sketchbook like I was sketching the rough draft for the Mona Lisa or something. Come to think of it, my art style back in grade 6 sucked and everyone seemed to enjoy it for some reason.

Personal space, kids. Respect it.


Yeah. I definitely rambled. I just have a lot of gear-grinders and most of them can't fit in this one post.


When I tell people I don't want kids and they say "You'll change your mind in a year or two." I haven't wanted kids since I was 10 years old. I still don't.


Girls who act like total "uh huhs" online. I don't want to see a picture of you drunk and have "I'm so hot" written under it on a forum.


- People who walk in the street even though there's a sidewalk right next to them.


- Those girls who buy dogs to stuff in a purse and dress up. Dogs aren't accessories.


- Girls who think they're gamers just because they play Halo with their boyfriend, yet still need to be reminded of how to reload.


- People who assume I'm Chinese...because China is the only country in Asia, right? <_<


- Drivers that swerve into your lane and then turn on the turn signal after you had your heart attack.


- People who text, put on makeup, read the paper, shave, etc. while driving.


- The fashion and entertainment industry in general. Beauty can't be bought and stop telling me what beauty is. Also, stop killing animals for a dumb coat.


- The fact that words such as "spoiled" and "brat" are now something to be proud of, so much that they are put on shirts in sparkly letters.


- People who conform to an obvious, generic stereotype and then are offended that they're judged. Be your own person.


Oh gosh.


  • People who cry if something small happens - like you dropped your wallet on the floor. Girl, you can WASH it. Or WIPE it.
  • Dem ppl hu tlk lyk dis bcuz dey all 2 kewl fo uue bbz
  • The people who think they can get away with absolutely anything because the world loves them.
  • People who go "I'm SOOOOOOOO RANDOM!" Dude- if you know you're random, then you're putting in an effort to do so.
  • People who claim to be HIPSTUR and pretend to like HIPSTUR music, even if they don't, because they're HIPSTUR.
  • GRAMMER AND PRONUNCIATION. In case you didn't already know, "then" and "than" are different. And subtle is pronounced "suttle" not "SUB-TEL."


I'm giving my list too! ^_^


  • People who annoy/irritate me.
  • People using too much short forms of words.
  • People saying too much of curse words.
  • People who bug me into liking/loving a guy whom I not like, but he likes (?) me.
  • People who assume I'm a Chinese. (I mean, c'mon, I'm a Malay, can't you not see? Seriously?)
  • People who smoke. (But I can't hate me father!)
  • People who litter.


I'll probably give another list some other time... ^_^


Hehe this topic is awesome, lots of laughs.


A couple of pet peeves of mine are;


- Close minded people For example, religiously hating a food that you aren't even willing to try.


- The word "swag". There is no logic to the way this word is used 90% of the time. Look it up in the urban dictionary then try and equate it to how you hear it in music and public speech, it's so loosely spoken that any concrete meaning behind it just becomes impossible.


- People that walk in groups down the hall or on the street and expect you to get out of the way. If you and 3 friends are walking shoulder to shoulder, why should the one guy minding his own business be at fault for wanting his own space to walk in?


- Slow walkers. I walk very fast and I know this, so this is less of a peeve than the others, but sometimes I can't help but thinking "Do you really walk this slow ? Are you lost ?"


- Facebook. For my age group all facebook is, is a resource for people to start and carry out more problems. That and a way of letting all of the people you know how drunk you are/were.


I share some of my peeves with other people that have replied; but with good reason !


- Jake


- Slow walkers. I walk very fast and I know this, so this is less of a peeve than the others, but sometimes I can't help but thinking "Do you really walk this slow ? Are you lost ?"

Eurgh I know.


I hate it when when getting off an escalator, the people in front of your slow down, and walk slower than the escalator. Then you almost bang into them, and then people behind you bang into you, and... yea. :angry:


OMG yes! People who walk slowly! Especially when they're a group of people (like in the mall or at school) and they manage to block the entire pathway. Rrrgghhh.


People who over use LOL, because they have nothing to say.


People who talk about there boyfriends ALL the time. I mean i have a boyfriend but were not attached at the hip 0:)


People who where "orange" Fake tan, i mean it just makes you look like a orange.


People who expect you to agree with everything that comes out of your mouth

And people who act like they know everything!




Naamah: I would like to get a Draik as a Neopet one day.

Person: Don't you mean Draiko?

Naamah: No, Draik, seriously look on the Neopets website.

Person: I don't need a website! I know for a fact it's DRAIKO!!!!!!!


And then they get insanely mad at you when you try to correct them.


People who expect you to agree with everything that comes out of your mouth

And people who act like they know everything!




Naamah: I would like to get a Draik as a Neopet one day.

Person: Don't you mean Draiko?

Naamah: No, Draik, seriously look on the Neopets website.

Person: I don't need a website! I know for a fact it's DRAIKO!!!!!!!


And then they get insanely mad at you when you try to correct them.

YES!!! This!

I will post here daily xD I dislike it when you make plans, and people cancel on you.

And when people bail out on you in a PW group or something.

And projects that require a long time frame but you're only given like 5 days for it.


When my brother and sister come upstairs and start playing when I want to listen to my music on my own. I have to share my room with my sister, you can imagine how that feels. :tired:


I also hate being teased and made fun of by people who are clearly younger than me.


And being shouted at and told what I "will not" do. :angry:


Hate it when parents scold you for bad grades - as if you didn't already know and aren't upset enough. :/

I hate it most is when one time my parents scold me for failing Literature when they are not even good at that subject themselves!

I can't really blame them for that though.

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