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Kill the ant


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But the ant is ok...




Then I throw the ant into a washing machine full of nails, and glass... I turn it on and the ant is cut into microscopic pieces, then I and a couple friends take sledgehammers to the washing machine and crumple it to a small spec of dust, and then the military does a bomb test and the location of the dust spec is nuked, and if that is not enough, a meteor crashes into the Earth on that very spot. Then I (in a spaceship that cannot be affected by time), press a button that destroys the entire universe. Even the Galaxy is destroyed. There is nothing, except for me outside of time in my spaceship.


Extras: This is not a movie, and this is irreversible. The ant is gone forever. No way for the ant to ever come back. No other ants. No time travel. Nothing. It is the real ant. Not a fake ant. Gone. Done. Board locked. I win.

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But then the movie ends.




Then I throw the ant into a washing machine full of nails, and glass... I turn it on and the ant is cut into microscopic pieces, then I and a couple friends take sledgehammers to the washing machine and crumple it to a small spec of dust, and then the military does a bomb test and the location of the dust spec is nuked, and if that is not enough, a meteor crashes into the Earth on that very spot. Then I (in a spaceship that cannot be affected by time), press a button that destroys the entire universe. Even the Galaxy is destroyed. There is nothing, except for me outside of time in my spaceship.


Extras: This is not a movie, and this is irreversible. The ant is gone forever. No way for the ant to ever come back. No other ants. No time travel. Nothing. It is the real ant. Not a fake ant. No way for the universe to be recreated. Gone. Done. Board locked. I win.

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But then I play good music, and the ant wants to hear it, and comes back to life.




Then I throw the ant into a washing machine full of nails, and glass... I turn it on and the ant is cut into microscopic pieces, then I and a couple friends take sledgehammers to the washing machine and crumple it to a small spec of dust, and then the military does a bomb test and the location of the dust spec is nuked, and if that is not enough, a meteor crashes into the Earth on that very spot. Then I (in a spaceship that cannot be affected by time), press a button that destroys the entire universe. Even the Galaxy is destroyed. There is nothing, except for me outside of time in my spaceship.


Extras: This is not a movie, and this is irreversible. The ant is gone forever. No way for the ant to ever come back. No other ants. No time travel. Nothing. It is the real ant. Not a fake ant. Not a lie. No way for the universe to be recreated. Gone. Done. Board locked. I win.

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The ant gets so bored of you trying to kill it in the same way, that it just walks away before you have chance to.


I get angry at making lots of typing mistakes so I thow my keyboard at the ant.

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But the ant manages to keep on going.




I use my Big Red Button that destroys every single particle. In a mere millisecond there is nothing left but pure nothingness.


Extras: This is not a movie, and this is irreversible. This happened. No way to make it not happen. The ant is gone forever. No way for the ant to ever come back. No other ants. No time travel. Nothing. It is the real ant. Not a fake ant. Not a lie. No way for the universe to be recreated. Gone. Done. Board locked. I win.

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God creates everything again, except for you, who he locks up in a chamber never to be released, and you're dead as well. So you can't do anything from insdie the chamber and you don't have any way to kill the ant. You could still post here and say thing that would naturally happen to the ant. :)


The ant gets burned and dies.

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But God sees the evil you have done to the ant in which killing it in the slowest, most painful, torturous way and lets me free and revives the ant.





I use my Big Red Button that destroys every single particle. In a mere millisecond there is nothing left but pure nothingness.


Extras: This is not a movie, and this is irreversible. This happened. No way to make it not happen. The ant is gone forever. No way for the ant to ever come back. No other ants. No time travel. Nothing. No revival. It is the real ant. Not a fake ant. Not a lie. No way for the universe to be recreated. Gone. Done. Board locked. I win.

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But the anteater is on Pluto.






I use my Big Blue Button that destroys every single particle. In a mere millisecond there is nothing left but pure nothingness.


Extras: This is not a movie, and this is irreversible. This happened. No more Javi. No more Khaos. No way to make it not happen. The ant is gone forever. No way for the ant to ever come back. No other ants. No time travel. Nothing. No revival. It is the real ant. Not a fake ant. Not a lie. No way for the universe to be recreated. Gone. Done. Board locked. I win.

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But the ant gets surgery and is fine. (+ I am fixed, and let free.)




I use my Big Green Button that destroys every single particle. In a mere millisecond there is nothing left but pure nothingness.


Extras: This is not a movie, and this is irreversible. God approved. This happened. No more Javi. No more Khaos. No way to make it not happen. The ant is gone forever. No way for the ant to ever come back. No other ants. No time travel. Nothing. No revival. It is the real ant. Not a fake ant. Not a lie. No way for the universe to be recreated. Gone. Done. Board locked. I win.

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